
Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.

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Affirmative Action Search Waivers Policy

Persons Affected

Faculty, Staff

Policy Statement

The policy of Farmingdale State College is that an open and affirmative action search should be conducted prior to filling a faculty or professional staff vacancy. As in all cases, however, a certain degree of flexibility remains necessary.

In some instances, a vacant position might be filled via the internal promotion process as described in the Internal Promotion Policy. This is perfectly consistent with collective bargaining arrangements, and serves to foster and preserve high employee morale. In other cases, the appointment is of either short duration or is part-time, suggesting that the effort involved in mounting a full search would be impractical, with little likelihood of an enthusiastic applicant response. Emergencies arise as well, and in certain instances, an illness or death of a current employee may leave a department in a situation that simply does not allow for a full search. Accordingly, certain exceptions to the requirement for a full search are necessary.

Search Exceptions

In the following cases, a full, open search is not required, and a waiver from the search procedure need not be sought.

  1. Temp Appointments of one year or less.
  2. Appointments of 50% obligation or less, regardless of duration.
  3. Internal promotion. (However, collective bargaining arrangements may require an on-campus posting).
  4. Upward reclassification/re-titling of a filled position, generally as a result of an increase in professional responsibilities, where no actual vacancy exists. Such reclassification may or may not involve promotion in rank.
  5. Non-renewable, visiting and temp faculty appointments of two years duration or less
  6. Transfer of filled positions (reassignments).

Search Waivers
In unusual circumstances, Farmingdale State College’s interests are best served in foregoing the standard posting and search procedures before making an appointment. Waiver of all or part of the regular search process is appropriate in situations where it can be amply demonstrated that the investment of time and effort in a search is simply not in the Institution's best interest. These may involve critical workload situations with a high cost of breakdown or failure, or emergencies necessitating immediate hiring. In these circumstances, the department or unit should prepare a written request by using the Request for Search Waiver Form. Please be sure when you complete the form to include:

  1. Request to Fill form
  2. Performance Program for the position
  3. The resume/vitae of candidates who may already have been identified, with a description of the process used to locate them.

The documentation should be submitted to the Equity and Diversity Office. The Equity and Diversity Officer will consider, review, and present the request to the Equity and Diversity Committee, at its next regular meeting. In those cases when the committee is not scheduled to meet and where the waiver request is based upon an emergency, the Equity and Diversity Officer will consult with the Equity and Diversity Committee members as appropriate, in order to expedite the review. Along with the supporting documentation, the department's history with respect to hiring from underrepresented groups must be included for consideration. A written determination will be rendered and forwarded to the requesting department.

Policy History

Revised: November 2017


Last Modified 1/27/25