
Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.

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Part Time Recruiting and Hiring Policy

Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to set establish guidelines in the recruitment and hiring of part time employees.

Persons Affected

Faculty, Professional Staff

Policy Statement

It is the policy of Farmingdale State College that all part time professional vacancies, aside from adjunct faculty, be approved through a formal requisition process. While searches are not required, it is considered a best practice and encouraged when possible.


1. For all new part time professional vacancies (excluding adjunct faculty), a Part Time Appointment Authorization Form must be initiated through Interview Exchange before anyone is hired or rehired to a position.
2. Interview Exchange can be accessed through the following link: http://www.interviewexchange.com/login.jsp.
3. New users of Interview Exchange (Forms Module), must email hr@farmingdale.edu for access to the system.
4. Hiring departments should follow the IE – Part Time Appointment Authorization Guide.pdf to initiate the Part Time Appointment Authorization Form for each part time professional vacancy. Task 1 of the authorization form is the Part Time Request to Fill and will be routed for approvals. Once Task 1 is approved, the originator of the form will receive an e-mail directing them to complete Task 2 of the authorization form which is the Part Time Appointment Notice.
5. All part time professional vacancies must be posted online where the candidate can apply. Hiring departments must email the Recruitment Manager at hr@farmingdale.edu for assistance with this process.
6. Once a candidate is selected, the hiring manager must contact the Recruitment Manager at HR@farmingdale.edu to initiate the onboarding process.
7. All new hire employees must complete all required onboarding, which includes a background check and new hire paperwork before starting. Hiring managers will receive an e-mail from the Recruitment Manager confirming the completion of the background check and the completion of onboarding once the new hire completes their I-9 with Human Resources.

Under no circumstances should any employee be working on the campus without background clearance and onboarding clearance from Human Resources.

Responsible Office

Human Resources

Policy History

Revised Date: 4/29/24
Effective Date:
Supersedes issue of: 9/9/1


Last Modified 1/27/25