Writing Center Paper Review Online (WC-PRO)
Writing Center Paper Review Online (WC-PRO) is an asynchronous tutoring service. Students can submit their writing project by signing-up for a time slot in Bookings and completing the online form in their confirmation email.
WC-PRO tutors are trained to provide global feedback for development and improvement on any writing project in any course. Global or higher-order concerns (HOCs) include: organization, thesis, audience, purpose, and overall focus. Our goal is to elevate your writing with the flexibility of asynchronous tutoring.
To understand more if asynchronous tutoring is right for your project, please read below about what to expect and answers to commonly asked questions.
Important Information
- All services are for currently enrolled students.
- We offer services for all students at any point in their academic career.
- Writing tutors work on all projects in any subject or class including group projects.
- WC-PRO is only for drafts. Students who wish to receive feedback on outlines, questions, single thesis statements, or a list of ideas must book an individual tutoring appointment.
- WC-PRO is not an editing or instructional service. We may recommend an individual tutoring appointment for more in-depth, one-on-one instruction.
Sign-up Policy
Students may submit any work up to five, double-spaced pages and will receive written feedback to their FSC email within three business days. Multiple paper submissions are accepted; however, separate time slots and forms must be filled out for each project. Projects are reviewed in the order they are received and processed Monday through Thursday at 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 3:00 PM and Fridays at 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM.
All papers must be submitted by signing-up for a time slot in Bookings and completing the form in the confirmation email. Papers will not be reviewed without a sign-up confirmation in Bookings.
The Writing Center follows the Tutoring Center's Student Tutoring Agreement, and it is recommended you review this document prior to your first appointment.
A student may have their privileges suspended or limited at the Director's discretion. This includes:
- Missing three appointments per semester without calling to cancel at least 12 hours in advance
- Canceling appointments on a consistent basis
- Unrealistic expectations of tutoring/tutors
- Contacting and/or harassing tutors outside of the Center
- Failure to abide by the Student Code of Conduct
- Abuse or misuse of staff members, services, Writing Center property, and/or other students
- Although uncommon, failure to abide by the Student Tutoring Agreement may result in a temporary or permanent forfeiture of services.
Commonly Asked Questions
Services are available only to currently enrolled students. At this point, we do not offer services to alumni, community members outside of Farmingdale, or other local schools.
WC-PRO, like all services, is free.
Sign-up for a time slot via Bookings. A confirmation email with the WC-PRO form will be sent to your FSC email address. Submit your work and the professor's assignment guidelines through this form. Papers will only be reviewed with a confirmed time slot and completed form submission.
We accept submissions 24 hours, 7 days per week. Papers are processed at 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 3:00 PM Monday through Thursday and Fridays at 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Papers are reviewed in the order they are received and generally take (3) business days. For example, if you submit a paper on Sunday, it will be reviewed on Monday and returned by Wednesday.
WC-PRO is only for drafts up to (5) double-spaced pages. You can submit parts of a draft or separate sections. For assistance with outlines, notes, ideas, and questions, please schedule a tutoring appointment.
We cannot work on any project designated as a take home midterm or graded exam without instructor approval.
Written, e-mail based feedback is sent to your FSC email address. WC-PRO tutors are trained to focus on higher-order concerns (HOCs) like: organization, thesis, audience, purpose, and overall focus. WC-PRO is not an editing or instructional service. Students should not expect their paper is perfect after WC-PRO review. Tutors may recommend a follow-up tutoring appointment.
Here is an example:
Dear Jet,
Thank you for sharing your work. Overall, this paper's argument that Daisy Buchanan would be received differently today as a social media influencer is strong, creative, and engaging to the modern reader. Indeed, your point that "Daisy's obsession with the material makes it easy to imagine a 30-second GRWM or Shein haul video on Tik-Tok. The difference is Daisy would be considered aspirational today rather than the morally and spiritually corrupt character she represents in The Great Gatsby." This argument is clearly supported throughout your piece as you tie your points to material obsession.
Areas for improvement include breaking-up some of the longer sentences (paragraph 3, 4th sentence). To the reader, these longer sentences obscure the main point of the sentences. Break-up these longer sentences into shorter ones and check your paragraph balance also. There are some longer paragraphs that can be split into two.
Finally, the conclusion can be improved. The final line, "We should really ask ourselves, who is the Daisy in our social media lives?" is vague. Consider your previous paragraph where you discuss material obsession and tie this back into the conclusion to wrap up your main argument.
If you would like a more in-depth review of your writing or help with getting started, please schedule a tutoring appointment.
Group papers are reviewed, and the tutor will refer to sections of the paper by author or section.
Here is an example:
"In the Ethical Considerations in Aviation Management section, the author can improve this section by breaking-up the paragraphs and connecting this section with the previous section. How do the points about ethics in this section relate to the case study in the previous section?"
The tutor may suggest individual authors book a tutoring appointment, and individual authors may attend tutoring for help on their section only.
You may use WC-PRO as often as needed. Separate time slots and forms must be completed for each project.
Resubmissions for the same work are accepted when there are significant changes from the first submission.
We recommend booking a tutoring session if you need clarification on any of the WC-PRO feedback. A tutor will be happy to work with you on your WC-PRO feedback!
Still have questions?
We are here to help! Stop-by Greenley Hall, 318, call 934-420-2082 or email writingcenter@farmingdale.edu.
writing center
Greenley Hall, Room 318
Alicia Brienza