
Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.

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Also Receives Policy

Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish campus guidelines for the use of Also Receives compensation in accordance with SUNY’s Also Receives Compensation Procedures and Guidelines for Professional Staff.

Persons Affected

Faculty, Professional Employees

Policy Statement

Farmingdale State College is committed to complying with the procedures and guidelines set forth in the SUNY Also Receives Compensation Procedures and Guidelines for Professional Staff. Also Receives compensation may be awarded to annually paid professional employees who are assigned additional work outside of their normal professional responsibilities. Also Receives awards may be used when the work to be performed by the employee is:

  1. Temporary (one year or less in duration)
  2. In addition to, and substantially increases or expands the scope of the employee’s normal professional responsibilities; and
  3. Performed during an employee’s normal work shift.

As with Extra Service, employees may only earn up to twenty percent (20%) of their base annual salary within the calendar or academic year as appropriate. A justification of Also Receives compensation must be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of additional work being performed. All additional assignments and work must have a start and end date. Also Receives compensation will be reviewed every 6 months by Human Resources. If an assignment is required to extend beyond one year, a new justification needs to be submitted and approved.

Also Receives Compensation may not be used for employees who are paid on an hourly, fee or biweekly basis (part time employees).


All requests for Also Receives Compensation must include a Letter of Justification for Also Receives. The Also Receives Letter of Justification must include the following information:

  • A brief description of the current duties performed by the employee to fulfill their state paid professional obligation, including identification of their regular work schedule (days and hours worked) and current teaching obligation (course # and title, scheduled contact hours/week and credits) if applicable; and
  • A brief description of the duties to be performed as part of the proposed Also Receives assignment. The description must clearly delineate that the proposed Also Receives assignment is a temporary assignment (state period of assignment) and is in addition to the work performed as part of the employee’s normal professional obligation.
  • The department head/supervisor requesting the Also Receives assignment (not the employee performing the Also Receives assignment) must initiate and sign the letter of justification.
  • The letter of justification must be endorsed (at the bottom) by the employee’s immediate supervisor (not the employee performing the Also Receives assignment).


Also Receives: An amount paid to an unclassified service employee in addition to their base salary for work that is in addition to their normal professional obligation but which may be completed during their regular professional obligation.

Related Documents

Also Receives Compensation Procedures and Guidelines for Professional Staff

Letter of Justification for Also Receives

Responsible Office

Human Resources

Policy History

Approval Date: 10/19/2021


Last Modified 1/27/25