
How Does it Work?

User credentials are not revealed to the institution at which an eduroamer joins, but instead are only revealed to their home institution, providing an extra measure of comfort for visiting users. Thus, the eduroam network also provides a simple and automatic guest provisioning system. A participating institution may rely on a visitor's home institution to authenticate them for the duration of their stay.

How Do I Connect?

A legitimate .edu email address is required to use the service. Farmingdale State College members authenticate by typing in their account in the form of and by using their account password.

Users from visiting institutions must use their school's username and password that has been assigned to them (e.g. or

Simple Connection

Today's common operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, many smartphone OSs, and most current Linux distributions all ship with 802.1X supplicants, making joining eduroam simple for users, and simple to support for educational institutions.


How do I connect to Eduroam at a participating institution?

To connect to Eduroam using your FSC credentials at a participating location use this format:


Password:   account_password



Information Technology

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Last Modified 1/21/25