Admissions for Medical Laboratory Science

In addition to the College admission requirements listed in the college catalog, the MLS program requires that students have a strong background in mathematics (Integrated Algebra and Geometry) and sciences (laboratory biology and laboratory chemistry required).

MLS Department Safety & Technical Standards

Candidates seeking enrollment into the MLS curricula must complete the college entrance requirement of physical examination demonstrating satisfactory physical and emotional health, as well as necessary proof of immunizations against measles, mumps and rubella. Candidates will also be expected to meet the safety and technical standards that are necessary to perform the “essential functions” of a medical laboratory professional as follows:

Observation-Communication:  The student must possess the ability to communicate effectively and read, write and use the English language.  In addition, the student must have the functional use of the senses of vision, touch, hearing, and smell.  Examples of observation-communication include but are not limited to:

  • Read and interpret laboratory endpoints such as color, cloudiness/turbidity and texture.
  • Identify stained and unstained cellular elements using a microscope.
  • Report results in writing, orally, or by computer entry.
  • Possess a sense of touch and temperature discrimination.
  • Work safely with potential chemical, radiological and biological hazards.

Sensory/Motor:  The student is required to perform gross and fine motor movements, maintain consciousness and equilibrium.  Examples of sensory/motor skills include but are not limited to:

  • Demonstrate manual dexterity of both upper limbs to operate laboratory equipment, and perform manual laboratory procedures such as pipetting, venipuncture and plating microorganisms.
  • Possess eye-hand coordination to operate a microscope.
  • Respond rapidly to an emergency situation (spills, fires, disaster)

Intellectual-Conceptual:  The student must possess the ability to problem solve, prioritize work, calculate, measure, analyze and synthesize objective as well as subjective data.  Examples of intellectual-conceptual skills include but are not limited to:

  • Perform statistical calculations to interpret test results.
  • Sample measurement and evaluation.
  • Interpret quality control results.
  • Work on multiple tasks simultaneously.

Behavioral-Social Attributes:  The student must possess emotional stability and flexibility, which will enable him/her to develop the ability to exhibit appropriate professional conduct in stressful situations.  Examples of these behavioral and social attributes include but are not limited to:

  • Fulfill commitments and be accountable for actions.
  • Maintain composure in stressful situations, i.e. under pressure and with time constraints.
  • Willingly follow directions.
  • Recognized emergency situations and react appropriately.
  • Maintain patient confidentially.

A person who cannot perform the “essential functions” of the profession will not be considered qualified for entrance into the program and may be denied access without being subject to legal action for discrimination.  Both section 504 of the rehabilitation Act 29 U.S.C.A. Section 794, and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibit discrimination against “otherwise qualified” persons with a disabilities.  Those persons not meeting the technical standards are not considered “otherwise qualified” to enter the profession.

Last Modified 1/22/25