2024-2025 UHS Course Offerings With Catalog Descriptions
School of Arts & Sciences
Biology Department
BIO 120 - General Biology
With a focus on building bridges between students’ lives and foundational topics in the field, General Biology is an introductory survey course of cellular and evolutionary biology. Students learn the biological underpinnings of topics like diets, cloning, stem cell research, genetic engineering, extinction, and climate change. Biodiversity is also emphasized through the study of evolution and the impacts our species has had on the world. Laboratory exercises provide hands-on examination of lecture topics, while emphasizing common research techniques. Note: BIO 120 is approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. However it does not satisfy Bioscience Core requirements and cannot be used as a substitute for either BIO 130 or BIO 131.
Credits: 4
BIO 123 – Human Body in Health & Disease
This course is an inquiry into the mechanism of diseases that plague human beings. A systemic approach is taken in which all the major systems of the human body and the significant diseases that affect those systems are studied. Emphasis is on failures of homeostasis as the basic mechanisms of disease. Included are discussions on available treatments and therapies, the impact of new technological developments, and maintaining health and avoiding disease. The laboratory component contains both traditional and computer- generated exercises, which illustrate the onset and development of a variety of diseases and pathological states. Note: BIO 123 is approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. However it does not satisfy Bioscience Core requirements and cannot be used as a substitute for either BIO 130 or BIO 131.
Credits: 4
BIO 197 – Human Biology
An introductory course that teaches biological principles by emphasizing the structural and functional aspects of the human body, especially as they relate to everyday existence. Includes discussion of important collateral issues such as the nature and course of disease, smoking and health, drug abuse, immunity and allergy, human genetics, birth-control, overpopulation, and sexually transmitted disease.
Credits: 3
Modern Languages Department
CHI 151 - Chinese I (Elementary)
A beginning course in Chinese emphasizing the gradual development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing with stress on communicative competence and cultural awareness.
Credits: 3
ITA 121 - Italian I (Elementary)
A beginning course in Italian emphasizing the gradual development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing with stress on communicative competence and cultural awareness.
Credits: 3
ITA 122 Italian II (Elementary)
A continuation of Italian 121 emphasizing the gradual development of the four language
skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing with stress on communicative competence
and cultural awareness. Prerequisite(s): ITA 121
Credits: 3
SPA 141 - Spanish I (Elementary)
A beginning course in Spanish emphasizing the gradual development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing with stress on communicative competence and cultural awareness. Note: Students who have completed SPA 147 or SPA 140 may not receive credit for SPA 141.
Credits: 3
SPA 142 - Spanish II (Elementary)
A continuation of Spanish 141 emphasizing the gradual development of the four language
skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing with stress on communicative competence
and cultural awareness. Prerequisite(s): 2 or 3 years of high school Spanish or SPA
140 or 141 or SPA 147.
Credits: 3
Criminal Justice Department
CRJ 100 – Introduction to Criminal Justice
In this introductory course, the roots of the criminal justice system will be explored, along with the specific processes of law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. The understanding of Supreme Court cases will be connected to these areas of the system. Further understanding will be developed in areas of theory, crime elements and crime trends. Current issues in the criminal justice system will also be discussed.
Credits: 3
CRJ 101 – Law Enforcement and Community Relations
This course considers the functions of law enforcement in modern society. Emphasis will be placed on the numerous and complex factors involved in the areas of human relations, including culture and environment. The intricacies of communication, perception, and body language will be a connector to the examination of bias, prejudice and discrimination. Documented law enforcement and community interactions will be examined in relationship to agency policy, the courts and public sentiment.
Credits: 3
CRJ 102 – Juvenile Delinquency and Justice
This course discusses this unique population through theory and the processes of the courts and juvenile justice systems. Juveniles represent a special population within the justice system, with differences in explanations of delinquency and treatment. Methods of rehabilitation and sanctioning will be explored, along with assessment, screening, and referral procedures. The policies and laws that frame the treatment of juveniles will further students’ understanding of system behavior.
Credits: 3
CRJ 204 – Criminal Law
The course introduces students to the criminal law system and its function within
the criminal justice system, specifically through the discussion of New York State
Penal Law. The course will examine offense types and degrees, as well as the elements
of specified offenses, with reference to principal rules of criminal liability. Students
will employ the case analysis method to study case precedents.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): CRJ 100*.
CRJ 205 – Criminal Procedure Law
This course focuses on the rules of evidence, operation, and policy that make up criminal procedure. Emphasis will be placed on New York Criminal Procedure Law and its rules regarding arrest, force, and search and seizure. Case Tracking tools that are used within prosecution and court units and systems will be discussed, as well as methods of determining trends in practice and rule effectiveness. Students will be able to apply fact patterns to procedure.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): CRJ 204*.
*NOTE: CRJ courses with pre-requisites cannot be added to a high school’s UHS offerings unless the pre-requisite class is offered as well.
History, Politics & Geography Department - History
HIS 114 – Western Civilization I
A brief survey from ancient Greece and Rome up to 1789, followed by extensive treatment of the ascendancy of early modern Western civilization, together with its social, economic, and political revolutions, from 1500 through the Napoleonic era. NOTE: Students completing HIS 114 and HIS 115 may not receive credit for HIS 126.
Credits: 3
HIS 115 – Western Civilization II
Traces the spread of Western civilization and the development of the modern world by examining the impact of the forces of romanticism, nationalism, industrialism, and intellectual creativity. NOTE: Students completing HIS 114 and HIS 115 may not receive credit for HIS 126.
Credits: 3
HIS 117 – World Civilization I
A survey of major non-Western civilizations and their interaction with one another, as well as with the European West from antiquity through the Early Modern Period. The course will explore ancient polytheistic traditions, the foundations of major world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam), and the rise of Christianity as a global faith. It will also address non-Western social, political, and economic systems in East Asia, South Asia, the Muslim World, Sub-Saharan Africa, and pre-Columbian America. NOTE: Students completing HIS 117 and HIS 118 may not receive credit for HIS 126.
Credits: 3
HIS 118 – World Civilization II
A survey of the developing world and its interaction with the West since 1700, the course will explore the chaotic effects of the non-Western world's interaction with European imperial powers, the United States, and Soviet Union, focusing on social, economic, cultural, and political change in East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. The major themes of the course will center on imperialism, nationalism, modernization, the World Wars, and the Cold War. NOTE: Students completing HIS 117 and HIS 118 may not receive credit for HIS 126.
Credits: 3
HIS 121 – US History to Reconstruction
A discussion of the development of the United States from its English origins through Reconstruction, this course shows how a new civilization arose out of revolution, independence, new governmental institutions, and equalitarianism, and illustrating the results of the westward movement, and the causes and consequences of the Civil War. NOTE: Students completing this course may not receive credit for HIS 125.
Credits: 3
HIS 122 – US History since Reconstruction
A historical evaluation of American society, assessing Reconstruction, immigration, the nature of imperialism, progressivism, World War I and II, the Cold War, and contemporary American life. NOTE: Students completing this course may not receive credit for HIS 125.
Credits: 3
HIS 131 – African American History Since 1865
This course explores African American history from the end of the Civil War to the present by engaging wide-ranging issues, debates and topics that have shaped African American experiences since emancipation. Students will examine the struggles by African Americans to exert power over their own images and identities within a white power structure, to establish and define national leadership and institutions, to develop and implement protest strategies, to achieve their social, economic and political objectives, to redress economic inequality, and to express black cultural styles. In the process, the course will concentrate on African American agency, including the nature of both their resistance and oppression, and centrality of African Americans to shaping American history.
Credits: 3
HIS 219 – Special Topics in History
A treatment of diverse topics, chosen by the Department of History, Economics, and Politics for their long- term impact and current historical importance.
Credits: 3
HIS 222 – Women in US History
In what ways is the history of America a gendered history? Emphasizing the diversity of American women, the course situates the ways women have both shaped and been shaped by American society within the broader context of US history since 1865. Topics for investigation include the way different groups of women have experienced American sectionalism, the industrial revolution, urbanization, immigration, war, economic depression, cultural transformations and political change. We will be looking at both unity and diversity in American society, including the conflicts between women and a society based on patriarchy.
Credits: 3
HIS 233 - Comparative Religions and Cultures
A survey of religions of the East and the region of the Mediterranean, with discussion
of their impact on the lives of individuals, and on cultures and other societies through
the interrelationship of value systems.
Credits: 3
HIS 270 – Genocide in the Twentieth Century
The course explores the history of ethnic, religious, and other forms of genocide during the twentieth century. The topics covered will include the Armenian massacres of 1915-1923, the Jewish Holocaust (Shoah), and the Roma Porajmos, as well more recent examples of genocide, including events in Cambodia, Bosnia, and Rwanda. Students will also critically assess other claims of genocide in world history, focusing on related issues such as ethnic cleansing, forced population transfers, etc.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): Any 100- level or higher HIS or POL course*.
*NOTE: HIS courses with pre-requisites cannot be added to a high school’s UHS offerings unless the pre-requisite class is offered as well.
History, Politics & Geography Department - Politics
GEO 201 – Physical Geography
This course introduces students to the study of the Earth as a system. We will cover the four major subsystems--the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere--with a focus on the patterns and processes that shape the planet. The goal of the course is to provide students with a clear understanding of the complex and changing processes associated with physical geography, especially those which are important for solving environmental and economic problems associated with air, water, soil, flora, fauna, and other aspects of the natural world.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): EGL 101
GEO 201L - Physical Geography Laboratory
This physical geography laboratory course can be taken as standalone (1) credit physical
science lab or as accompaniment to the GEO201 Physical Geography course. This course
introduces students to the study of the Earth as a system. This laboratory is designed
to give an overview of the development, distribution, and interrelationships of landforms,
climates, minerals, soils, and water resources. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101 EGL 101 with
a grade of C or better
Credits: 1
GIS 101 – The Digital Earth
This class is an introduction to the fundamentals of geospatial technology, the ways in which that technology can be used to understand human and biophysical phenomena, and the ways that technology affects contemporary life. This class will introduce geographic information systems (GIS), the Global Positioning System (GPS), remote sensing, and spatial analysis. This class will also address social and ethical issues raised by the use of those technologies. Hands-on exercises will be incorporated to give students a deeper understanding of geospatial technology and how it can be used to answer meaningful questions. Note: Students who take GIS 101 may not receive credit for GEO 110
Credits: 3
GIS 231 – Geospatial Research Methods
This course exposes students to the process of doing geographic research. Basic epistemological and ontological approaches will be reviewed through the use of readings on research methodologies and selected readings from the geography literature. Class discussion will focus on the identification of research problems, construction of hypotheses, and development of research design. The course will cover a variety of important contemporary geographic theories and will complete exercises to give students hands-on experience in completing qualitative and quantitative geographic research.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): EGL 101, MTH 110 and Any 200-Level or Higher GEO course.
POL 105 – Introduction to Politics
This course will introduce students to the study of politics and to the discipline known as Political Science. Focusing on fundamental concepts of power and authority, the course will examine topics central to each of the main subfields of Political Science: American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Philosophy. It will also explore some contemporary issues and debates that captivate US politics.
Credits: 3
POL 110 – Introduction to Legal Studies
This is a survey course designed to give the student a basic introduction to law beginning with the various schools of legal philosophical thought, criminal and civil law and procedure, and basic contract law. The course provides the student with an understanding and overview of how the American legal system functions including introducing students to the principles of law, the administration of the legal system, legal terminology, and the inter- relationship between politics, governmental structures, legal professionals and the functioning of the legal system.
Credits: 3
POL 250 – American Politics
This course introduces students to American Politics by focusing on national politics. In addition to examining the structure of U.S. government at the federal level, this course will also investigate American political behavior (especially political parties, elections, voting) and selected policy debates the animate contemporary political discussion.
Credits: 3
POL 265 – Comparative Politics
This course examines a broad range of governmental systems utilizing the comparative methods of analysis. In addition to analysis of selected political systems in the developed world (e.g., Great Britain, the United States, and the Russian Federation), students will also explore the governmental structures of at least one country in the developing world (India, Brazil, the People's Republic of China, etc.). Students will also compare plural democracies, monarchies, dictatorships, and neo-authoritarian forms of government, emphasizing policy-making and contemporary problems facing the state in era of globalization, such as the purported victory of neoliberalism, the threat of terrorism, and the importance of satellite television and the Internet in shaping politics.
Credits: 3
Mathematics Department
MTH 103 – Sets, Probability & Logic
This course uses set theory to develop the basic concepts of finite probability. The student is introduced to the tree and to the counting methods of devising sample spaces. The probability of mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events are treated. Some applications to probability distributions of discrete variables are included. Finally, the basic topics in symbolic logic are covered.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MP2* or MTH 015.
MTH 110 – Statistics
Basic concepts of probability and statistical inference. Included are the binominal, normal, and chi-square distributions. Practical applications are examined. Computer assignments using Minitab form an integral part of the course.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MP2* or MTH 015.
MTH 129 – Precalculus
In this course, the topics introduced in College Algebra course will be extended. The course will provide a comprehensive study of functions, which are the basis of calculus and other higher-level mathematics courses. The students will study the properties, graphs, and some applications of polynomial, rational, inverse, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Note: Students completing this course may not receive credit for MTH 117.
Credits: 4
Prerequisite(s): MP3* or MTH 116.
MTH 130 – Calculus I with Applications
This is a calculus course for those not majoring in Mathematics. Topics include the derivative, differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of the derivative and the definite integral. Applications are taken from technology, science, and business. Problem solving is stressed. A graphing calculator is required. Note: Students completing this course will not receive credit for MTH 150. This course may be non-transferable to science programs, such as Engineering Science or Computer Science, at other institutions.
Credits: 4
Prerequisite(s): MP4* or MTH 117 or 129.
MTH 150 – Calculus I
This is the first course of the calculus sequence. Topics include, differentiation of functions of one variable, introduction to integration, application of differentiation and integration. A graphing calculator is required. Note: Students completing this course may not receive credit for MTH 130.
Credits: 4
Prerequisite(s): MP4* or MTH 117 or 129.
Professional Communications Department
PCM 120 – Human Communication
This foundational course introduces students to the interaction of the individual and society in context of communication. Students will examine communication principles, common communication practices, and a selection of theories that underpin this interaction. Students also conduct a critical analysis of the impact of societal structures and history on communication outcomes. Through this broad examination of human communication students learn to recognize the value of diversity and authenticity in communication competence.
Credits: 3
Psychology Department
PSY 101 – Introduction to Psychology
This course is designed to present basic psychological concepts and to introduce students to the scientific study of behavior. Core topics include methods of psychological research, the biological bases of behavior, principles of learning, memory and cognition, personality, and psychopathology. Other selected topics to be covered would include the following: motivation and emotion, life-span development, social psychology, health psychology, sensation and perception, intelligence, human sexuality, statistics, and altered states of consciousness.
Credits: 3
Sociology & Anthropology Department - Anthropology
ANT 100 – Introduction to Anthropology
Anthropology is the scientific study of human-kind. This course offers an introduction to its four major sub- fields, namely; Physical or Biological anthropology (human evolution, the fossil record, ethology); Archaeology (extinct cultures, classical civilizations, pre-history); Linguistics (language origins, development, diffusion, structure, and change); Sociocultural Anthropology (pioneers in the field, cross-cultural research, case studies, and the future). By focusing on the broad cultural implications and complexities of social communication and interaction, anthropology seeks to understand the whole human experience.
Credits: 3
Sociology & Anthropology Department - Sociology
SOC 122 – Introduction to Sociology
This is an introductory course designed to familiarize students with the field of sociology. In addition to learning about the central concepts and major theoretical sociological perspectives, students study human behavior in groups, the organization of social life, the impact of social institutions on individuals, and the process of sociological research. Great emphasis is also placed upon development of students’ “sociological imagination” – specifically, the ability to understand the ways that our individual lives are shaped by larger social forces and institutions. Note: Students who take SOC 122 may not receive credit for SOC 122W.
Credits: 3
SOC 150 – Introduction to Africana Studies
This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Africana Studies. The course centers African, African American, and Caribbean history, culture, and politics. Students will learn about the political, social, and economic organization of nations, communities, and people from Africa and the African Diaspora. Students will explore key dimensions of Black life throughout the diaspora and learn how African people in the Americas have shaped and contributed to a wide-range of social institutions and challenged public debates regarding citizenship, race, nationality, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality.
Credits: 3
SOC 282 – Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) Studies
This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) Studies. We will examine major concepts, theories, and political issues surrounding LGBTQ experience. We will analyze gender identity and human sexuality as social, cultural, and historical constructions. In addition, LGBTQ+ identities have profound implications in economic, cultural, social, and political spheres of life. We will pay acute attention to LGBTQ+ political struggles and their relationships to economy, family, religion, education, law, and medicine. Drawing from fields such as: Sociology, Anthropology, History, English, and Psychology, we will examine the status, experiences, and discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ and how race, ethnicity, class, and ability also shape these experiences.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite (s): One Social Science and EGL 102
School of Business
Business Management Department
BUS 101 – Accounting I
Fundamental accounting concepts and principles are covered through an understanding of the following topics: accounting as an information system; analyzing a transaction; the accounting cycle; accounting for both service enterprises and merchandising businesses; deferrals and accruals; reversing entries; systems design; accounting for cash, receivables, temporary investments and inventory; payroll accounting. Students apply concepts to the preparation of special journals, subsidiary ledgers, worksheets and financial statements.
Credits: 3
BUS 102 – Accounting II
Continued development of the principles and concepts introduced in Accounting I. The following topics are included: emphasis on further understanding of generally accepted accounting principles; plant assets; intangible assets; determination of depreciation, depletion and amortization; accounting for partnerships and corporations; long term liabilities; investments in bonds and stock; statement of cash flows; managerial accounting; accounting for manufacturing operations; budgeting and standard costs systems.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): BUS 101 with a grade of C or higher*.
BUS 109 – Management Theories & Practices
This introductory course covers management principles pertaining to human resources, individual behavior in organizations, employee motivation and performance, and business ethics. Topics also include managing and the manager’s job; planning and decision making; employee performance appraisal and feedback; leadership and influence processes; interpersonal relations and communication; and managing work groups and teams.
Credits: 3
BUS 111 – Introduction to Business
This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of American Business and its contemporary environment. It provides an overview of organizational, national, and international trends and their impact on enterprises both large and small. The course develops an understanding of important business concepts, principles, and practices that explain how businesses are formed, how they operate to accomplish their goals, and why/how their success depends on effective management, production, marketing and finance/accounting.
Credits: 3
BUS 121 – Business Mathematics
The fundamentals of applied mathematics in the field of accounting, finance, marketing, and selling. Topics include interest, bank discount, insurance, and annuities. The use of arithmetic as a managerial tool is stressed.
Credits: 3
BUS 131 – Marketing Principles
This course provides the student with a sound knowledge of the basic elements of the marketing process. Major topics include the features of consumer and organizational markets, market segmentation, and target market strategies. Product planning and development, brands, packaging and other product features are covered. Price determination and the use of various pricing strategies are discussed. The factors in the selection of channels of distribution and the features of wholesaling and retailing are considered. Elements of the promotional process such as sales, advertising, and sales promotion are included. Ethical and legal issues in marketing, marketing of services, global marketing, and marketing on the Internet are also covered.
Credits: 3
BUS 141 - Contemporary Business Communications
An introduction to the role and importance of effective communications in business. Key topics include the familiarization and practice in preparing common types of internal and external business communications; contemporary issues in business communication relating to technology, ethics, and nondiscriminatory language; memo and report writing with proper mechanics, style, and appropriate tone/attitude; and business presentations. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101 and BCS 102
Credits: 3
ECO 110 – Introduction to Personal Finance
Students will learn how to navigate the financial decisions they must face and how to make informed decisions related to budgeting, banking, credit, insurance, spending, taxes, saving, investing, inheritance, and living independently. The course will develop financial literacy skills, an understanding of economic principles, and will provide a basis for responsible citizenship and career success.
Credits: 3
ECO 120 – The Global Economy
This course provides an overview of current global economic issues. Basic economic concepts are introduced in order to explain differences in the level of development among countries, the direction of trade, the causes and effects of international financial crises, and the motivations of some countries to transition to a market economy. The course also discusses the way in which countries coordinate efforts to deal with matters of international concern such as pollution and global warming. Topics also include the role of international institutions including the World Bank, the international Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and the United Nations.
Credits: 3
ECO 156 – Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics)
This course is designed to introduce classic macroeconomic issues such as unemployment, inflation, national income and economic growth. The course will provide a unified framework to address these issues and to study the impact of different policies, such as monetary and fiscal policies, on the aggregate behavior of the economy. Analytical tools will be used to understand the experiences of the United States and other countries, and to address how current policy initiatives affect their macroeconomic performance.
Credits: 3
ECO 157 – Principles of Economics (Microeconomics)
This course introduces students to fundamental economic concepts and theory, including demand, supply, and the formation of equilibrium prices in product and resource markets. Students will learn a specific set of analytical tools as well as how to apply them to current policy issues. In addition, the course offers an introduction to applied fields such as industrial organization (market structures), labor economics, international trade, and market failure.
Credits: 3
Sport Management Department – Sport Management
SMT 110 – Introduction to Sport Management
An investigation into the scope of the sport industry; a growing major business enterprise in the United States and in much of the world. Functions of management, skills and attributes required of a sport manager, and roles of a manager are examined and researched. Attention focuses on how the managerial process relates to sport organizations and their products. Students become acquainted with career opportunities in the sport management field. NOTE: Students must achieve a C or higher in this class to continue on in any course to which it is a prerequisite.
Credits: 3
SMT 225 – Sport Marketing
An investigation into the decisions necessary to plan, develop, implement and control integrated sports marketing programs. Attention will be directed towards each major element of the marketing industry-- advertising, promotion, public relations and sponsorships. The emphasis will be on the marketing of professional and collegiate athletes. Included will be the use of marketing for teams, leagues and special events. The course will also focus on negotiations, contracts and the role of the media.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): SMT 110 with a grade of 'C' or higher*.
*NOTE: SMT courses with pre-requisites cannot be added to a high school’s UHS offerings unless the pre- requisite class is offered as well.
Visual Communications Department
ART 123 – Art History
An analysis of the social, physical and psychological influences affecting the artist during various historical periods through the present. Emphasis is on the interrelationship between the changing purposes of art and variations in the meaning and form of artistic expression.
Credits: 3
VIS 101 – Introduction to Drawing
Students will be introduced to basic observational freehand drawing techniques, including line, form, light and shade and composition. Students will study examples of work from various artists and have an opportunity to apply this knowledge in the studio and in outdoor settings.
Credits: 3
VIS 105 – Introduction to Photography
This course is an introduction to the history, art and technique of photography. By utilizing their own cameras and commercial processing, students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to produce well composed and properly exposed creative photographs. The estimated student cost for materials, including film, processing and other supplies is approximately $200 (not including camera).
Credits: 3
VIS 260 - Graphic Design for Non-Majors
Graphic Design for Non-Majors introduces the principles and processes of graphic design. Emphasis will be on conceptual development, organization of information and effective communication with the formal integration of type and imagery. Students will learn to think critically, make aesthetic judgments, and become familiar with a variety of tools and techniques used to produce work in the fields of design.
Credits: 3
School of Engineering Technology
Architecture & Construction Management Department
ARC 100 - Introduction to Architecture and Culture
This course provides a foundational study of the art and history of western architecture and the context in which it is built. The course will focus on 20thcentury to newly built western architectural and urban developments. Course topics include how architecture of today has been influenced by its location, historically significant buildings, art, culture, landscapes, and urbanism. Designed to familiarize students with the architectural thinking of the built environment that surrounds them locally and during an in person or virtual study abroad/away experience to a western city, this course will give students an opportunity to develop an understanding and appreciation of the architecture discipline and its design objectives. Course content is drawn from numerous fields including architectural history and theory, design studies, philosophy, and urban studies. Level: 100
Credits: 3
ARC 101 – Introduction to Architecture & Construction
This is an introduction to elementary concepts, literacy and graphics in the architectural and construction field. This elective course is for students who have never taken any hand drawing/drafting and Computer Aided Drafting (CAD). The course will provide a hands on experience in architectural and construction drawing/drafting, sketching, model building, orthographic projection. The use of reading scales, lengths, areas and volumes in drawings is developed to help students visualize and understand building elements and plans. The course will include basic CAD fundamentals, site visits and future employment requirements and opportunities for those interested in the major.
Credits: 3
ARC 111 - Graphics I
This manual drafting studio class develops student's abilities in lettering, technical sketching, drafting and the use of drafting instruments. The fundamentals of orthographic projection and pictorial drawings develop the student's abilities to visualize and describe objects and structures graphically. Students who take ARC 131 will not get credit for ARC 111. Taking ARC 111 and 121 is equivalent to taking ARC 131 for degree purposes.
Credits: 2
ARC 121 - Graphics II
This course furthers the development of computer drafting skills to prepare digital models and renderings for architectural project presentations. Specialized software such as Revit, a Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, will be utilized. Prerequisite(s): ARC 131 or ARC 111/CON 111 and ARC 121/CON 121
Credits: 1
*NOTE: BCS courses with pre-requisites cannot be added to a high school’s UHS offerings unless the pre-requisite class is offered as well.
School of Engineering Technology
Aviation Department
AVN 100 – General Aeronautics
This course provides introductory orientation and practical information essential to the career progression of both pilots and aviation administrators. Topics include: attributes of an aviation professional; aircraft design, components, performance, operation, maintenance and safety with human factors emphasis.
Credits: 3
AVN 202 - Aviation Meteorology
A basic course in Aviation Weather. Weather theory including differential heating, air mass development, wind frontal activity and systems, weather hazards, weather reporting and weather forecasting is covered. Charts which are studied include Surface Analysis and Weather Depiction Charts, Constant Pressure Charts, Composite Moisture Stability Charts.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): AVN 104 or AVN 100 with a grade of C or higher by department's approval*.
*NOTE: AVN courses with pre-requisites cannot be added to a high school’s UHS offerings unless the pre-requisite class is offered as well.
Computer Systems Department
BCS 101 – Programming Concepts & Problem Solving
This course will provide an introduction to programming logic and problem solving
techniques using different programming languages. The topics covered in this course
will provide the skills needed to learn languages such as Visual Basic, C+ + and JAVA.
Topics include such items as constants and variables, data types, scope of variables,
basic logic constructs, subroutines and functions. Students who have completed BCS
120 or equivalent cannot take BCS 101.
Credits: 3
BCS 102 – Computer Concepts & Applications
This is an introductory course in the use of personal computers in today's society.
Students will receive instruction in basic computer concepts and terminology, the
fundamentals of the Windows operating system and have hands on experience at the beginning
to intermediate level using Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The Internet will
be used to supplement textbook and lecture materials. Note: Computer Systems students
cannot use BCS 102 to meet a BCS Elective requirement.
Credits: 3
BCS 109 – Introduction to Programing
Using Python, this course covers the basic concepts of computer programming. Python
is an easy-to learn, high-level computer programming language that is widely used
in many applications. This course introduces the fundamental elements of programming
such as expressions, conditionals, loops, functions, files, and then use these elements
to create simple interactive applications. This course covers also simple GUI and
animation-based applications.
Credits: 3
BCS 130 – Website Development I
In this course, students will use both HTML and CSS to modify the appearance of Web
page content and layout. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a standardized code used
to format web pages. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for
describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language, such as HTML.
In addition, students will learn the principles of Responsive Web Design to create
an optimal viewing experience irrespective of the device used to display the Web page.
Credits: 3
BCS 160 – Computers, Society and Technology
This is an introductory course that provides students with the knowledge to stay current
and informed in a technology-oriented, global society. Students will receive instruction
in basic computer concepts and terminology, the fundamentals of the Windows operating
system and have hands-on experience at the beginning to intermediate level using Microsoft
Excel and Access. The Internet will be used to supplement textbook and lecture materials.
Note: Students taking this course may not receive credit for BCS 102.
Credits: 3
BCS 208 – Introduction to Networks
This course introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models
of the Internet and other computer networks. The principles and structure of IPv4
and IPv6 addressing and the fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations
are introduced to provide a foundation for the curriculum. By the end of the course,
students will be able to build simple LAN’s, perform basic configurations for routers
and switches, and implement IP addressing schemes. The laboratory component of this
course will give the students hands-on experience configuring equipment needed to
build a LAN. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore status.
Credits: 3
BCS 209 – Routing & Switching Essentials
This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and
switches in a small network. Students learn how to configure a router and a switch
for basic functionality. By the end of this course, students will be able to configure
and troubleshoot routers and switches and resolve common issues with RIPv1, RIPv2,
single-area and multi-area OSPF, virtual LANs, and inter-VLAN routing in both IPv4
and IPv6 networks. The laboratory component of this course will give the students
hands on experience configuring routers, switches and basic WAN connectivity.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): BCS 208 with a grade of C or higher*.
*NOTE: BCS courses with pre-requisites cannot be added to a high school’s UHS offerings unless the pre-requisite class is offered as well
Computer Science (CSC)
CSC 111 – Computer Programming I
This is an introductory programming course. Students will be taught basic concepts
of computer programming and problem solving using an object-oriented language. Selection,
repetition, methods, classes, and arrays will be covered. Note: CSC 101 is recommended
as a prerequisite, but not required for this course. Note: Students completing this
course may not receive credit for BCS 120.
Credits: 3
Computer Security Department - Security Systems Technology
SST 115 – Computer Forensics
This course will introduce basic concepts of computer and digital hardware and software as they apply to challenges of computer and mobile forensics, including the process of analysis and examination of operating systems and file systems. Students will learn differences in evidence locations and examination techniques on Windows and Linux computers, as well as for common mobile devices. A concise survey of standard forensics tools commonly used in forensics investigations will be presented and reviewed for their latest features and applications. Legal issues governing the collection and handling of digital evidence will be explored.
Credits: 3
Mechanical Engineering Technology Department
MET 105L – Technical Drawing & CAD
This is a laboratory course designed to provide students with hands-on experience in technical drawing and computer aided design (CAD). Students will apply traditional drafting techniques, such as ortho-graphic projection, dimensioning, and tolerancing, though 2D CAD software. Note: Student who have received credits for MET104 cannot receive credit for this course.
Credits: 1
MET 109 – Computer Programming & Applications
This is an introductory course in a computer programming language. Programs are specifically written to be used in the areas of statics, strength of materials, machine design, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Applications of the theoretical concepts are covered in the required laboratory.
Credits: 2
MET 117 – Manufacturing Processes
The main purpose of this course is to introduce the mechanical engineering technology student to the principles and operation of mechanical equipment such as lathes, drill press, milling machines and measuring requirements and measuring instruments. Several manufacturing processes such as welding, powder metallurgy, sheet metal forming, extrusion, etc. are also covered. Individual laboratory projects will be assigned to each student to reinforce the topics covered in the theory. NOTE: Students completing this course may not receive credit for AET 218T.
Credits: 2
MET 127 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes
This course is a continuation of MET 117. Topics emphasize the theory and operation of manual and numerically controlled milling machines and machining centers. Additional topics covered are the gear shaper, indexing head, point-to-point drilling and milling, and three axis measurement. Laboratory projects will be assigned to reinforce the topics covered in theory. Prerequisite(s): MET 117 and MET 105L Corequisite(s): MET 127L
Credits: 2
MET 150 - Solid Modeling
This course introduces advanced topics in computer graphics. Students will learn 3D solid modeling based on parametric constraints, dimensions, and features such as extrude, revolve, sweep, loft, hole, fillet, and shell. The course also teaches students how to create assemblies and 2D technical drawings from 3D models. In the required laboratory course MET 150L, exercises will be assigned to the students for hands-on experience with related topics. Note: Student who have received credits for MET104 cannot receive credit for this course. Prerequisite(s): MET 105L Corequisite(s): MET 150L
Credits: 2
MET 215 – Special Topics in Engineering
This course will cover various applications of basic principles of statics, strength of materials, electrical principles, introduction to basic principles of electromechanical control systems and introduction to Robotics and automation systems. Students will work on independent projects related to various engineering concepts by utilizing various CAD software. This course can be used as a Technical Elective for Mechanical Engineering Technology and Manufacturing Engineering Technology B.S. Degree programs.
Credits: 3
School of Health Sciences
Health Promotion and Wellness
HPW 101 – Perspectives on Health and Wellness
This course examines major contemporary public/individual health issues as an applied social science. It incorporates theoretical as well as practical applications in the health/wellness field. Emphasis is placed on social/behavioral development enhancement strategies at various life stages. HPW 101 compares the public health status of groups by variables such as socioeconomic position, environment, lifestyle behaviors, and genetics. Various health behaviors are analyzed, evaluated, and compared to standards. Preventive nutrition behaviors are addressed to aid in controlling chronic social problems such as obesity and malnutrition.
Additionally, this course discusses past/current government policy and politics in structuring the public health of the United States. Note: Students cannot get credit for HST 101 and HPW 101.
Credits: 3
HPW 105 – Medical Terminology
This course is the study of medical terminology. The focus is on prefixes, suffixes, word roots and their combining forms by an introduction to medical word building and the general structure of the body and its various body systems. Students will learn word construction, spelling, usage, comprehension, and phonetic 'sounds like' pronunciations as well as some common medical abbreviations. This course is just right for Health Studies students who are considering a career in dental hygiene, nursing, or medical technology.
Credits: 3
Nutrition Science
NTR 110 – Introduction to Nutrition Science
This course stresses the practical application of nutritional science throughout life. It discusses nutritional changes that occur during various life stages such as pregnancy, infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Students explore the biological aspect of all major nutrients and relate them to chronic diseases. Basic chemistry principles are applied to major nutrient groups. Recommendations for adequate nutrient intake are presented and related to food consumption habits. This course evaluates nutritional supplement claims and discusses changes in athlete nutrient requirements in training and during competition. Note: Students who receive credit for BIO 125 may not receive credit for NTR 110.
Credits: 3
NTR 200 - Food Science
Food Science integrates an interdisciplinary science approach to food and its components. Relationships between the chemical composition of food and sensory properties are delineated. In this course students evaluate the effects of processing, preparation, and storage on the quality, safety, and nutritive value of various food categories. Further, this course examines the application of technology to both improve and expand the food supply. Food science applies concepts from nutrition, health, biology, and chemistry to discriminate how the various ingredients in foods interact. Laboratory testing and food science techniques specific to the science of food are explored. The course, NTR 200L, is a part of the grade for this course.
Credits: 4
Prerequisite(s): NTR 110 or BIO 125* Corequisite(s): NTR 200L
*NOTE: NTR courses with pre-requisites cannot be added to a high school’s UHS offerings unless the pre-requisite class is offered as well.
PED 203 – Introduction to First Aid, AED and CPR Training
This course is designed to help students understand the principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the effectiveness of the trained first responder. Students will become proficient in performing CPR on adults, children and infants. Students will also learn to perform various methods of Airway and Pulmonary Resuscitation and AED. The American Red Cross or the American Heart Association certification will be awarded upon the completion of the course. The course will also involve first aid when caring for accidents or sudden illness. Students will learn how to administer first aid and conduct immediate rescue and care of an emergency victim. All students will receive a Standard First Aid Card.
Credits: 3
Laura McMullin, PhD
Executive Director
Francine Federman, PhD
Assistant Dean
Ryan Mannix
Assistant Director of Operations
V. Patty McCormick
Program Coordinator
Michele Holden
Registration and Billing Coordinator
Jennifer Dalton Singh
Administrative Specialist
Navin Johnson
Data Analyst & Systems Coordinator
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