

The primary function of the Purchasing Department is the procurement of goods, materials and services in a timely manner as required by the College to fulfill its mission in education, research, economic, and cultural/social development. Through effective communication, both internal and external, the Purchasing Department strives to provide for the varied needs of the campus community while observing the laws and regulations of the New York State Office of the State Comptroller, the New York State Office of General Services, and the State University of New York. This involves a balance between efficient and timely service to our customers and providing an environment of good sound business controls to protect the assets of Farmingdale State College. Procurement is accomplished with the generation of purchase orders or the use of the state issued procurement card.

Information for Vendors:

The New York State Office of the State Comptroller implemented a vendor management system with vendor information supplied from the Internal Revenue Service's database from previous W-9 submissions to the IRS.


Vendors wishing to do business with Farmingdale State College that are not in the New York Statewide Financial System must submit a Substitute W-9 Form, including their contact name and email address to Farmingdale State College. This is to be done prior to the purchasing transaction. Farmingdale State College will set up an initial vendor profile in the Statewide Financial System to be used for Purchase Orders and Payments. Forms should be emailed to purchasing@farmingdale OR faxed to 934-420-2443.


If there is a discrepancy between a state Vendor Profile and the information Farmingdale State College receives from the vendor to process a Purchase Order (for example, address or name change), the Vendor Profile must be updated by the vendor on the Statewide Financial System using the Vendor Portal Login before the Purchase Order can be generated.

When choosing vendors for state-funded purchases, Farmingdale State College must also follow New York State Finance Law. As outlined in SUNY Procurement Procedure 7553, vendors will be considered using the hierarchy below.

  1. State Preferred Sources:

    New York State Finance Law allows purchase of goods and services from preferred sources without competition, and also allows that form, function and utility requirements may be considered. Purchases from Preferred Sources take precedence over all other sources of supply and competitive procurement methods, and do not require a bid, quote, or solicitation requirement. If a preferred source is to be rejected, that source must be given prior written notice with an explanation and an opportunity to respond. For additional information regarding these preferred sources and their offerings visit the New York State Office of General Services List of Preferred Source Offerings and Preferred Source Guidelines.

    1. Corcraft:  New York State Department of Correctional Services
    2. NYSPSP: NYS Preferred Source Program for New Yorkers who are Blind
    3. NYSID: New York State Industries for the Disabled

  2. State Contracts and SUNY Contracts:

    OGS State Contracts: The Office of General Services (OGS) awards statewide contracts for many commodities and services. Purchases using OGS state contracts do not require a bid, quote, or solicitation requirement. The OGS website has contract information and search capability.

    SUNY Contracts: The State University of New York offers several University-wide or multi-campus commodity, service, and technology contracts. Purchases using SUNY wide contracts do not require a bid, quote, or solicitation requirement. The SUNY website contracts search provides information about current contracts for the State University of New York.

  3. New York State Certified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) and New York State Certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOB):

    SUNY, in tandem with the New York State Department of Economic Development, seeks to promote procurement from certified state minority and women owned business enterprises and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses The College strongly encourages the selection of MWBE and SDVOB vendors when possible. A statewide directory of MWBE vendors and SDVOB vendors can be downloaded and/or searched on the OGS website.

  4. Open Market:

    Purchases may be made from vendors that are not a preferred source, on state contract, or on SUNY contract, but are subject to state competitiveness requirements. Purchases using the open market require bids, quotes, and solicitation requirements.

Current procurement opportunities as advertised by Farmingdale State College are listed on the New York State Contract Reporter (NYSCR) website.

The system-wide Supplier Diversity Program is responsible for ensuring SUNY's compliance with Executive Law Article 15-A and Veteran's Services Law Article 3. 

These procedures apply to all procurements exceeding $25,000 for labor, services (including architectural and design services), supplies, equipment or materials, and for procurements exceeding $100,000 for the acquisition, construction, demolition, replacement, major repair or renovation of real property and improvements.  MWBEs and SDVOBs can participate on Farmingdale projects as prime contractors and subcontractors, subconsultants or suppliers. 

Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Program:

It is the policy of SUNY to ensure that Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (MWBEs), as defined in NYS Executive Law Article 15-A, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in our procurements, including construction, construction related consultants, commodities and consultant/services. Through the implementation of SUNY Procurement Procedure 7557, Farmingdale State College intends to reach, annually, a mandated MWBE utilization goal of 30%.

The Directory of NYS Certified MWBE Vendors is available on the OGS website.

Vendors can find everything they need to get started with an MWBE certification application on the Empire State Developments Division of Minority and Women's Business Development (DMWBD) website.

Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (SDVOB) Procurement:

It is the policy of SUNY to ensure that Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (SDVOBs), as defined in Under Veterans' Services Law Article 3, have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in University procurement, including construction, construction related consultants, commodities and consultant/services. Through the implementation of SUNY Procurement Procedure 7564, Farmingdale State College intends to reach, annually, a mandated SDVOB utilization goal of 6%.

The Directory of NYS Certified SDVOBs is available on the OGS website.

Vendors can find everything they need to get started with an SDVOB certification application on the New York State OGS Division of Service-Disabled Veterans’ Business Development website

  • SUNY 7553 - Purchasing and Contracting (Procurement)
  • SUNY 7554 - Construction Contracting
  • SUNY 7555 - Construction-Related Consultant Contracting Procedures 
  • SUNY 7564 - Participation by Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOBs) with Respect to State University of New York Contracts
  • SUNY 7557 - Participation by Minority Group Members and Women (MWBEs) with Respect to State University of New York Contracts

Information for FSC Staff/Employees:

Please visit the myFSC Purchasing website for the most up to date information regarding campus purchasing for Farmingdale State College staff and employees. 

Last Modified 1/23/25