Student Leaders Community Engagement Scholarship Awards

Farmingdale State College (FSC) Nexus Center is offering scholarship awards to Student Leaders who take the initiative to lead Applied Learning (AL) community engagement activities!

Award amounts will be paid directly to the Student Leader upon completion of requirements: 

  • $500 – For leading Enhanced AL Co-curricular Activity (minimum 5-10 hours);
  • $1,000 – For leading Full AL Co-curricular Activity (minimum 10 hours). 


  • Student Leaders must be active matriculated students.

  • Student Leaders must serve on the executive board or be an active member of a formally recognized college organization on campus. 

  • Student Leaders must organize and conduct an Applied Learning Co-curricular Activity in the community service, civic engagement or entrepreneurship category supervised by an FSC staff or faculty member in the 2021-2022 academic year. 

    • A Co-curricular Activity is a college approved non-credit activity eligible to earn credit towards satisfying the college’s Applied Learning Graduation Requirement if supervised by an FSC staff or faculty member (the “FSC Supervisor”). The Nexus Center will work with Student Leaders and FSC Supervisors to ensure that the activity meets all the criteria of Applied Learning: 
    • The Co-curricular Activity should be offered in a formally approved Enhanced AL or Full AL format:
      • Enhanced AL: involves a minimum of 5-10 hours of applied activity. Participating students who successfully complete the activity will earn 5 hours towards the 10 hour FSC Applied Learning Graduation Requirement.
      • Full AL: involves a minimum of 10 hours of applied activity. Participating students who successfully complete the activity will satisfy the FSC Applied Learning Graduation Requirement in full.
    • The Co-curricular Activity should fall into one of the following categories:
      • Community Service: Students are expected to volunteer their time for the benefit of the broader community. Community Service includes experiences such as service days, volunteering at campus and off-campus events, fund-raising, and other projects. They are designed to help students learn about and reflect on the needs of their communities and how they might be addressed.
      • Civic Engagement: These activities focus on being engaged citizens for social good and one’s civic responsibilities, including engagement/interaction in local politics, voter participation, social action and service to the community.
      • Entrepreneurship: These activities will assist you in developing the entrepreneurial skills relevant to any professional organization (non-profit, start-up, private corporations, etc.) You will learn to discover and develop opportunities that can provide value to such organizations.
  • The Co-curricular Activity must involve an external community partner, i.e. an organization not affiliated with the college. The external partner should be confirmed prior to applying. 
  • Activities may be live or virtual. Activities must be conducted in compliance with college policies and regulations, as determined by the FSC Supervisor. 
  • For funding to be awarded, there should be at least 10 student participants in the activity to each Student Leader coordinator. Each coordinating Student Leader will be eligible to receive the designated award ($500 for Enhanced AL/$1,000 for Full AL). All participating students who successfully complete the activity will be eligible to earn credit towards the 10 hour FSC Applied Learning Graduation Requirement.
    • If necessary, Student Leaders may have to conduct their approved activities on multiple occasions to secure the minimum student participation for scholarship awards.
  • Student Leaders are responsible for working with their FSC Supervisors and the Nexus Center to obtain AL Review Board Approval when needed, listing the Co-curricular Activity on the online Axiom Mentor Applied Learning Management System, tracking student participation, and submitting a final report after the activity has been conducted. 

  • Scholarship awards will be paid directly to Student Leaders upon the successful completion of the activity/responsibilities and satisfaction of all Nexus Center requirements.

  • Decisions about the successful completion and scholarship funding will be made according to the Nexus Center’s final discretion.


  • Login into Axiom:  Submit your resume and cover letter to Axiom/Applied Learning Co-Curricular Activities Unit/Posting ID3227 "Student Leaders Community Engagement Scholarship Awards". 
  • In your cover letter, you must identify:
    • Are you submitting this application as an individual Student Leader or as a group of Student Leaders;
    • Academic program and class year/anticipated graduation date for each applicant;
    • College organization membership and roles of each applicant;
    • Name and contact information of organization President/executive board member;
    • Name of FSC Supervisor or FSC faculty/staff organization advisor; 
    • A description of the activity you will seek to host, including:
      • The name of your confirmed external partner (for example community, non-profit, government. charitable or corporate organization). Include contact info (phone and email) of contact person at partner organization;
      • Enhanced AL or Full AL;
      • Al category (community service, civic engagement, or entrepreneurship);
      • Anticipated event date(s)/time(s);
      • Number of applied activity hours and explanation of how students will participate/earn hours; 
      • What will students learn/achieve by participating in your activity?
      • How does this activity serve the public/community good and/or industry?
      • How do you plan to promote your event to engage student participants?

DEADLINE: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Approved activities should be conducted in the 2021-2022 academic year. AL Grad Credit and scholarships will not be awarded until approved by the Nexus Center. 

QUESTIONS: Contact Nexus Center Applied Learning Counselor, Ashley Perrone: