2022 Workshops Completed
See also our list of upcoming events.
A Crash Course in Bullet Journaling (with Prof. Danielle Apfelbaum)
Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 10:00am-11:00am, via Collaborate.
A Crash Course in Bullet Journaling: Are you forever searching for a system to help you juggle plans for teaching, service, scholarship, and, of course, your personal life? If you find that most commercially available planners fall short, consider Bullet Journaling. Developed by Ryder Carroll, this customizable system is designed to help you keep on track utilizing a single notebook. In this session, Prof. Apfelbaum, an avid bullet journal user, will introduce the benefits of bullet journaling, provide a crash course in setting up and using your Bullet Journal, and share tips for keeping your digital calendaring systems synched with your Bullet Journal. A dot-grid journal and a pencil is recommended, but not required.
January Project Sprint (facilitated by Prof. Danielle Apfelbaum)
Monday, January 10, 2022, 9:00am-5:00pm, via Collaborate
Description: Stalled on a writing project? Trying to kickstart next semester’s course
design? Ruminating over that unfinished report? Join our Virtual Project Sprint! Hosted
by Prof. Danielle S. Apfelbaum, Scholarly Communication Librarian, the Virtual Project
Sprint will provide a full-day of empowerment, community, accountability, and strategies
for making immediate progress on a project of your choice.
CTLT Annual Conference -- Student Mental Health, and the Role of Faculty
Friday, February 11, 2022. CLICK FOR AGENDA
Keynote speakers Dr. Sarah K. Lipson and Dr. Tyce Nadrich. Afternoon workshop with Dr. Shane Owens, Dr. Andrew Berger, Dr. Funto Oyewole, Dr. Christopher Browne.
Microcredential Development
with Dr. Jenny Bryer and Mr. Justin Dolce
February 15, 2022. 11:00am-12:00pm (Online)
This workshop is intended for faculty and staff who are interested in developing a microcredential. SUNY campuses now offer over 400 microcredentials in 60+ disciplinary areas across 28 campuses. Farmingdale State College is being recognized for its microcredential development, and attendees will find this workshop helpful in the development of their own microcredential proposals.
In this workshop, you will learn to:
- Recognize the four main qualities of microcredentials (Quality, Stackability, In-demand, and Portability)
- Locate information about FSC and SUNY policies and resources for developing microcredentials
- Develop a refined application in the Axiom Mentor system.
Lunch with Co-Workers
Thursday, March 31, 11:00-12:30--drop in any time
Come alone or with others. Bring your own lunch to the CTLT Seminar Room on the 2nd floor of Greenley Library any time from 11:00am-12:30pm. There is no agenda--just eating and chatting.
Emotional intelligence and the educator: Why is it essential?
with Dr. Marleen Azzam, Dental Hygiene
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 11:00am-12:00pm (Online)
Like the technology sector, the education sector is evolving into a more interactive
and social platform; therefore, the transition gradient from effective to affective
has gained immense importance in higher education (Kaur et al., 2019). The educator
has a pivotal role in dispensing information; however, when guiding students in the
learner-centered environment, utilizing emotional intelligence may be just as valuable
as “hard skills.” In this session, attendees will
learn about the value of emotional intelligence in the learning environment and why
it is essential for the educator and student interaction. Attendees will also be able
to describe what emotional intelligence is, the association between emotional intelligence
and teaching performance, emotional intelligence and student impact, the relationship
between emotional intelligence and educator stress, and training on emotional intelligence.
This session is best suited for educators across all disciplines. By the end of this
session, attendees will understand why emotional intelligence is essential in the
educational setting.
Governance 101--Hybrid in Gleeson 121 and Online via Teams
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 12:00-1:00pm
Governance 101 will provide a brief introduction to the system of shared governance used at FSC. You will learn about our standing committees, elections, and our participation in the SUNY-wide University Faculty Senate. Particularly helpful for those new to the campus. Co-hosted by FEC/CTLT.
Jennifer Jaiswal
Director of The Faculty Center
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