CTLT 2020 workshops
Faculty Brown Bag Lunch Chat: How are we dealing with stress remotely?
Offered in conjunction with Campus Mental Health Services.
Thursday, July 30, 12:00pm-1:00pm
The past few months have presented faculty with challenges that few could have anticipated, and those challenges brought with them new sources of stress. At the same time, we became physically isolated from our familiar workplace support structures, and from the impact of being able to inspire students face-to-face. This Brown Bag Lunch is a chance for faculty to talk informally about the impact the past few months has had on them, both personally and professionally. It is a chance to hear from colleagues with similar concerns and challenges, to learn from each other, and to think about the supports we need.
Faculty Brown Bag Lunch Chat: How are you connecting with your students?
Tuesday, August 11, 12:00pm-1:00pm
This is a casual lunch chat with no formal presentation. Bring your stories, questions, and just general musings about what you've done already, or what you plan on doing in the Fall. We can talk about in-class engagement, individual meetings, online office hours, etc. Come to share, or to listen--and bring a snack!
Building a More Affordable Course with Library Resources & OER
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 11:00am
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 11:00am
Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 11:00am
Costs for textbooks and materials can quickly add up and overwhelm students. If you’re concerned about making your courses more affordable – and, in light of the Covid-19 closures, easier to gain access to on day one -- join us for the is one-hour webinar. In this session, Danielle Apfelbaum, Scholarly Communications Librarian, will show you how to locate and share openly-licensed and library-licensed materials with your students.
Copyright and Distance Learning
Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 2:00-3:00pm
Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 10:00-11:00am
Balancing the desire to provide teaching materials to students with the need to respect the intellectual property rights of copyright holders can be a difficult task. In this session, we will discuss the exclusive rights granted to copyright holders and how fair use can provide for exceptions for certain – but not all – educational purposes. Attendees will leave the session with an understanding of the limitations of such exceptions, how these exceptions are applied differently depending on the delivery mode of a course, and best practices for avoiding copyright infringement in online learning spaces. Please be advised that the material presented in this workshop is intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions.
Virtual Writing Sprint Days: Fast-Track Your Summer Writing
Monday, July 20, 2020, 9:00am-5:30pm; Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 9:00am-5:30pm; Friday, July 24, 2020, 9:00am-5:30pm
Stalled on a writing project? Need a boost to get that manuscript started, fleshed out, or wrapped up? Join our Virtual Writing Sprint! Hosted by Prof. Danielle S. Apfelbaum, Scholarly Communication Librarian, the Virtual Writing Sprint will provide a full-day of empowerment, accountability, and strategies for making immediate progress on a writing project of your choice. Be sure to include this event in the Professional Development section under the Scholarship tab in your Axiom portfolio.
Faculty Brown Bag Lunch Chat: Lessons Learned--What worked? What did not?
Wednesday, June 24, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Grab your lunch and chat with your fellow faculty about how things went as you moved online, and how you’re planning for Fall possibilities. If you did something that worked really well, or discovered something that flopped, we want to hear about it. Moderated by Dr. John Fiorillo and Dr. Arthur Hoskey. Bring Your Own Lunch!
Performing a Cultural Audit of Your Class
Thursday, June 25, 10:00am-11:00am
We often assume our students walk into our learning spaces, both physical and online, and feel a certain comfort level, but this isn’t always the case. This 1 hour conversation, led by Fatoma Rad, is based on Chapter 6 of the book, Opening Eyes onto Inclusion and Diversity https://usq.pressbooks.pub/openingeyes/. We will discuss the topics in the short chapter, including performing a cultural audit, in which we gather and analyze data about a space in order to identify the culture/s present. We will discuss ways you can perform a cultural audit of your class spaces, both on-campus and online. Participants will understand how and why to perform the cultural audit.
Web Tools for Enhanced Student Engagement (with Prof. Fatoma Rad)
Friday, November 13, 11:00-11:45 via Google Meet
Engaging students online can be a challenge. What can we do to help our students stay
engaged, or to create a relationship with our students from a distance? This session
will introduce various websites and web-based tools that you can adapt for your classes.
There will be time for individuals to share what has been successful in their classes.
Participants will walk away with tools that they can test for implementation in their
own classes.
COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Information Session
Monday November 16, 2:00-3:00 via Google Meet
Co-hosted by Dr. Chiara De Santi (Modern Languages) and the Office of International
Education and Programs during International Education Week, the session has the goal
of introducing faculty and staff to COIL. The session will explain what COIL is, its
potential, what can be achieved through international collaborations, and the benefits
for students and faculty, especially in times of virtual learning and travel restrictions.
Faculty/Staff Chat—Bring Your Own Dinner
Tuesday, November 17, 4:00pm-4:45pm via Google Meet
Working remotely can be isolating. Come chat with fellow faculty and staff about how
things are going. There’s no set agenda or topic for this casual get together, and
you’re encouraged to munch-while-muted. Scheduled to end at 4:45, but feel free to
stay longer if the conversation is good!
How to Design Plagiarism-Proof Assignments
Thursday, November 19, 11:00-12:00 via Google Meet
Frustrated by plagiarized student papers? Tired of proving the plagiarism, making
your case, and dealing with the aftermath? The Writing in the Disciplines committee
are here to help make your life easier through a brief, fun webinar. Give us an hour
and we’ll save you a lot of time designing plagiarism-proof assignments.
Powering Your Search with Primo (with Prof. Danielle Apfelbaum)
Thursday, November 19, 12:15pm-1:15pm via Google Meet
Have you met Primo, our library discovery system? Join us for this webinar, and get
to know the ins and outs of this powerful research tool. Attendees will learn how
to optimize Primo searches for a variety of materials. Additionally, attendees will
learn how to utilize the favorites function to save, organize, and manage resources
for their research projects.
Please register by Tuesday 11/17 to receive the link to this webinar. This is not
an automated registration system. If you are unable to attend, no need to cancel.
What We've Learned from Working Through Crisis (with Dr. Shane Owens)
Monday November 23, 4:00-5:00pm via Google Meet
The staff of Campus Mental Health Services offers an opportunity to gather and discuss
the successes and shortcomings that staff and faculty have experienced during the
last couple months of modified work and instruction.
Enhancing Courses with Streaming Video Clips—using AVON (with Prof. Karen Gelles)
Friday, December 4, 11:00-11:30am via Google Meet
Academic Video Online is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers
more than 66,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology,
business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Learn you and your
students can access the database, search for video, and use it in your Blackboard
All Your Libraries: Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Opportunities (with prof.
Jessica McGivney)
Friday, December 4, 11:30-12:00pm via Google Meet
Tap into the collections of libraries around the world by learning about all your
options for placing Interlibrary Loans and resource sharing requests.
December Project Sprint (facilitated by Prof. Danielle Apfelbaum)
Friday, December 11, 9am-5pm
Stalled on a writing project? Trying to kickstart next semester’s course design? Ruminating
over that unfinished report? Join our Virtual Project Sprint! Hosted by Prof. Danielle S. Apfelbaum,
Scholarly Communication Librarian, the Virtual Project Sprint will provide a full-day
of empowerment, community, accountability, and strategies for making immediate progress
on a project of your choice.
Please register by Wednesday 12/9 to receive the link to this webinar. This is not
an automated registration system. If you are unable to attend, no need to cancel.
Jennifer Jaiswal
Director of The Faculty Center
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