Christopher Adamczyk
Dr. Adamczyk is a lifelong student of rhetoric whose research is concerned with communication, rhetoric, and technology. He is especially interested in how public debate, discussion, and imaginaries about science and technology impact what kinds of technologies are invented and how existing technologies are used. He also has a deep love for the history of rhetoric—ancient or otherwise.
As a teacher, Dr. Adamczyk enjoys using communication as a tool to encourage students to engage with and reflect upon contemporary events. He believes that learning to articulate your own opinions and to participate in debate are vital civic and cultural virtues.
- Ph.D. in Communication and Rhetoric, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2019
- M.A. in Communication Studies, Texas Tech University, 2014
- B.A. in Rhetoric, Georgia College, 2009
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Adamczyk, C. L. (2023). "United Nations Environment Programme Initiatives for Communicating Environmental Big Data: Considering DEAL and WESR." Environmental Communication. Published online.
- Adamczyk, C. L. (2023). "Veiled Meaning in Plato's Phaedrus: Dramatic Detail as a Guide for Philosophizing." Philosophy & Literature 47(2).
- Yang, M. & Adamczyk, C. L. (2023). "GameStop Investors as an En(g)raged Digital Public." Javnost 30(3).
- Adamczyk, C. L. (2023). "Communicating Dataism." Review of Communication (23)1.
- Adamczyk, C. L. (2021). "Big Data, Congress, and the Rhetoric of Technology." Poroi 16(1).
- Adamczyk, C. L. (2021). "Human Labor in Popular Science Fiction about Robots--Reflection, Critique, and Collaboration." Popular Culture Studies 9(1).
- Adamczyk, C. L. (2017). "Confederate Memory in Post-Confederate Atlanta--A Prolegomena." Advances in the History of Rhetoric 20(2).
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Adamczyk, C.L. and Mary Caulfield. “Rhetorical Invitation in Straight Line Crazy: Evaluating Robert Moses’ Legacy through Drama.” In Casting the Art of Rhetoric with Theatre and Drama: Taking Center Stage. Ed. Adrienne Hacker-Daniels. Lexington. [Forthcoming].
- Adamczyk, C. L. “Performing Industrial Heritage in the Ruins of Bethlehem Steel.” Relics of Modernity: Theorizing Rhetorics and Performances of Ruins. Ed. Andrew Wood. Lexington. [Forthcoming].
- Adamczyk, C. L. “On Conserving Cyberspace: Resisting Overdevelopment of a Once Wild Frontier.” In The Wild: Image, Industry, and Technology. Eds. Phil Duncan and Derek Moscato. Lexington. [Forthcoming].
- Adamczyk, C. L.. “Apocryphal Greenwashing: Potent Rhetoric and Impotent Technological Solutions in the Era of Climate Crisis.” In Apocryphal Technologies: An Archeology of Spurious and Nefarious Techniques, Devices, Practices, and Beliefs. Eds. Anthony Ens and Jamie Allen. Lexington. [Forthcoming]
- Adamczyk, Christopher Lee. “Rhetoric from Technology and the Politics of Artifacts.” In Arrangements of Power: Tracing Langdon Winner’s Legacy within and beyond the Philosophy of Technology. Eds. Alice Quinn Fox and Darryl Cressman. Springer. [Forthcoming, In Progress].
Conference Proceedings
- Adamczyk, C. L. (2018). "A Daoist Rhetoric of Science." In Rhetorics Change/Rhetoric's Change eds. J. Rice and C. Graham, Parlor Press.
- Lauzon, R. & Adamczyk, C. L. (2018). "Jian Ghomeshi's Inopportune Moment." In Rhetorics Change/Rhetoric's Change eds. J. Rice and C. Graham, Parlor Press.
Book Reviews
- Adamczyk, C. L. (2019). "Visions of Technological Transcendence: Human Enhancement and the Rhetoric of the Future, by James A. Herrick. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 49(2), pp. 212-215.
- SPE 130 Public Speaking
- SPE 202 Interpersonal Communication
- EGL 240 Themes in Science Fiction in Film and Literature
- EGL 308 The City in Literature, Art, Film, and Theatre
- EGL 321 Advocacy and Social Justice
- SPE 330 Professional and Technical Speech
- SPE 331 Advanced Oral Communication
- Rhetoric Society of America
- National Communication Association
- New York State Communication Association