Academic Advisors Directory


Program Location Type Filter

Aeronautical Science - Professional Pilot (BS)

All Students: You will be advised by the Coordinator of the Aviation Center. Please contact the flight center at 934-420-2577 to set up an appointment.

Department Website

Aviation Center, Room 25 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Applied Economics (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-5260 to set up an appointment. Please take MTH 117 or MTH 129 as soon as you begin taking classes at Farmingdale State College.

All Continuing Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-5260 to set up an appointment.

Department Website

Business Building, Room 204 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Applied Gerontology (BS) 
All Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment or contact the department at 934-420-5651 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 144 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Applied Mathematics (BS)

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2182.

All Continuing Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2182.

Department Website

Whitman Hall, Room 180 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Applied Psychology (BS)

All Students: New accepted students will be contacted by the department to schedule an advisement appointment. Continuing students will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Students with questions about making advising appointments should contact the secretary at 934-420-2725. Students with questions about the program or required courses should contact the program director at 934-420-2236. Students wishing to apply should click the link for "Curriculum Change Application Guidelines" on the Department website below.

Department Website

Knapp Hall, Room 46 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Architectural Engineering Technology (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised by academic advisor Danielle Egelandsdal in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC).  Please schedule an appointment with Danielle to be advised and registered.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by the chair of the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2024 or to set up an appointment.

Continuing Students with 1-90 credits: Make an appointment with Mrs. Danielle Egelandsdal  of the AAIC. 

Continuing Students with 91+ credits: You will be advised by the Department chair. Please email to set up an appointment.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 261 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Aviation Administration (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2308 to set up an appointment.

Continuing Students: Students with up to 29 credits (earned + current) will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160. Students with 30 or more credits (earned + current) will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2308 to set up an appointment.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 103 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Bioscience (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2175, or email

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. You can schedule an appointment to meet with a Bioscience advisor. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2175, or email

Continuing Students with 1-59 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 60+ credits: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. You can schedule an appointment to meet with a Bioscience advisor. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2175, or email

Department Website | Pre-Health Professions Website

Hale Hall, Room 127 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Business Management (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2015.

Incoming Transfer Students with 1-29 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students with 30+ credits:
You will be advised by an advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the Business Advising Center at 934-420-2015.

Continuing First Year Students with 1-29 credits:  You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 30+ credits: You will be advised by an advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the Business Advising Center at 934-420-2015.

Department Website

Business Building, Room 329 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Business Analytics (BS) 

All Students: You will be advised by an advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the Business Advising Center at 934-420-2015 for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Business Building, Room 329 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Civil Engineering Technology (BS) 

All Students: You will be advised by the department. Please schedule an appointment with your department at 934-420-5292 for registration.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 138B Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Computer Engineering Technology (BS)

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2397.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2397 to schedule an appointment for advisement and registration.

All Continuing Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2397 to schedule an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 246 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Computer Programming and Information Systems (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact Denise Backman at 934-420-2190.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2190 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Continuing Students with 1-44 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160

Continuing Students with 45+ credits:  You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2190 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Whitman Hall, Room 112 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Computer Science (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact Denise Backman at 934-420-2190.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2190 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Continuing Students with 1-44 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160

Continuing Students with 45+ credits: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2190 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website


Computer Security Technology (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2538.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2538 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2538.

Continuing First- and second-semester students with 1-45 credits:  You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students in the third semester and beyond: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2538 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 101 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Construction Management Engineering Technology (BS)

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised by academic advisor Danielle Egelandsdal in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment with Danielle to be advised and registered.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by the chair of the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2024 or to set up an appointment.

Continuing Students with 1-90 credits: Make an appointment with Mrs. Danielle Egelandsdal  of the AAIC. 

Continuing Students with 91+ credits: You will be advised by the Department chair.  Please email to set up an appointment.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 261 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Technology (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2692.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by Dr. LaNina Cooke, the Assistant Director of the Center for Criminal Justice Studies. Please schedule an appointment for advisement and registration. Students with questions about the major should visit The Center for Criminal Justice Studies, e-mail the department at, or call 934-420-2692.

Continuing first- and second-year students with 1-62 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 63+ credits: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the department at 934-420-2692 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Ward Hall, Room 10
Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Criminal Justice: Police, Courts, and Corrections (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2692 or email  

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by Dr. LaNina Cooke, the Assistant Director of the Center for Criminal Justice Studies. Please schedule an appointment for advisement and registration. Students with questions about the major should visit The Center for Criminal Justice Studies, e-mail the department at, or call 934-420-2692.

Continuing first- and second-year students with 1-62 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 63+ credits: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the department at 934-420-2692 or email to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Ward Hall, Room 10 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Dental Hygiene (BS) 

All Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2060 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors: If you are seeking advisement concerning non-Dental Hygiene courses, you will be advised by an academic advisor in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment here or call 934-420-5160, identifying yourself as a Dental Hygiene major.

Department Website

Gleeson Hall, Room 244 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Electrical Engineering Technology (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact department at 934-420-2397.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department.  Please contact the department at 934-420-2397 to schedule an appointment for advisement and registration.

All Continuing Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2397 to schedule an appointment for advisement.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 246 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Geographic Information Systems(BS) 

All Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department.  Please contact the program director, Emily Fogarty ( to schedule an advising appointment.

Department Website

Memorial Hall, Room 232 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Global Business Management (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2015.

Incoming Transfer Students with 1-29 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students with 30+ credits: You will be advised by an advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department or  contact the Business Advising Center at 934-420-2015.

Continuing Students with 1-29 credits:  You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 30+ credits: You will be advised by an advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the Business Advising Center at 934-420-2015.

Department Website

Business Building, Room 329 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Health Promotion and Wellness (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment on our website or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students with 1-14 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment on our website or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students with 15+ credits: You will be advised by an advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-5651.

Continuing Students with 1-14 credits (including those in progress): You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment on our website or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 15+ credits: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment or contact the department at 934-420-5651 for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 144 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Horticultural Technology Management (BTech)

All Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact Filomena Viti at 934-420-2113 or email to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Thompson Hall, Room 202 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Industrial Technology: Facility Management Technology (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2046 or email to

Incoming Transfer Students: Transfer students need to have their credits evaluated by Transfer Services before they are given an appointment with the Department Chairperson for transfer credit evaluation and advisement. Please contact the department at 934-420-2046 or to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

All continuing students: All continuing students will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact your faculty advisor directly to set up an appointment for advisement. If you have any questions or need assistance with registration, please contact the department at 934-420-2046 or

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 169 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Manufacturing Engineering Technology (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: New freshmen with no college credit will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2046 or email to

Incoming Transfer Students: Transfer students need to have their credits evaluated by Transfer Services before they are given an appointment with the Department Chairperson for transfer credit evaluation and advisement. Please contact the department at 934-420-2046 or to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

All continuing students: All continuing students will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact your faculty advisor directly to set up an appointment for advisement. If you have any questions or need assistance with registration, please contact the department at 934-420-2046 or

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 169 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Mechanical Engineering Technology (BS)

Incoming First Year Students: New freshmen with no college credit will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2046 or email to

Incoming Transfer Students: Transfer students need to have their credits evaluated by Transfer Services before they are given an appointment with the Department Chairperson for transfer credit evaluation and advisement. Please contact the department at 934-420-2046 or to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

All continuing students: All continuing students will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact your faculty advisor directly to set up an appointment for advisement. If you have any questions or need assistance with registration, please contact the department at 934-420-2046 or

Department Website | Frequently Asked Questions

Lupton Hall, Room 169 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Medical Laboratory Science (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: Individual appointments will be made for advisement and registration. Students should contact the department directly for an appointment at 934-420-2257.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2257 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

All continuing Students:  You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2257 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Gleeson Hall, Room 244 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Nursing (BS) 

Incoming Students: Newly accepted freshmen beginning in the fall semester and advanced standing students beginning in the spring should wait to be contacted about registration and orientation.
Continuing Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please check the advisement list located on the bulletin board outside of the nursing office, Gleeson 204, and set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Gleeson Hall, Room 204 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Nutrition Science (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment on our website or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students with 1-14 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment on our website or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students with 15+ credits: You will be advised by an advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-5651.

Continuing Students with 1-14 credits (including those in progress): You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment on our website or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 15+ credits: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment or contact the department at 934-420-5651 for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 144 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Professional Communications (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2321 or email

Incoming Transfer Students: Incoming transfer students will be advised by an advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department at 934-420-2321.

Continuing Students with 1-74 credits: You are welcome to contact the Professional Communications Department if you have questions about the major, but you will be advised by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 75+ credits: Seniors in the Program are encouraged to contact the Professional Communications Department to seek approval of your internship registration and to confirm your graduation requirements. You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department at 934-420-2321.

Department Website

Knapp Hall, Room 30 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Science, Technology, and Society (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2220.

Incoming Transfer Students: You should contact the department for academic advisement. Please click here to schedule an appointment or call 934-420-2220.

Continuing Students with 1-59 credits: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 60+ credits: You will be advised by the department. Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-2220.

Department Website

Memorial Hall, Room 116 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Security Systems (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2538.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2538 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration. Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2538.

Continuing first- and second-semester students with 1-45 credits: You will be advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students in the third semester and beyond: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2538 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Lupton Hall, Room 101 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Sport Management (BS) 

Incoming First Year Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). After June 6, please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.
Students with questions about the major should contact department at 934-420-2786.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2786 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Continuing First Year Students with 1-29 credits: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students with 30+ credits: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2786 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Business Building, Room 104 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Visual Communications: Art & Graphic Design (BS)

Incoming First Year Students: You should contact Yolanda Segarra at to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Incoming Transfer Students: You should contact Yolanda Segarra at to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

All Continuing Students : You will be advised by an assigned faculty advisor and should seek to be advised three weeks before registration begins. Students, who do not remember who their advisors is, should contact Joyce LoBue at

Department Website

Hale Hall, Room 156 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Visual Communications: Interaction Design (BS)

Incoming First Year Students: You should contact Yolanda Segarra at to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Incoming Transfer Students: You should contact Yolanda Segarra at to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

All Continuing Students: You will be advised by an assigned faculty advisor and should seek to be advised three weeks before registration begins. Students, who do not remember who their advisors is, should contact Joyce LoBue at

Department Website

Hale Hall, Room 156 Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degrees

Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement (AS)

Incoming Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Incoming Transfer Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Continuing Students: You will be advised and registered by the academic advisors in the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC). Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-5160.

Students with questions about the major should contact the department at 934-420-2692.

Department Website

Ward Hall, Room 10
Associate Degrees Associate Degrees

Dental Hygiene (AAS) 

All Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2060 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Gleeson Hall, Room 244 Associate Degrees Associate Degrees

Landscape Development (AAS) 

All Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact the department at 934-420-2113 to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Thompson Hall, Room 202 Associate Degrees Associate Degrees

Liberal Arts and Sciences (AA) 

You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the LAS office at 934-420-2656 for advisement and registration.

Transfer students need to have their credits evaluated by Transfer Services before they can be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. 

Department Website

Memorial Hall, Room 100 Associate Degrees Associate Degrees

Ornamental Horticulture - General (AAS) 

All Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact Filomena Viti at 934-420-2113 or email to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.

Department Website

Thompson Hall, Room 202 Associate Degrees Associate Degrees

Sciences for the Health Professions Certificate Program (CERT) 

All Students: You will be advised and registered by Professor Amanda Lavery. Please schedule an appointment or call 934-420-2530.

Program Website | Pre-Health Professions Website

Hale Hall, Room 114 Certificates Certificates

Cannabis Production Program (CERT)

All Students: You will be advised by a faculty advisor in the department. Please contact Filomena Viti at 934-420-2113 or email to set up an appointment for advisement and registration.


Thompson Hall, Room 202 Certificates Certificates

Accounting Certificate Program (CERT)

All Students: Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the Business Advising Center at 934-420-2015

Department Website

Business Building,  Room 329 Certificates Certificates

Human Resources Management (CERT)

All Students: Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the Business Advising Center at 934-420-2015

Department Website

Business Building, Room 329 Certificates Certificates

Marketing (CERT)

All Students: Please schedule an appointment with the department or contact the Business Advising Center at 934-420-2015

Department Website

Business Building, Room 329 Certificates Certificates




Academic Advisement & Information Center

Greenley Library, Lower Level

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Last Modified 1/21/25