Collage of students working in the flowering sustainable gardens.

Sustainable Horticulture

Sustainable Horticulture Digital Badge

Sustainable Horticulture

Earners of this microcredential will increase their knowledge of contemporary landscape sustainable practices and can help solve regional environmental problems. This microcredential establishes a common framework to define the profession of sustainable landscape design and development. Earners will demonstrate their knowledge, expertise, and commitment to the horticulture profession, the construction industry, stewardship of the environment, and society at large.

Admission requirements for application:

For Non-matriculated students:

Requirements to earn the microcredential:

To achieve the Sustainable Horticulture microcredential, participants will need to be enrolled at FSC and successfully complete a four-course sequence (HOR 110, HOR 112, HOR 330, HOR 340), with a grade of C or better in each course.

Stackable to:

General Horticulture, A.A.S.
Horticulture Technology Management, B.S.
Ornamental Horticulture Certificate

Time to complete:

3-4 semesters

Cost to attend:

Standard tuition rates apply. For tuition information, please click here.

Contact Information

Urban Horticulture and Design

Thompson Hall, 202

Students must complete the following courses:

Basic Coursework (4 courses, 12 credits)
HOR 110: Horticulture I 3 credits
HOR 112: Soils: the Foundation of Life 3 credits
HOR 330: Weed Science and Management 3 credits
HOR 340: The Sustainable Garden 3 credits

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Last Modified 1/27/25