External Research Opportunities

Dear Students,

The websites below will link you to 100’s of opportunities for off-campus research and applied learning that are available to you during your undergraduate career.  Most are funded summer research programs at universities across the US.

The first tab will connect you to a multitude of searchable databases where you can find opportunities that match your academic and/or career interests.

The other tabs accesses specific programs that might be of interest to you.

We will continue to add more opportunities to these sites, so check them often.

Finally, keep this advice in mind:

  • Application deadlines usually fall between October and April – with most applications due in December, January, and February
  • The typical application will require you to write an essay and will ask for letters of reference from your faculty and university mentors
  • Don’t be shy!  Your faculty, program directors, and professional staff are available to help you with your application.  Just ask….and ask early!
  • Once you have prepared one application, it should be easy to rework it to fit another opportunity (and your faculty don’t mind revising their letters to be addressed to another competition).  So increase your odds of winning. Plan to apply for more than one opportunity.

GO FOR IT! You have nothing to lose in applying….and a successful application will surely change your life!

Searchable Database

This section will connect you to a multitude of searchable databases where you can find opportunities that match your academic and/or career interests.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UGRO) - University of California, Santa Cruz
Scholarships and Other Award Resources (SOAR) - Binghamton University, SUNY
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Off-campus Research Opportunities - University of California, Irvine
Summer Health Professions Education Program Sites - Summer Health Professions Education Program
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) - National Science Foundation (NSF)
Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) - University of Illinois-Chicago
Search for Grants/Fellowships - Yale University
Field School Opportunities / Internship Opportunities - American Anthropological Association
Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin - Archaeological Institute of America
US Government Research Internships for Undergraduates in the STEM Science Fields - STEMUndergrads.science.gov
Off-Campus Research Opportunities - Bates
Undergraduate Research by Major or by Department - University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Research Opportunities - University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Summer Research - the Leadership Alliance
Big Ten Academic Alliance Summer Research Opportunities - the Big Ten Academic Alliance
Summer Internships in Biology - Columbia University
Pathways to Science (Fully Funded STEM Programs) - Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP)
Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) at the University of Utah - University of Utah


Biology & Medical Sciences


Summer Student Intern Program

The Feinstein Institute Summer Student Intern program is an eight-week competitive mentored program designed to provide students with hands-on experience in disease-oriented research and familiarize them with opportunities that exist for careers in medical research.

Application Deadline: January


Winston Churchill Foundation Scholarships

The Winston Churchill Foundation offers approximately ten one-year Scholarships to Churchill College, Cambridge University, England, for graduate study in engineering, mathematics or science.

Program Dates: 9-month program
Application Deadline: November
$7,000 stipend, $500 travel allowance


CURE (Continuing Umbrella of Research Experience)

An 8-week research program that allows undergraduates interested in the biomedical sciences to work full-time alongside top cancer researchers. Students must be members of underserved populations (African-American, Hispanic, Pacific Islander or Native American).

Application Deadline: April
$3,500 stipend


National Institutes of Health-Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program

The NIH together with Oxford and Cambridge Universities have established a collaborative, individualized doctoral training program for outstanding sciences students committed to biomedical research. Students typically spend two years in England at either university, pursuing tutorials and research on a collaborative project with an NIH intramural scientist. They then spend two years in Bethesda, Maryland continuing their thesis project at the NIH with either a D.Phil. or a Ph.D. awarded at the end by either Oxford or Cambridge Universities.

Students receive a yearly stipend, health and travel benefits and other academic support including tuition and lab fees.


National Institute of Health's Undergraduate Scholarship Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research.

Application Deadline: March 
$20,000 award


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship

A ten-week internship during the summer at a NOAA facility. The internship takes place between the first and second years of the award. The scholarship program seeks to increase training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology and education and to foster multidisciplinary training opportunities consistent with the NOAA mission which focuses on ecosystems, climate, weather and water and environmentally sound commerce and transportation.

Application Deadline: January 
$9,500 award


American Physiological Society Summer Research Program (include: STRIDE, UGREF, IOSP, UGSRF)

10-weeks of work with APS member-researchers in a specific area of physiological, evolutionary biology & evolutionary research.

Location: Around the country
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors, Biology-based (UGREF requires applicant to have 9 months of previous laboratory experience.)
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: Begins May
Travel costs are covered by program; hosts receive funds for lab supplies.

Parker B. Francis Summer Research Fellowship Program

12-week summer research fellowship with an experienced scientific mentor in an academic research setting. This program encourages students to pursue careers in research related to lung disease.

Location: University of Kansas Medical Center
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Chemistry 
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 12-weeks during Summer
 $10/hour salary


Diversity Summer Internship Program (DSIP)

Students work under the direct mentoring of accomplished Johns Hopkins researchers who provide undergraduates guidance with a graduate-level, independent research project in the biomedical or public health field.

Location: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore, MD
Field: Nursing, Biology, Public Health, Biomedical
Application Deadline: Winter
Program Dates: May - August
$3,000 min stipend, varies depending on faculty mentor


Biomedical Summer Internship (SIP)

Students will conduct full-time, biomedical research over the course of 8-weeks during the summer under the guidance of a NIH scientist. Each intern will have an independent project.

Location: Intramural Laboratories of the National Institutes of Health (MD, MI, NC, MT, MA, AZ)
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: Start and end dates are negotiated individually by the applicant and the NIH investigator offering the internship.
$2,190-$2,410 monthly stipend depending on education level.


Gateways to the Laboratory Program for Underrepresented/Minority/Disadvantaged College Undergraduates

15 students work independently on a research project, participate in laboratory and clinical workshops for 10-weeks. Students give an oral, written and poster presentation of research as a final project.

Location: Cornell Medical College, The Rockefeller University, or Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY
Eligibility/Field: Medical Sciences (Applicant must be a minority/from a disadvantaged background (not specified))
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer
$4,300 stipend


Biological Signals: Information Flow, Storage and Exchange Summer Research Program

Program participants live close to campus and perform full-time research for 10 weeks within a discipline-based research group led by a faculty member. Seminar series, Students present their projects at a final symposium and write research reports to summarize their findings.

Location: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Sciences 2nd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
No cost for program participation, stipend is provided to each student, and housing and travel costs are covered.


SUNY Downstate Medical Center Biomedical Summer Research Program

Students will conduct research under the direction of a faculty member. Assignments will be made based upon availability of research opportunities and according to the mutual interests of the faculty sponsors and student participants. Oral presentations are made at the conclusion of the summer.

Location: Brooklyn, NY SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Eligibility/Field: Medical Science, Nursing, Biology – 2nd and 3rd year college undergraduates *Students who have been historically underrepresented in the biomedical professions (African American, Mainland Puerto Rican, Native American and Mexican American)
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: 8-weeks during Summer
$3,000 fellowship award


Einstein College of Medicine Summer Graduate Research Program

Each summer the Einstein Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) brings together 50 college students each summer for a one-of-a-kind opportunity to conduct original research in a laboratory at one of the world's top-ranking scientific institutions. The program is designed for undergraduates with a strong background in science who are considering a research career.

Location: Bronx, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Nursing, Engineering- students with a strong background in science who are considering a research career.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - July
$3,000 stipend, $500 in transportation assistance


Arizona State University Summer Program in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (MTBI)

Students engage in graduate- level research at the interface of mathematics, statistics, and the natural and social sciences. Throughout the program, there will be classroom instruction on research methods and hands-on research projects under the guidance of graduate students, postdoctoral students, and visiting scholars. A final report and research poster is presented at national conferences by the end of the program.

Location: Arizona State University -Tempe, AZ
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, Biology, social sciences (applicants need to have completed 1 year of calculus) 2nd-4th year college undergraduates
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - July 
$4,000 stipend and $500 for transportation


Maryland Sea Grant’s Research Experiences-Marine Research

This program supports fifteen students in order to conduct marine research on the Chesapeake Bay for 12-weeks. Each student works with a mentor on an individual research project at one of the two marine labs at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences. Students will also participate in field trips and seminars on careers in science.

Location: Solomons and Cambridge Maryland
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics (Marine Science, ecology, environmental science)
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 12-weeks during Summer
$6,000 stipend, housing and travel costs are covered by program


NSF Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates REU: Integrating Biology from Molecules to Ecosystems

Individual research projects in participating faculty laboratories in the Departments of Integrative Biology, Molecular & Cell Biology. Students will participate in group tutorials, research seminars, workshops and career opportunities. Students will also receive mentoring from faculty, graduate students and postdocs.

Location: University of California at Berkeley
Eligibility/Field: Biology
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer
$5,200 stipend, travel costs covered up to $600, paid on-campus housing & 19 meals per week are provided by program


NIH Summer Internship Program at NIEHS

A research mentoring experience that is supplemented by a series of seminars and workshops featuring some of the institute’s leading researchers and staff, who provide participants with a good overview of environmental health sciences. Students present a final project at the end of the summer.

Location: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Physics, Engineering
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: 8-weeks during Summer
$2,190-$2,410 stipend depending on education level


Mechanisms of Evolution Research Experience for Undergraduates

Students will work on hypothesis-based projects that are focused around the main topic of the program: mechanisms of evolution. The program is meant to promote careers in science and research. Students will present their research in a final project at the end of the summer at a scientific colloquium.

Location: University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Chemistry Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics
Application Deadline: Spring
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer
$5,750 salary disbursed into two equal checks over the course of the program. Travel (excluding airfare) is covered, 100 meal dining plan is provided by the program.


Pediatric Oncology Education (POE) Research Experience

Students will spend 11-weeks during the summer in a clinical research or laboratory research setting depending on their interests to gain biomedical and oncology research experience. Students will attend a daily “Lunch & Learn” series and other clinical and basic research conferences. Research topics include: Biostatistics, Chemical biology, developmental neurobiology, hematology and many other departments of study.

Location: St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital Lab/ Clinical Research Memphis, TN
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical sciences, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, or public health
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August
$400/week allowance, group housing is provided by the program.


Jefferson Summer Training and Enrichment Program for Underrepresented Persons (JeffSTEP-UP)

Students will attend comprehensive workshops, educational sessions on health policy, health disparities, and health equity. They will participate in clinical shadowing experiences, and medical skills workshops during this 8-week, full-time residential program.

Location: Thomas Jefferson University –Center City, Philadelphia
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing *Applicant is preferred to be an underrepresented minority in medicine as defined by the AAMC or the HRSA
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 8-weeks Summer


Frankel Cardiovascular Center Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program

Students will work 40 hours per week in the laboratory during the 10-week fellowship period focusing on cardiovascular research topics such as atherosclerosis, genetic cardiomyopathies, blood clotting disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, vascular biology, and heart failure. Students will be required to attend an End of Summer Colloquium and present their research in a final project.

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$4,000 stipend


Summer Undergraduate Biomedical Research Program

Students will spend 9 to 10 weeks participating in hands-on laboratory experience, various academic and social activities, two scientific writing classes, an ethics in research seminar, an introduction to bioinformatics and a career day. Students will conduct clinical and basic science research under the guidance of a Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center faculty member. At the end of the summer, students present their research in a poster session, and a lecture is presented by a distinguished keynote speaker.

Location: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June
$4,000 salary


NYU School of Medicine, Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate Research Program

Students will conduct hands-on research under the guidance of a research mentor in his or her lab on topics such as biostatistics, developmental genetics, epidemiology, genome integrity, and microbiology.  Students will also participate in weekly “Conversations with a scientist/physician” lunch sessions, journal clubs, and a series of Wednesday seminars. Optional social activities are included. Students will present their research at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium at the end of the program.

Location: NYU School of Medicine and NYU Langone Medical Center, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing
Application Opens: October
Program Dates: June - August
$3,500 salary, housing and round-trip travel is provided


Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training (MHIRT) Program through Rhodes College

Students will conduct biomedical and behavioral research over the course of 10-weeks during the summer at their designated international research site under the guidance and mentorship of U.S. and foreign scientists. Pre-departure training is required and lessons in Portuguese are suggested to applicants who wish to conduct their research in Brazil.

Location: Brazil, Nicaragua, or Uganda Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing *students from socially or economically disadvantaged groups are preferred applicants Application Deadline: December (Early-Bird App. Deadline) January (Final Deadline)
Program Dates: 10-weeks Summer
$1,000-$1,500 stipend - Visa, passport, airfare, food, housing and on-site expenses are covered by the program.


RISE at Rutgers Summer Research Experience

Students will participate in 10-weeks of GRE prep, training in scientific writing and oral presentation, workshops, field trips to pharmaceutical and technology companies and will attend the Capstone Symposium where they will present both oral and poster presentations.

Location: New Brunswick, NJ
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Physical/Social/Behavioral Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering
Application Deadline: April 
Program Dates: May - August
$4,500-$5,000 stipend, travel costs are covered up to $500, free on-campus housing


San Diego SU MHIRT Program

Students will spend 10-weeks during the summer at a research facility located in Peru or Taiwan where they will receive biomedical, clinical and behavioral health research training in theoretical modeling, developing hypotheses, and clinical and lab activities. Students will be taught in English. Activities vary depending on which research facility the student will attend.

Location: Peru or Taiwan
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing, medical anthropology, public health *Applicant must come from a group underrepresented in biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social sciences research (African Americans, Hispanic Americans or Latinos, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders). Or a disadvantaged background (socioeconomic status, disability, first generation to receive higher education).
Application Deadline: App opens October
Program Dates: June - August 
$1,200 stipend is provided for housing, travel and a meal plan.  


National Security Agency Summer Intern Programs

Internships for ALL majors are offered for 12-weeks over the summer. Activities and studies vary depending on program chosen. Topics include: editing, journalism, engineering, mathematics, health education, public relations, computer science & many more.

Location: National Security Headquarters- Fort George G. Meade, MD
Eligibility/Field:  All majors are eligible to apply (Multiple Programs Offered)
Application Deadline: October
Program Dates: Summer


The Scripps Research Institute Scientific Research Fellows

Students choose their area of research interest and conduct research on the TSRI campus (California or Florida) for 10-weeks under the mentorship of a faculty member, graduate student, postdoc or another member of the lab. Students are expected to work full-time, independently after a few weeks of supervised research. Students will participate in weekly academic and research seminars and will give an oral presentation of their research at the Summer Student Symposium at the end of the program. 

Location: La Jolia California or Jupiter, FL
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, biology, sciences
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August
$5,000 stipend and on-campus housing is provided by the program


Danforth Plant Science Center REU Summer Internship Program

For 11-weeks over the summer, students will participate in hands-on lab experience, workshops discussions and weekly seminars. They will also attend discussion forums, informal lunches and social gatherings. During the first week of the program, students and their mentors will design a project to work on for the duration of the internship. Research topics include: abiotic stress, bioenergy, cell biology, cellular signaling and many other areas of research. A brief, written and oral report is required by each student at the end of the program.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri Eligibility/Field: Plant or Life Science, Biology, Agriculture, Ecology
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$7,474 stipend, housing is provided by the program.


Baylor College of Medicine Summer Medical and Research Training Program (SMART)

Students will participate in 9-weeks of paid, biomedical-related research, daily seminars, discussion groups, career development activities and free GRE prep workshops.

Location: Houston, TX- Housing near Baylor College of Medicine
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical, all science & math majors & non-science majors with appropriate background interest are welcome to apply
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: May - July 
$5,000 compensation package


UT Southwestern Medical Center Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Students spend 10-weeks conducting individual research projects in the laboratories of graduate school faculty members, attend weekly seminars and informal discussions about careers in science and graduate training. Research areas include: biological chemistry, biophysics, cancer biology, cell biology, biomedical engineering, genetics and microbiology.

Location: Housing in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August
$4,000 stipend, housing may be provided


Research Experience for Undergraduate Program in Estuarine and Coastal Marine Sciences

9 students will work on a semi-independent research program for 10-weeks over the summer. Each student will work with a faculty member researching topics such as: coastal and estuarine physical processes, molecular biology and genetics, sensory physiology, ecology, and behavior. Each student will prepare a final written paper at the end of the program.

Location: Pivers Island in coastal Carteret County of North Carolina
Eligibility/Field: Biology-2nd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline:  February 
Program Dates: June - August
All room & board expenses are covered by the program, free tuition, stipend & travel allowance is provided by the program


Summer Research Internship Program (SRIP) at the University of Virginia School of Medicine

Students will participate in a ten-week, hands-on research experience investigating current problems in biomedical research under the guidance of a faculty member. Students will attend a research lecture series, various workshops, an 8-week GRE prep class, and will be given several opportunities to present their research.

Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Application Deadline: Winter
Program Dates: May - August 
Housing on University of Virginia grounds and travel is covered by the program. Stipend/wage is provided.


MU School of Medicine Summer Research Internship

Students will work under the guidance of MU School of Medicine faculty for 9-weeks, participate in a series of workshops, lunches, career prep and options, and will attend weekly discussions. Students will present the results of their research at a poster forum at the end of the program.

Location: Columbia, MO
Eligibility/Field: Biology, biochemistry, chemistry
Application Deadline:  February
Program Dates: May  - August
$3,400 stipend, travel costs are covered as well as housing and meals.


Summer Research Program at University of California

Students will conduct research under the guidance of UCFS faculty members for 10-weeks over the summer. They will take part in seminars, lectures, and social events. The program also features a GRE Prep course, seminars on scientific and professional development and “journal talks.” Students will present their research at the end of the program

Location: San Francisco
Eligibility/Field: Biology (Bioengineering, biophysics, chemistry)
Application Deadline: November
Program Dates: May 29-Aug 1
$4,000 stipend $500 travel allowance, housing and public transportation provided by program


Miller Summer Program in Animal Sciences

This 9-week internship program is meant to introduce students to animal science research, including: genetics and molecular biology, ruminant and nonruminant nutrition, environmental physiology, and reproductive physiology. Each student will work in a laboratory under the guidance and supervision of an “internationally recognized researcher.”

Location: Columbia, MO
Eligibility/Field: Biology (animal sciences, biochemistry, molecular biology, plant stress biology) 3rd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$3,800 stipend, travel, on-campus housing and meal plan is provided by the program


The Biosphere 2 REU Summer Program

10 undergraduates are given the opportunity to conduct guided research in environmental and Earth systems for 10-weeks. Students will also participate in developmental workshops and field trips to local attractions. At the end of the program, students will present their research findings in a formal symposium setting

Location: Oracle, Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, biology, mathematics, physics, computer science (ecology, plant sciences, hydrology, soil science, geology, chemistry)
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: June - August
$5,000 stipend, travel support, housing and food allowance provided by program


Summer Research Institute at UA

Throughout this 10-week summer program, students will conduct one-on-one research with a UA faculty mentor (on chosen field of study), attend workshops on organizing research, research ethics, public speaking skills, and GRE prep. Students will present a poster on their findings at the end of the program.

Location: The University of Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June  - August
$4,000 stipend


Minority Health Disparities (MHD) Summer Research

Students will work on a research project under a mentor’s guidance for 10-weeks over the summer. They will also participate in workshops, field trips a speaker series, GRE prep, and an annual research conference & closing ceremony.

Location: University of Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical **Applicant must be of American Indian/Alaska Native, African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander descent or other underserved populations
Application Deadline: February
$4,000 stipend


University of Maryland STAR Program

10-week research training and career development program to enhance their potential to apply for and complete graduate degrees in biomedical and behavioral science relevant to preventing and treating cardiovascular disease. This program is part of the “Big 10 Academic Alliance Summer Research Opportunities Program.”

Location: University of Maryland School of Public Health
Eligibility/Field: 2nd-3rd year undergraduate, Biomedical **Applicant must come from an underrepresented minority group, disadvantaged background and/or have a disability.
Application Deadline: Possible funding renewal


SROP at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Students participating in this program will be assigned a mentor who will guide their research throughout the program. Each student will be assigned a research team consisting of other undergraduates with similar majors to their own. Students will attend a weekly Research Writing Seminar and will present their final project at the Illinois Summer Research Symposium. This program is part of the “Big 10 Academic Alliance Summer Research Opportunities Program.”

Location: Illinois
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$3,500 stipend, room and board provided by the program


Summer Research Initiative at University of Maryland

Throughout the 8-week program, students will conduct research in a laboratory setting, attend lectures, workshops and be provided with mentoring. This program is part of the “Big 10 Academic Alliance Summer Research Opportunities Program.”

Location: Maryland
Eligibility/Field: 3rd-4th year undergraduates pursuing graduate study in one of the behavioral or social sciences.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - July
$3,150 stipend, travel, housing and meals will be provided by the program.


The Purdue Summer Research Opportunities Program

During this 8-week program, students will conduct research under the guidance of Purdue faculty members. Students will attend workshops, GRE prep and book club meetings. Students will present a final project at the end of the program.

Location: Indiana-West Lafayette, IN
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Program Dates: Summer
Stipend, round-trip transportation and on-campus housing is provided by the program.


University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity (SROP)

During this 8-week program, students will conduct research and receive graduate application mentorship by faculty and graduate students, attend GRE prep courses, and attend weekly seminars. Students will present a final project with oral and poster presentations at a research symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Rackham Graduate School, Ann Arbor, MI
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors, 3rd-4th year undergraduates **Applicants must come from an educational, cultural, or geographic background that is underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline in the United States or at the University of Michigan.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$4,500 stipend, room and board, meal plan provided by the program.


The Broad Institute Summer Research Program (BSRP)

Throughout this 9-week program, students will conduct mentored biomedical research and attend academic and career developing seminars. Students will also participate in team-building and social activities in the Boston area.

Location: Cambridge, MA
Eligibility/Field: Biology, biomedical, mathematics, physical science, computer science, engineering
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$4,250 stipend, housing and travel costs are provided by the program


Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling

This 10-week program provides research training in the area of cell signaling. Students will give a poster presentation and a 10-minute talk in the Cornell Summer Institute for Life Sciences Symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$5,500 stipend, on-campus housing, meal allowance, bus pass and travel budget to Ithaca provided by the program.


Summer Undergraduate Minority Research Program (SUMR)

Students will work with University of Pennsylvania faculty mentors full time on health services research projects, attend weekly lunch meetings with program staff, attend a health services research conference in Seattle (expenses paid), and take part in extracurricular activities. At the end of the program, students will present a final project at the “End of SUMR Research Symposium.”

Location: Penn Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, Walk Philadelphia, PA
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing-2nd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: Program begins in May, flexible dates-must work 40 hours/week during Summer
$15/hour payment


Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Leadership Alliance Summer Research Program

Students will conduct graduate-level research under the supervision of a Columbia faculty mentor for 8 to 10-weeks over the summer. Students will also take part in weekly seminars, workshops, symposia, and group events on and off campus. Final research and findings will be presented at the Columbia Summer Research Program Symposium and will attend the annual national Leadership Alliance Summer Symposium.

Location: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Columbia University NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology, nursing, mathematics, physics, psychology, social sciences, & humanities
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August 
$5,000 stipend travel costs up to $500 and housing provided by the program


Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH)

SROH interns conduct research and participate in discussions with Cambridge-based Harvard faulty and take part in field trips.
Application Deadline: Application will open in November

Location: Harvard University GSAS, Cambridge MA
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Program Dates: Jun-Aug
Round-trip travel, housing, $3,500 stipend, $1,500 food allowance provided by the program


Molecules, Cells, and Organisms Summer Research Opportunity at Harvard Internship Program

Students will take part in current research projects, attend weekly faculty lectures, work with MCO graduate students and take part in field trips. There will be an end of summer poster session and reception, where students will present their work. Students will also present their work at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium.

Location: Harvard University, Cambridge MA
Eligibility/Field: Biology
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August
$3,500 stipend


Dartmouth’s Academic Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ASURE)

During the 8-week program, students will attend ethics seminars, GRE prep, lab training and opportunities to present their work at the end of the program.

Location: Dartmouth, Hanover, NH
Eligibility/Field: Biology, engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, psychology, nursing
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August
Stipend, housing, travel expenses, food allowance provided by the program


Summer Scholars Program

For 5-weeks students will be introduced to osteopathic principles and practices and learn the basics of biomedical sciences, take part in individual and group sessions attend special lectures, clinical experiences, and study and time management skill sessions in addition to workshops on cultural competency and research methods.

Location: Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, OH
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing **Applicants must qualify as economically or educationally disadvantaged, or as an underrepresented minority
Application Deadline: Application will open October
Program Dates: June - July 
Stipend/Payment/award: Travel expenses, room, board, program materials, “modest living stipend” provided by the program


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

SURF students are matched with an appropriate faculty advisor, based on mutual research interest. The advisor and intern design a specific research project within the context of the research focus of the advisor's laboratory.

Location: University of Cincinnati
Eligibility/Field: 1 application for multiple programs- Biomedical, neuroscience, pharmacology, nursing
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 10-weeks Summer
• GE, NEURO & ASPET Programs: $4,000 stipend
• MSTP Program: $4,000 stipend
• CCHMC Program: $350/week


SURP Gerstner Sloan Kettering Biomedical

During this 10-week program students will obtain hands-on research experience in laboratories, attend weekly seminars, attend workshops and present their research.

Location: Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 1st Monday in June program begins Summer
$4,875 stipend and housing provided by the program


Summer Studentships Award

Students who participate in this program will gain research experience in any area of genetics by carrying out a research project over the summer.

Location: Various locations in the United Kingdom
Eligibility/Field: Biology (focus on genetics)
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: Summer
Stipend/Payment/award: Accommodation and meals will be provided by the program. Students will be invited to attend a workshop in Edinburgh to discuss their findings amongst other students.


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Students will conduct full-time research over the course of 10-weeks under the mentorships of a BU faculty member. Students will present their findings at the Boston University Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Location: Boston University
Eligibility/Field: Biology, technology fields, engineering, mathematics 3rd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August
$5,500 stipend, $600 towards supplies, $500 travel allowance, housing provided by program


Summer Undergraduate Research in Physiology (SURP)

Students work for 12-weeks with faculty mentors either on an individual basis or as part of a research team. In addition, all participants engage in a series of academic, professional, and personal development seminars. Participants present their research at a concluding summer research symposium.

Location: University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, MI
Eligibility/Field: 2nd-4th year undergraduates, biology, nursing **Applicants must be from a diverse racial and ethnic group that is underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline in the United States or at the University of Michigan (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Hawaiian Natives and natives of the US Pacific Islands) or have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, or come from a family with annual income below established low-income thresholds or are the first-generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college or university.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$4,200 stipend, $500 max travel allowance, $1,000 housing assistance, $1,000 supply assistance


Leadership Alliance Summer Research

Students will work for 8 to 10-weeks under the guidance of a faculty or research mentor. Students will present a written report and/or abstract at the end of the program. Students are expected to participate in the Leadership Alliance’s Annual National Symposium and make an oral or poster presentation of their research.

Location: University of Miami
Eligibility/Field: Physical/Social sciences
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$5,000 stipend


CLIMB Collaborative Learning and Integrated Mentoring in the Biosciences

Students will attend an introductory laboratory skills course, work on an individual research, attend weekly workshops, and receive mentoring from graduate students. The program ends with a presentation at the Summer Research Day.

Location: University at Buffalo
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical/health sciences
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$3,000 stipend & on-campus housing


Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute Undergraduate Summer Internships

Students will spend 10-weeks working on a research project in the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute laboratories. Students will participate in seminars, workshops and will receive scientific career guidance. Each student will give a presentation at the end of the program at the UB Summer Research Day.

Location: Buffalo, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology (focus on Crystallography, X-Ray diffraction, data analysis) 2nd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 10-weeks Summer
$500/week stipend


Summer Undergraduate Biomedical Research Experience

10-week research experience as part of a research team. This program is designed to help students decide whether a career in biomedical research science is right for them.

Location: University at Buffalo
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical 3rd year undergraduates
Application Deadline: Application will open October 
Program Dates: May-August
$3,500 Stipend & on-campus housing provided by the program


Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)

During this program, students will study skills development, experience clinical exposure through small-group rotations in health care settings, simulation experiences, seminars, and workshops.

Location: 13 various universities
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing (Health Sciences)
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: Dates vary depending on institution
$600 stipend (various compensation and payments will differ depending on university/institution student is attending over the summer)


Summer Research Fellowship

Students will conduct mentored research in a faculty lab at UB or Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Students will attend weekly seminars and laboratory training in research methods. Students will have the opportunity to present their research.

Location: University at Buffalo or Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing 2nd-4th year undergraduates 
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June, 9-weeks
$4,000 stipend


SIT Study Abroad Summer Internships

Students will spend 4 to 7-weeks advancing their knowledge of a language, global issue, and/or professional field while earning between four and nine academic credits. SIT’s accredited international programs focus on a range of topics, including those related to anthropology, art, education, geoscience, health, international studies, language, renewable energy, and peace and conflict studies

Location: 30 locations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors (certain programs in certain locations have prerequisites)
Program Dates: 4 to 7-weeks over the summer
SIT offers scholarships to assist in study abroad payment-April 1 deadline. $500-$5,000 scholarship award


Summer Undergraduate Research Program SURP

Students will choose a ISMMS Graduate School faculty mentor to assist in their research, attend weekly seminars, participate in journal clubs, and work on a presentation project for SURP Fellows’ Research Day.

Location: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical 2nd-3rd year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June
$5,000 & housing provided by the program


CNUP Summer Undergraduate Research Program

During this 10-week program, students will conduct research under the guidance of individual CNUP training faculty.

Location: Center for Neuroscience University of Pittsburgh, PA
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical 3rd-4th year undergraduate
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$3,500 stipend, housing, public transportation provided by the program


Summer Lando NSF/REU

Each student will perform 10-weeks of research under the direction of a chemistry faculty member on the campus of the University of Minnesota. Students will also attend weekly lunches, a poster session, and will take part in various trips and social events such as visits to companies and trips to museums.

Location: University of Minnesota
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical, 2nd-3rd year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August
$7,400 stipend


Rockefeller University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Students will conduct laboratory research with scientists in a broad range of areas including but not limited to biochemistry, biology and molecular biology. Students are required to present scientific publications at weekly Journal Club meetings. Students will attend a lecture series and will present their research at a poster session at the end of the program.

Location: The Rockefeller University, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology (physical sciences) 2nd-3rd year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August 
$5,000 stipend, housing provided by the program


Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology (TECBio)

Participating students will conduct theoretical and experimental research projects and receive classroom training in fields such as computational biology, cell and systems modeling and other topics. Students will attend weekly journal clubs, research and career seminars, an ethics forum and will present their research at a Pittsburgh-wide research symposium.

Location: School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Eligibility/Field: Biology, computer science, math, physics, engineering
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: Summer, 10-weeks
$5,500 stipend, housing, travel expenses up to $500 provided by the program


Pittsburgh SURP

This 10-week program will provide students with the opportunity to conduct laboratory based research under the guidance of research mentors. Students will participate in weekly seminars and lab meetings. At the end of the program, students will present their work.

Location: University of Pittsburgh
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - June
$3,500 stipend, $500 travel reimbursement


iSEED Summer Research Experience

Students will be matched with a faculty mentor and conduct their own research project over the course of 10-weeks. Students will attend various courses and learn the essential skills needed for conducting laboratory based research, weekly workshops, and social activities.

Location: University at Buffalo
Eligibility/Field: Biology, biomedical, engineering
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
A living stipend is provided, room & board is provided for a limited number of students.


WPI Bioengineering Research Experience

This 10-week program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to conduct research in bioengineering. Students will receive training and mentoring, become a mentor to a middle school students and lead a 1-week research experience called the WPI Innovations in Bioengineering program.

Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, biomedical, biochemistry **Applicants must be women and/or unrepresented minorities
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$5,000 stipend, housing, travel funds provided by the program


Aggie Research Scholars Program

Participants of this program will perform research in teams led by a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow. Students will attend weekly team meetings, and submit weekly progress report.

Location: Texas A&M University
Eligibility/Field: Open to all Majors
Program Dates: Summer


Blandy Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Students will learn how natural systems function during this 10-week program while developing skills in experimental design, data collection, analysis, and critical reading of primary scientific literature.

Location: Blandy Experimental Farm, VA
Eligibility/Field: Ecology, biology
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates:  May - August
$5,775 stipend, meal plan, housing, supplies allowance and travel allowance provided by the program


UBER Biology REU

During this 9-week program, students will conduct research on undergraduate biology teaching and learning under the mentorship of faculty members.

Location: Georgia
Eligibility/Field: Biology, psychology, sociology, anthropology, statistics
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates:  May - July
$4,500 stipend, $750 meal plan, housing, and travel provided by the program


Microbiology REU

This 10-week research experience allows students to conduct research under the guidance of faculty members and graduate students in a range of topics including basic mechanisms of bacterial and viral gene expression, biofilm formation, and prokaryotic cell biology. Students will participate in weekly seminars and workshops. At the end of the program, students will present their findings in a campus-wide poster session.

Location: University of Iowa Health Care
Eligibility/Field: Biology
Application Deadline: Winter
Program Dates:  May - July 
$5,500 stipend, $600 supplement, housing, and travel costs provided by the program


Summer Research Internship for Minority Students (SRIMS)

This 9-week summer program allows underrepresented students to conduct biomedical research and receive formal research training. Students will participate in workshops, seminars and mentoring. Students are required to present their research at the WV Summer Research Symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine West Virginia
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, *Applicants must be an underrepresented minority in science
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates:  Begins May
$3,000 stipend, housing and travel assistance provided by the program


EuroScholars Program European Academic Research

Students will choose and perform a research project from a variety of fields under the supervision of a professor and other faculty. Students will document their research in a final paper. Students will attend the “Mid-Stay” program at one of the participating institutions wherein they will present their research, attend academic activities as well as social activities.

Location: Participating European research universities in: Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors (Students opting for a Research Project in the Natural Sciences, including practical laboratory work, need to have ample laboratory experience.) Application for grants are offered to low income/disabled students.
Application Deadline: Fall - April 1 Spring - October 1
Program Dates:  Fall or Spring Semester
Tuition at host institution and housing is provided. Expenses for the “Mid-Stay” program are provided by the program as well.


MUSC Summer Undergraduate Research Program SURP

Students accepted to the MUSC SURP are matched with a graduate faculty mentor and will conduct 10-weeks of research in biomedical science. Students are eventually guided toward the development of an individual projects and will attend meetings, lectures and seminars and will attend social events as well.

Location: Medical University of South Carolina
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical 3rd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: May - August
$4,000 stipend, possible housing allowance of $1,000 for select students


Amarillo Biomedical Research Internship

Students will work for 10 weeks during the summer, learning research skills and conducting laboratory studies. Students will participate in other activities such as research seminars, and group meetings. Students will present their findings at the ABRI closing event.

Location: Texas Tech University Amarillo, Texas
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Pharmaceutical
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates:  May - August
$3,800 stipend


Summer Accelerated Biomedical Research (SABR)

Students will be introduced to a full-time work schedule for 10-weeks and will be assisted by mentors and graduate students. Students will attend a final research symposium and prepare an abstract to present.

Location: Lubbock, TX
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: July - August 


Summer Student Research Program SSRP

Students will become employees at the Maine Medical Center for 10-weeks and will study various topics in biomedical research such as cancer biology, metabolic & hormonal regulation and developmental biology.

Location: Maine, Maine Medical Center Research Institute
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, biology, nursing
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates:  June - August
$4,600 Stipend


Undergraduate Pipeline Network Summer Research Experience

Each student will be mentored by a faculty member and will focus on a research project for the duration of the program. Students will present their findings to the scientific community during the program’s competitive poster symposium.

Location: Health Sciences Center, New Mexico
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$5,000 stipend


Loma Linda SURF

Students will work in a research laboratory and will conduct experiments throughout the 8-weeks of the program. Students will also attend a weekly lunchtime program meeting. Students will present their research findings on a poster at a one-day research symposium.

Location: Loma Linda University California
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, math, biomedical, students must have their sophomore year completed
Application Deadline: April
Program Dates: June - August


APS/IBM Research Internships for Undergraduate Women and Underrepresented Minorities

Students who attend this research program will be given the opportunity to work closely with IBM mentors and work on research projects individually while working on the ongoing research programs of the IBM laboratory as well. This program is meant to encourage women and underrepresented minorities to pursue graduate studies in science and engineering.

Location: Almaden (San Jose, CA), Austin, TX, or Watson (Yorktown Heights, NY)
Eligibility/Field:  Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, Biology **Applicant must identify as a woman and/or underrepresented minority
Application Deadline: February 15
Program Dates: 10- weeks during Summer
$8,000 or more

The Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP)

Throughout the summer, participants receive leadership training, orientation to the public health disciplines, and real world work experience. At the conclusion of the program, interns deliver an oral presentation and submit a final paper on a public health challenge or intervention.

Location: Columbia University
Special Eligibility:  Minimum 2.7 GPA, rising sophomores and juniors only 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Program Dates: End of May - July each year
Stipend: Financial support for travel and stipend provided


Senior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (SRCOSTEP)

Those selected for the program will become Commissioned officers in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) and receive full pay and benefits of an active duty officer. In return for financial assistance, SRCOSTEP participants agree to work for the USPHS sponsoring agency as a Commissioned Corps officer immediately after graduation. The service obligation is equal to twice the time sponsored.

Location: Varies
Special Eligibility:  2.0 GPA and full enrollment
Application Deadline: November
Program Dates: Up to one year
Stipend: Paid


Public Health Leadership and Learning Undergraduate Student Success (PLLUSS)

PLLUSS Program students will participate in public health research, education on health disparities and urban health issues, professional development, and community health promotion activities. Students will be encouraged to produce peer-reviewed publications and attend a national public health conference. Students will receive mentorship with the goal of successful acceptance and completion of graduate or professional school in the public health area.

Location: Nationwide, according nearest location
Special Eligibility: Minimum 2.7  GPA, varies different sub programs
Program Dates: 10 weeks in the Summer
Stipend: $3,000 to $3,500


Morehouse College Public Health Leader Fellowship Program

During this fellowship, undergraduate students learn the principles and practice of public health leadership in preparation for graduate programs in public and biomedical health sciences.

Location: Morehouse College
Special Eligibility:  Minimum 3.0 GPA
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: 10 weeks in Summer
Stipend: Paid, travel and housing covered


Morehouse College Project IMHOTEP Program

Throughout the program, interns participate in a wide variety of seminars, workshops, and other educational initiatives and must complete a required number of community service hours. The interns receive training and support in data analysis and other project requirements. At the conclusion of the program, interns deliver an oral presentation, poster, and submit a written manuscript suitable for publication in a scientific journal.

Location: Morehouse College
Special Eligibility:  Minimum 2.7 GPA, rising sophomores and juniors only 
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: 11 weeks in Summer
Stipend: Paid, travel and housing covered


Future Public Health Leaders Program

The participants explore public health through seminars, workshops, and engagement in a community-based research project. Throughout the program the experience is guided by mentors from public health disciplines. The participants receive leadership training, orientation to the public health disciplines, real world work experience, and a trip to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to meet public health professionals.

Location: University of Michigan
Special Eligibility:  Minimum 2.7 GPA, rising sophomores and juniors only  
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: 10 weeks in Summer
Stipend: Paid, $3,000, travel and housing covered


Collegiate Leaders in Environmental Health (CLEH)

Interns participate in a comprehensive program including environmental health project assignments, interaction with federal officials and scientists, and visits to important environmental health sites in and around Atlanta.

Location: Emory University
Special Eligibility: Minimum 3.0 GPA, other requirements vary 
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: 9 weeks in Summer

Nursing & Health Sciences


SURF Department of Molecular & Physiology

Students will conduct research for 12-weeks in topics such as hormones and signal transduction, obesity and diabetes, reproduction and circadian rhythms, and gastrointestinal physiology. Students will attend a required 2-day Summer Symposium where they will present their work.

Location: University of Michigan Medical School
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$4,200 stipend


National Institute of Health's Undergraduate Scholarship Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research.

Application available January 
Application Deadline: March  
$20,000 award


NYU School of Medicine, Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate Research Program

Students will conduct hands-on research under the guidance of a research mentor in his or her lab on topics such as biostatistics, developmental genetics, epidemiology, genome integrity, and microbiology.  Students will also participate in weekly “Conversations with a scientist/physician” lunch sessions, journal clubs, and a series of Wednesday seminars. Optional social activities are included. Students will present their research at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium at the end of the program.

Location: NYU School of Medicine and NYU Langone Medical Center, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing
Application Deadline: application opens October1
Program Dates: June - August
$3,500 salary, housing and round-trip travel is provided


iSEED Summer Research Experience

Students will be matched with a faculty mentor and conduct their own research project over the course of 10-weeks. Students will attend various courses and learn the essential skills needed for conducting laboratory based research, weekly workshops, and social activities.

Location: University at Buffalo
Eligibility/Field: Biology, biomedical, engineering
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: May - August
A living stipend is provided, room & board is provided for a limited number of students


Einstein College of Medicine Summer Graduate Research Program

8-week research lab work experience, small-group meetings to discuss research, weekly faculty seminars, workshops & social activities. At the end of the program, students will present their findings in a poster session.

Location: Bronx, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Nursing, Engineering- students with a strong background in science who are considering a research career.
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - July
Free housing, $3,000 stipend, $500 in transportation assistance


STEP Towards Digestive and Metabolic Physiology 

Each student is matched, based on their interests, to a laboratory that is led by a faculty mentor of the Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology. Students will attend departmental and university lectures/seminars. Students will participate in a mini-symposium in which they will give a 10-minute oral presentation.

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Program Dates: May - August 
Application Deadline: February 
$4,200 stipend


Diversity Summer Internship Program (DSIP)

Students work under the direct mentoring of accomplished Johns Hopkins researchers providing undergraduates with a graduate-level, independent research project in the biomedical or public health field.

Location: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore, MD
Eligibility/Field: Nursing, Biology, Public Health, Biomedical
Application Deadline: Winter
Program Dates: May - August
$3,000 stipend-varies depending on faculty mentor


Gateways to the Laboratory Program for Underrepresented/Minority/Disadvantaged College Undergraduates

15 students work independently on a research project, participate in laboratory and clinical workshops for 10-weeks. Students give an oral, written and poster presentation of research as a final project.

Location: Cornell Medical College, The Rockefeller University, or Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY
Eligibility/Field: Medical Sciences *Applicant must be a minority/from a disadvantaged background (not specified)
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer
$4,300 stipend, travel expenses are covered by program & travel/lodging for 1 family member is offered for the final presentation


MU Alcohol Research Training Summer School (MU-ARTSS)

Students will begin with a week-long didactic program providing an intensive introduction to alcohol research followed by an 8-week, full-time research internship in the lab of a MU-ARTSS professor.

Location: University of Missouri
Eligibility/Field: Psychology, Medical Science- Students interested in alcohol research
Application Deadline: February 15
Program Dates: May - July
$3,600 stipend, room & board provided by program at 0 cost. Travel expenses not included


SUNY Downstate Medical Center Biomedical Summer Research Program

Students will conduct research under the direction of a faculty member. Assignments will be made based upon availability of research opportunities and according to the mutual interests of the faculty sponsors and student participants. Oral presentations are made at the conclusion of the summer.

Location:  Brooklyn, NY SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Eligibility/Field: Medical Science, Nursing, Biology – 2nd and 3rd year college undergraduates
 *Students who have been historically underrepresented in the biomedical professions (African American, Mainland Puerto Rican, Native American and Mexican American)
Application Deadline: March 1
Program Dates: 8-weeks during Summer
$3,000 fellowship award


FACETS Public Health Research Program

Participants will receive introductory coursework in epidemiology and biostatistics and formal lectures from different faculty within the Harvard Chan School for 6-weeks during Summer . Participants will also engage in a group research project with an assigned Harvard Chan School faculty member.

Location: Harvard T.H. Chan- Boston, MA
Eligibility/Field: Health Sciences, Public Health, Nursing *Applicants must be 1st generation college student or disabled or economically disadvantaged or from an underrepresented ethnic group.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - July
Summer salary, housing and funded travel are provided by program


Pediatric Oncology Education (POE) Research Experience

Students will spend 11-weeks during the summer in a clinical research or laboratory research setting depending on their interests to gain biomedical and oncology research experience. Students will attend a daily “Lunch & Learn” series and other clinical and basic research conferences. Research topics include: Biostatistics, Chemical biology, developmental neurobiology, hematology and many other departments of study.

Location: St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital Lab/ Clinical Research Memphis, TN
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical sciences, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, or public health
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August
$400/week allowance, group housing is provided by the program


Jefferson Summer Training and Enrichment Program for Underrepresented Persons (JeffSTEP-UP)

Students will attend comprehensive workshops, educational sessions on health policy, health disparities, and health equity, clinical shadowing experiences, and medical skills workshops during this 8-week, full-time residential program.

Location: Thomas Jefferson University –Center City, Philadelphia
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing *Applicant is preferred to be an underrepresented minority in medicine as defined by the AAMC or the HRSA
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 8-weeks Summer


Frankel Cardiovascular Center Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program

Students will work 40 hours per week in the laboratory during the 10-week fellowship period focusing on research topics such as atherosclerosis, genetic cardiomyopathies, blood clotting disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, vascular biology, and heart failure. Students will be required to attend an End of Summer Colloquium and present their research in a final project.

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$4,000 stipend


Summer Undergraduate Biomedical Research Program

Students will spend 9 to 10 weeks participating in hands-on laboratory experience, various academic and social activities, two scientific writing classes, an ethics in research seminar, an introduction to bioinformatics and a career day. At the end of the summer, students present their research in a poster session, and a lecture is presented by a distinguished keynote speaker.

Location: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing, medical science
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August
$4,000 salary, housing cost is not provided


Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training (MHIRT) Program through Rhodes College

Students will conduct biomedical and behavioral research over the course of 10-weeks during the summer at their designated international research site under the guidance and mentorship of U.S. and foreign scientists. Pre-departure training is required and lessons in Portuguese are suggested to applicants who wish to conduct their research in Brazil.

Location: Brazil, Nicaragua, or Uganda
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing *students from socially or economically disadvantaged groups are preferred applicants
Application Deadline: December (Early-Bird App. Deadline) January (Final Deadline)
Program Dates: 10-weeks Summer
$1,000-$1,500 stipend- Visa, passport, airfare, food, housing and on-site expenses are covered by the program


San Diego SU MHIRT Program

Students will spend 10-weeks during the summer at a research facility located in Peru or Taiwan where they will receive biomedical, clinical and behavioral health research training in theoretical modeling, developing hypotheses, and clinical and lab activities. Students will be taught in English. Activities vary depending on which research facility the student will attend.

Location: Peru or Taiwan
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing, medical anthropology, public health *Applicant must come from a group underrepresented in biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social sciences research (African Americans, Hispanic Americans or Latinos, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders). Or a disadvantaged background (socioeconomic status, disability, first generation to receive higher education).
Application Deadline: App opens October
Program Dates: June - August
$1,200 stipend is provided for housing, travel and a meal plan


National Security Agency Summer Intern Programs

Internships for ALL majors are offered for 12-weeks over the summer. Activities and studies vary depending on program chosen. Topics include: editing, journalism, engineering, mathematics, health education, public relations, computer science & many more.

Location: National Security Headquarters- Fort George G. Meade, MD
Eligibility/Field:  All majors are eligible to apply (Multiple Programs Offered)
Application Deadline: October 31st
Program Dates: Summer


Baylor College of Medicine Summer Medical and Research Training Program (SMART)

Students will participate in 9-weeks of paid, biomedical-related research, daily seminars, discussion groups, career development activities and free GRE prep workshops.

Location: Houston, TX- Housing near Baylor College of Medicine
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical, all science & math majors & non-science majors with appropriate background interest are welcome to apply
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: May - July
$5,000 compensation package


UT Southwestern Medical Center Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Students spend 10-weeks conducting individual research projects in the laboratories of graduate school faculty members, attend weekly seminars and informal discussions about careers in science and graduate training. Research areas include: biological chemistry, biophysics, cancer biology, cell biology, biomedical engineering, genetics and microbiology.

Location: Housing in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June
$4,000 stipend, housing may be provided


Summer Research Internship Program (SRIP) at the University of Virginia School of Medicine

A ten-week, hands-on research experience investigating current problems in biomedical research under the guidance of a faculty member. Students will attend a research lecture series, workshops, 8-week GRE prep class, and will be given several opportunities to present their research.
Application Deadline: App. Will open Sept

Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Program Dates: May - August
Housing on University of Virginia grounds and travel is covered by the program. Stipend/wage is provide


Summer Research Institute at the University of Arizona

Throughout this 10-week summer program, students will conduct one-on-one research with a UA faculty mentor (on chosen field of study), attend workshops on organizing research, research ethics, public speaking skills, and GRE prep. Students will present a poster on their findings at the end of the program.

Location: The University of Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August
$4,000 stipend


Minority Health Disparities (MHD)

Students will work on a research project under a mentor’s guidance for 10-weeks over the summer. They will also participate in workshops, GRE prep, and an annual research conference & closing ceremony.

Location: University of Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical **Applicant must be of American Indian/Alaska Native, African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander descent or other underserved populations
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: Summer
$4,000 stipend 


University of Maryland STAR Program

10-week research training and career development program to enhance their potential to apply for and complete graduate degrees in biomedical and behavioral science relevant to preventing and treating cardiovascular disease.

Location: University of Maryland School of Public Health
Eligibility/Field: 2nd-3rd year undergraduate, Biomedical **Applicant must come from a underrepresented minority group, disadvantaged background and/or have a disability.
Application Deadline: Possible funding renewal


SROP at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Students participating in this program will be assigned a mentor who will guide their research throughout the program. Students will also attend a weekly Research Writing Seminar and will present their final project at the Illinois Summer Research Symposium.

Location: Illinois
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: February 
Program Dates: May - July
$3,500 stipend, room and board provided by the program


The Purdue Summer Research Opportunities Program

During the 8-week program, students will conduct research under the guidance of Purdue faculty members. Students will attend workshops, GRE prep and book club meetings. Students will present a final project at the end of the program.

Location: Indiana-West Lafayette, IN
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Program Dates: Summer
Stipend, round-trip transportation and on-campus housing is provided by the program


University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity

During this 8-week program, students will conduct research and receive graduate application mentorship by faculty and graduate students, attend GRE prep courses, and attend weekly seminars. Students will present a final project with oral and poster presentations at a research symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Rackham Graduate School, Ann Arbor, MI
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors, 3rd-4th year undergraduates **Applicants must come from an educational, cultural, or geographic background that is underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline in the United States or at the University of Michigan.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$4,500 stipend, room and board, meal plan provided by the program


Summer Undergraduate Minority Research Program (SUMR)

Students will work with Penn faculty mentors full time on health services research projects, attend weekly lunch meetings with program staff, attend a health services research conference in Seattle (expenses paid), and take part in extracurricular activities. At the end of the program, students will present a final project at the “End of SUMR Research Symposium.”

Location: Penn Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, Walk Philadelphia, PA
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing-2nd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: Beginning in May, flexible dates-must work 40 hours/week during Summer
$15/hour payment


GSAS-Leadership Alliance Summer Research Program

Students will conduct graduate-level research under the supervision of a Columbia faculty mentor for 8 to 10-weeks over the summer. Students will also take part in weekly seminars, workshops, symposia, and group events on and off campus. Students will present their research at the Columbia Summer Research Program Symposium and will attend the annual national Leadership Alliance Summer Symposium.

Location: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Columbia University NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology, nursing, mathematics, physics, psychology, social sciences, & humanities
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$5,000 stipend travel costs up to $500 and housing provided by the program


Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH)

SROH interns conduct research and participate in discussions with Cambridge-based Harvard faulty and take part in field trips.
Application Deadline: Application will open in November

Location: Harvard University GSAS, Cambridge MA
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Program Dates: June  -August
Round-trip travel, housing, $3,500 stipend, $1,500 food allowance provided by the program


Molecules, Cells, and Organisms Summer Research Opportunity at Harvard Internship Program 

Students will take part in current research projects, attend weekly faculty lectures, work with MCO graduate students and take part in field trips. There will be an end of summer poster session and reception, where students will present their work. Students will also present their work at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium.

Location: Harvard University, Cambridge MA
Eligibility/Field: Biology, nursing (life sciences)
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August
$3,500 stipend


Dartmouth’s Academic Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ASURE)

During the 8-week program, students will attend ethics seminars, GRE prep, lab training and opportunities to present their work at the end of the program.

Location: Dartmouth, Hanover, NH
Eligibility/Field: Biology, engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, psychology, nursing
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August
Stipend, housing, travel expenses, food allowance provided by the program


Summer Scholars Program

For 5-weeks students will be introduced to osteopathic principles and practices and learn the basics of biomedical sciences, take part in individual and group sessions attend special lectures, clinical experiences, and study and time management skill sessions in addition to workshops on cultural competency and research methods.

Location: Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, OH
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing **Applicants must qualify as economically or educationally disadvantaged, or as an underrepresented minority
Application Deadline: Application will open October
Program Dates: June - July 
Travel expenses, room, board, program materials, “modest living stipend” provided by the program


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

SURF students are matched with an appropriate faculty advisor, based on mutual research interest. The advisor and intern design a specific research project within the context of the research focus of the advisor's laboratory.

Location: University of Cincinnati
Eligibility/Field: 1 application for multiple programs- Biomedical, neuroscience, pharmacology, nursing
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: 10-weeks Summer
• GE, NEURO & ASPET Programs: $4,000 stipend
• MSTP Program: $4,000 stipend
• CCHMC Program: $350/week


SURP Gerstner Sloan Kettering Biomedical

During this 10-week program students will obtain hands-on research experience in laboratories, attend weekly seminars, attend workshops and present their research.

Location: Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: 1st Monday in June program begins Summer
$4,875 stipend and housing provided by the program


Summer Undergraduate Research in Physiology (SURP)

Students work for 12-weeks with faculty mentors either on an individual basis or as part of a research team. In addition, all participants engage in a series of academic, professional, and personal development seminars. Participants present their research at a concluding summer research symposium.

Location: University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, MI
Eligibility/Field: 2nd-4th year undergraduates, biology, nursing **Applicants must be from a diverse racial and ethnic group that is underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline in the United States or at the University of Michigan (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Hawaiian Natives and natives of the US Pacific Islands) or have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, or come from a family with annual income below established low-income thresholds or are the first-generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college or university.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$4,200 stipend, $500 max travel allowance, $1,000 housing assistance, $1,000 supply assistance


CLIMB Collaborative Learning and Integrated Mentoring in the Biosciences

Students will attend an introductory laboratory skills course, work on an individual research, attend weekly workshops, and receive mentoring from graduate students. The program ends with a presentation at the Summer Research Day.

Location: University at Buffalo
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical/health sciences
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: May - August
$3,000 stipend & on-campus housing


Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)

During this program, students will study skills development, experience clinical exposure through small-group rotations in health care settings, simulation experiences, seminars, and workshops.

Location: 13 various universities
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing (Health Sciences)
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: Dates vary depending on institution
$600 stipend (various compensation and payments will differ depending on university/institution student is attending over the summer)


Summer Research Fellowship

Students will conduct mentored research in a faculty lab at UB or Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. Students will attend weekly seminars and laboratory training in research methods. Students will have the opportunity to present their research.

Location: University at Buffalo or Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing 2nd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June  9-weeks
$4,000 stipend


SIT Study Abroad Summer Internships

Students will spend 4 to 7-weeks advancing their knowledge of a language, global issue, and/or professional field while earning between four and nine academic credits. SIT’s accredited international programs focus on a range of topics, including those related to anthropology, art, education, geoscience, health, international studies, language, renewable energy, and peace and conflict studies

Location: 30 locations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors (certain programs in certain locations have prerequisites)
Program Dates: 4 to 7-weeks over the summer
SIT offers scholarships to assist in study abroad payment-April 1 deadline. $500-$5,000 scholarship award


CNUP Summer Undergraduate Research Program

During this 10-week program, students will conduct research under the guidance of individual CNUP training faculty.

Location: Center for Neuroscience University of Pittsburgh, PA
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical 3rd-4th year undergraduate
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May -August
$3,500 stipend, housing, public transportation provided by the program


Summer Lando NSF/REU

Each student will perform 10-weeks of research under the direction of a chemistry faculty member on the campus of the University of Minnesota. Students will also attend weekly lunches, a poster session, and will take part in various trips and social events such as visits to companies and trips to museums.

Location: University of Minnesota
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical, 2nd-3rd year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August 
$7,400 stipend


Aggie Research Scholars Program

Participants of this program will perform research in teams led by a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow. Students will attend weekly team meetings, and submit weekly progress report.

Location: Texas A&M University
Eligibility/Field: Open to all Majors
Program Dates: Summer


EuroScholars Program European Academic Research

Students will choose and perform a research project from a variety of fields under the supervision of a professor and other faculty. Students will document their research in a final paper. Students will attend the “Mid-Stay” program at one of the participating institutions wherein they will present their research, attend academic activities as well as social activities.

Location: Participating European research universities in: Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors (Students opting for a Research Project in the Natural Sciences, including practical laboratory work, need to have ample laboratory experience.) Application for grants are offered to low income/disabled students. Application for grants are offered to low income/disabled students.
Application Deadline: Fall - April 1 / Spring- October 1
Program Dates:  Fall or Spring Semester
Tuition at host institution and housing is provided. Expenses for the “Mid-Stay” program are provided by the program as well


Summer Student Research Program SSRP

Students will become employees at the Maine Medical Center for 10-weeks and will study various topics in biomedical research such as cancer biology, metabolic & hormonal regulation and developmental biology.

Location: Maine, Maine Medical Center Research Institute
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, biology, nursing
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates:  June - August
$4,600 Stipend


Occupational Health Internship Program

The Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) is a full time, paid summer internship designed to link the skills and interests of students with the needs of workers employed in an under-served or high hazard job. Teams of two interns are assigned to a union or worker organization where they receive supervision from a designated staff member and an academic mentor.

Location: Case by case 
Special Eligibility: Minimum 3.0 GPA, sophomores and juniors with link to public health, environmental studies, public policy, etc.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates:  Summer
$4,000 Stipend


The Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP)

Throughout the summer, participants receive leadership training, orientation to the public health disciplines, and real world work experience. At the conclusion of the program, interns deliver an oral presentation and submit a final paper on a public health challenge or intervention.

Location: Columbia University
Special Eligibility:  Minimum 2.7 GPA, rising sophomores and juniors only 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Program Dates: End of May - July each year
Stipend: Financial support for travel and stipend provided


Senior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (SRCOSTEP)

Those selected for the program will become Commissioned officers in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) and receive full pay and benefits of an active duty officer. In return for financial assistance, SRCOSTEP participants agree to work for the USPHS sponsoring agency as a Commissioned Corps officer immediately after graduation. The service obligation is equal to twice the time sponsored.

Location: Varies
Special Eligibility:  2.0 GPA and full enrollment
Application Deadline: November
Program Dates: Up to one year
Stipend: Paid


Public Health Leadership and Learning Undergraduate Student Success (PLLUSS)

PLLUSS Program students will participate in public health research, education on health disparities and urban health issues, professional development, and community health promotion activities. Students will be encouraged to produce peer-reviewed publications and attend a national public health conference. Students will receive mentorship with the goal of successful acceptance and completion of graduate or professional school in the public health area.

Location: Nationwide, according nearest location
Special Eligibility: Minimum 2.7  GPA, varies different sub programs
Program Dates: 10 weeks in the Summer
Stipend: $3,000 to $3,500


Morehouse College Public Health Leader Fellowship Program

During this fellowship, undergraduate students learn the principles and practice of public health leadership in preparation for graduate programs in public and biomedical health sciences.

Location: Morehouse College
Special Eligibility:  Minimum 3.0 GPA
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: 10 weeks in Summer
Stipend: Paid, travel and housing covered


Morehouse College Project IMHOTEP Program

Throughout the program, interns participate in a wide variety of seminars, workshops, and other educational initiatives and must complete a required number of community service hours. The interns receive training and support in data analysis and other project requirements. At the conclusion of the program, interns deliver an oral presentation, poster, and submit a written manuscript suitable for publication in a scientific journal.

Location: Morehouse College
Special Eligibility:  Minimum 2.7 GPA, rising sophomores and juniors only 
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: 11 weeks in Summer
Stipend: Paid, travel and housing covered


Future Public Health Leaders Program

The participants explore public health through seminars, workshops, and engagement in a community-based research project. Throughout the program the experience is guided by mentors from public health disciplines. The participants receive leadership training, orientation to the public health disciplines, real world work experience, and a trip to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to meet public health professionals.

Location: University of Michigan
Special Eligibility:  Minimum 2.7 GPA, rising sophomores and juniors only  
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: 10 weeks in Summer
Stipend: Paid, $3,000, travel and housing covered


Collegiate Leaders in Environmental Health (CLEH)

Interns participate in a comprehensive program including environmental health project assignments, interaction with federal officials and scientists, and visits to important environmental health sites in and around Atlanta.

Location: Emory University
Special Eligibility: Minimum 3.0 GPA, other requirements vary 
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: 9 weeks in Summer


Physics, Chemistry


Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology (TECBio)

Participating students will conduct theoretical and experimental research projects and receive classroom training in fields such as computational biology, cell and systems modeling and other topics. Students will attend weekly journal clubs, research and career seminars, an ethics forum and will present their research at a Pittsburgh-wide research symposium.

Location: School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Eligibility/Field: Biology, computer science, math, physics, engineering
Application Deadline: February 
Program Dates: Summer , 10-weeks
$5,500 stipend, housing, travel expenses up to $500 provided by the program


Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling (MBG-REU)

During the 10-week program students will conduct research on the topic of cell signaling, attend weekly lunch seminars where they will her scientific presentations, learn about graduate school, and attend other performances and lectures.

Location: Cornell University, Ithaca
Eligibility/Field: Biology (life sciences)
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$5,500 stipend, on-campus housing, meal allowance, bus pass, travel budget to Ithaca provided by the program


Undergraduate Research Program at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Students will work on an ongoing research project for 10-weeks during the summer in one of CSHL’s expert labs conducting research on topics such as Molecular Biology & Cancer, Genetics & Genomics, Neuroscience, Plant biology, and quantitative biology. Students will also participate in workshops, seminars and collegial events. Students will present their research at the URP Symposium at the end of the program to the entire CSHL community.   

Location: Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Program Dates: June - August
Application Deadline: January 15  
$5,250 stipend, room and board provided


National Institutes of Health-Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program 

The NIH together with Oxford and Cambridge Universities have established a collaborative, individualized doctoral training program for outstanding sciences students committed to biomedical research. Students typically spend two years in England at either university, pursuing tutorials and research on a collaborative project with an NIH intramural scientist. They then spend two years in Bethesda, Maryland continuing their thesis project at the NIH with either a D.Phil. or a Ph.D. awarded at the end by either Oxford or Cambridge Universities.

Students receive a yearly stipend, health and travel benefits and other academic support including tuition and lab fees.


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship 

A ten-week internship during the summer at a NOAA facility. The internship takes place between the first and second years of the award. The scholarship program seeks to increase training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology and education and to foster multidisciplinary training opportunities consistent with the NOAA mission which focuses on ecosystems, climate, weather and water and environmentally sound commerce and transportation. 

Application available September 1 
Application Deadline: January   
$9,500 award


Parker B. Francis Summer Research Fellowship Program

12-week summer research fellowship with an experienced scientific mentor in an academic research setting. This program encourages students to pursue careers in research related to lung disease.

Location: University of Kansas Medical Center
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Chemistry.
Application Deadline: February 1 
Program Dates: 12-weeks during Summer
$10/hour salary


Maryland Sea Grant’s Research Experiences-Marine Research

The program supports fifteen students to conduct marine research on the Chesapeake Bay. Each student works with a mentor on an individual research project at one of the two marine labs at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences.

Location: Solomons and Cambridge Maryland
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics (Marine Science, ecology, environmental science)
Application Deadline: February 
Program Dates: 12-weeks during Summer
$6,000 stipend, housing and travel costs are covered by program


SETI Institute Astrobiology RUE Program

10-week research program during Summer includes 1 week- long field trip to the SETI Institute’s Allen Telescope Array, field experience, local field trips, seminars, lectures, and discussions on astrobiology. Final presentations will be given at the end of the summer.

Location: NASA Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley
Eligibility/Field: Astrobiology, Astronomy, Microbiology, Planetary Sciences
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August
$5,000 of financial support, dorm housing and $600 in travel costs provided


NIH Summer Internship Program at NIEHS

A research mentoring experience that is supplemented by a series of seminars and workshops featuring some of the Institute’s leading researchers and staff that provide participants with a good overview of environmental health sciences. Final projects are presented at the end of the summer.

Location: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Physics, Engineering
Application Deadline: March 1
Program Dates: 8-weeks during Summer
$2,190-$2,410 stipend depending on education level


Mechanisms of Evolution Research Experience for Undergraduates

Students will work on hypothesis-based projects that are focused around the main topic of the program: mechanisms of evolution. The program is meant to promote careers in science and research. Students will present their research in a final project at the end of the summer at a scientific colloquium.

Location: University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics
Application Deadline: Spring
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer
$5,750 salary disbursed into two equal checks over the course of the program. Travel (excluding airfare) is covered, 100 meal dining plan is provided by the program.


National Security Agency Summer Intern Programs

Internships for ALL majors are offered for 12-weeks over the summer. Activities and studies vary depending on program chosen. Topics include: editing, journalism, engineering, mathematics, health education, public relations, computer science & many more.

Location: National Security Headquarters- Fort George G. Meade, MD
Eligibility/Field:  All majors are eligible to apply (Multiple Programs Offered)
Application Deadline: October 31st
Program Dates: Summer


Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program (Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy) Summer Research

For 10-weeks, students train under the mentorship of program officials and scientists on focused research projects. Participants are required to attend a "Technical Forum" where they will present their research findings and tour a technical site located nearby at the end of the program.

Location: varies based on qualification (DC, MD, PA, LA, TX, TN, NM)
Eligibility/Field: Computer science, Engineering, Biomedical, Physics, Mathematics *Women and minority applicants are preferred; however, all candidates are encouraged to apply
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$600 stipend, some participants may be eligible to receive housing and travel allowance.


Danforth Plant Science Center REU Summer Internship Program

For 11-weeks over the summer, students will participate in hands-on lab experience, workshops discussions and weekly seminars. They will also attend discussion forums, informal lunches and social gatherings. During the first week of the program, students and their mentors will design a project to work on for the duration of the program. Research topics include: abiotic stress, bioenergy, cell biology, cellular signaling and many other areas of research.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Eligibility/Field: Plant or Life Science, Biology, Agriculture, Ecology
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August
$7,474 stipend, housing is provided by the program.


MU School of Medicine Summer Research Internship

Students will work under the guidance of MU School of Medicine faculty for 9-weeks, participate in a series of workshops, lunches, career prep and options, weekly discussions. Students will present the results of their research at a poster forum at the end of the program.

Location: Columbia, MO
Eligibility/Field: Biology, animal sciences, biochemistry, chemistry
Application Deadline:  February
Program Dates: May - August
$3,400 stipend, travel costs are covered as well as housing and meals.


Summer Research Program at University of California

Students will conduct research under the guidance of UCFS faculty members for 10-weeks over the summer. They will take part in seminars, lectures, and social events. Students will present their research at the end of the program.

Location: San Francisco
Eligibility/Field: Biology (Bioengineering, biophysics, chemistry)
Application Deadline: November
Program Dates: May -August
$4,000 stipend $500 travel allowance, housing and public transportation provided by program


Miller Summer Program in Animal Sciences

This 9-week internship program is meant to introduce students to animal science research, including: genetics and molecular biology, ruminant and nonruminant nutrition, environmental physiology, and reproductive physiology. Each student will work in a laboratory under the guidance and supervision of an “internationally recognized researcher.”

Location: Columbia, MO
Eligibility/Field: Biology (animal sciences, biochemistry, molecular biology, plant stress biology) 3rd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$3,800 stipend, travel, on-campus housing and meal plan is provided by the program


The Biosphere 2 REU Summer Program

10 undergraduates are given the opportunity to conduct guided research in environmental and Earth systems for 10-weeks. Students will also participate in developmental workshops and field trips to local attractions. At the end of the program, students will present their research findings in a formal symposium setting.

Location: Oracle, Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, biology, mathematics, physics, computer science (ecology, plant sciences, hydrology, soil science, geology, chemistry)
Application Deadline: March 1
Program Dates: June - August
$5,000 stipend, travel support, housing and food allowance provided by program


Integrated Optics for Undergraduate Native Americans (IOU-NA) Research Experience

A 10-week summer program designed for undergraduate Native American students interested in optics and photonics, hydrology, and environmental sciences. Students will conduct hands-on research, participate in workshops, and attend presentations given by Native American STEM graduate students and faculty.

Location: Tucson, AZ
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, engineering, science, technology **Applicant must be Native American
Application Deadline: February 15
Program Dates: June - August
$5,000 stipend, travel and housing provided by program


Summer Research Institute at UA

Throughout this 10-week summer program, students will conduct one-on-one research with a UA faculty mentor (on chosen field of study), attend workshops on organizing research, research ethics, public speaking skills, and GRE prep. Students will present a poster on their findings at the end of the program.

Location: The University of Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August 
$4,000 stipend


SROP at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Students participating in this program will be assigned a mentor who will guide their research throughout the program. Students will also attend a weekly Research Writing Seminar and will present their final project at the Illinois Summer Research Symposium.

Location: Illinois
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$3,500 stipend, room and board provided by the program


Summer Research Initiative at University of Maryland

Throughout the 8-week program, students will conduct research in a laboratory setting, attend lectures, workshops and be provided with mentoring.

Location: Maryland
Eligibility/Field: 3rd-4th year undergraduates pursuing graduate study in one of the behavioral or social sciences.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - July
$3,150 stipend, travel, housing and meals will be provided by the program


The Purdue Summer Research Opportunities Program

During the 8-week program, students will conduct research under the guidance of Purdue faculty members. Students will attend workshops, GRE prep and book club meetings. Students will present a final project at the end of the program.

Location: Indiana-West Lafayette, IN
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Program Dates: Summer
Stipend, round-trip transportation and on-campus housing is provided by the program


University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity

During this 8-week program, students will conduct research and receive graduate application mentorship by faculty and graduate students, attend GRE prep courses, and attend weekly seminars. Students will present a final project with oral and poster presentations at a research symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Rackham Graduate School, Ann Arbor, MI
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors, 3rd-4th year undergraduates **Applicants must come from an educational, cultural, or geographic background that is underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline in the United States or at the University of Michigan.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$4,500 stipend, room and board, meal plan provided by the program.


The Broad Institute Summer Research Program (BSRP)

Throughout this 9-week program, students will conduct mentored biomedical research and attend academic and career developing seminars.

Location: Cambridge, MA
Eligibility/Field: Biology, biomedical, mathematics, physical science, computer science, engineering
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$4,250 stipend, housing and travel costs are provided by the program


Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling

This 10-week program provides research training in the area of cell signaling. Students will give a poster presentation and a 10-minute talk in the Cornell Summer Institute for Life Sciences Symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology & other Life Sciences
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$5,500 stipend, on-campus housing, meal allowance, bus pass and travel budget to Ithaca provided by the program


Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH)

SROH interns conduct research and participate in discussions with Cambridge-based Harvard faulty and take part in field trips.
Application Deadline: Application will open in November

Location: Harvard University GSAS, Cambridge MA
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Program Dates: June - August
Round-trip travel, housing, $3,500 stipend, $1,500 food allowance provided by the program


Molecules, Cells, and Organisms Summer Research Opportunity to Harvard Internship Program

Students will take part in current research projects, attend weekly faculty lectures, work with MCO graduate students and take part in field trips. There will be an end of summer poster session and reception, where students will present their work. Students will also present their work at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium.

Location: Harvard University, Cambridge MA
Eligibility/Field: Biology, nursing (life sciences)
Application Deadline: February 1 
Program Dates: June - August
$3,500 stipend


Summer Undergraduate Research SURF program

Students work on their research with a mentor for 8-weeks as well as conducting individual research. Students will attend workshops, and panel discussions. All students will develop a proposal, give a final presentation to their peers, submit a written final paper, and attend the Leadership Alliance National Symposium where they will present their research as well.

Location: Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New Haven CT
Eligibility/Field: Social Sciences, humanities, natural sciences, 2nd-3rd year undergraduates **underrepresented minorities are given preference
Application Deadline: February 1 
Program Dates: June - July
On-campus housing, $1,000 food allowance, $400 travel allowance & $3,000 stipend provided by the program


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

SURF students are matched with an appropriate faculty advisor, based on mutual research interest. The advisor and intern design a specific research project within the context of the research focus of the advisor's laboratory.

Location: University of Cincinnati
Eligibility/Field: 1 application for multiple programs- Biomedical, neuroscience, pharmacology, nursing
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: 10-weeks Summer
• GE, NEURO & ASPET Programs: $4,000 stipend
• MSTP Program: $4,000 stipend
• CCHMC Program: $350/week


The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Oceanography

Students will conduct research, attend a seminar series, workshops and take part in social/recreational events. At the end of the program students will present a 15-minute professional oral presentation of results and a scientific report summarizing the research project.

Location: University of Rhode Island
Eligibility/Field: Science, mathematics and engineering
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August
$5,500 stipend, housing, partial/full travel costs provided by the program


Leadership Alliance Summer Research

Students will work for 8 to 10-weeks under the guidance of a faculty or research mentor. Students will present a written report and/or abstract at the end of the program. Students are expected to participate in the Leadership Alliance’s Annual National Symposium and make an oral or poster presentation of their research.

Location: University of Miami
Eligibility/Field: Physical/Social sciences 
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: May - July
$5,000 stipend


BioXFEL Undergraduate Internships

Students will be given hands-on training in XFEL-related laboratory techniques for 10-weeks over the summer. Students will attend scientific communications workshops, educational seminars, and social activities. At the end of the program, students will present their research

Location: University at Buffalo, Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, Arizona State University, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee & Rice University
Eligibility/Field: Physics, chemistry, math, computer science
Application Deadline: February 
Program Dates: May -August
$5,000 stipend


SIT Study Abroad Summer Internships

Students will spend 4 to 7-weeks ad¬vancing their knowledge of a language, global issue, and/or professional field while earning between four and nine academic credits. SIT’s accredited international programs focus on a range of topics, including those related to anthropology, art, education, geoscience, health, international studies, language, renewable energy, and peace and conflict studies

Location: 30 locations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors (certain programs in certain locations have prerequisites)
Program Dates: 4 to 7-weeks over the summer
SIT offers scholarships to assist in study abroad payment-April 1 deadline. $500-$5,000 scholarship award


Arecibo Observatory REUT

Over the course of 10-weeks students will work with staff scientists on projects related to ongoing research or instrumentation development. Students will also attend lectures by the staff and visiting scientists, a seminar series, tours of the observatory facilities and informal discussions. Students are expected to conduct hands-on observing with a 305-m telescope

Location: Esperanza, Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, physics, computer science, (geology, planetary science, geophysics)
Application Deadline: January 
Program Dates: May - August
$450/week stipend, housing and meals are provided by the program


Rockefeller University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Students will conduct laboratory research with scientists in a broad range of areas including but not limited to biochemistry, biology and molecular biology. Students are required to present scientific publications at weekly Journal Club meetings. Students will attend a lecture series and will present their research at a poster session at the end of the program.

Location: The Rockefeller University, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology (physical sciences) 2nd-3rd year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June -August 
$5,000 stipend, housing provided by the program


Fred Hutch Summer Undergraduate Research Program

This 9-week experience and mentorship allows students to do biomedical research and other research in areas of interest such as basic science, human biology, public health, clinical research and vaccines and infectious diseases under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students will also take part in workshops, weekly research seminars and social activities. Students will present their research and findings at a competitive poster session at the end of the program.

Location: University of Washington’s Stevens Court, Seattle WA
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, science related background- Applicant must be entering the summer before their final year of undergraduate studies
Application Deadline: TBA Winter
Program Dates: June - August
$4,794 stipend, students are responsible for their own housing. Roundtrip travel up to $450 is provided by the program.


MBARI Summer Internship Program

This 10-week program allows participants to work on a specific project under MBARI staff supervision. Students will learn about the marine environment and work with scientists and engineers. Students will also participate in other activities such as a tour of the aquarium and other social excursions.

Location: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, CA
Eligibility/Field: Engineering (Mechanical, software, electrical) geology, microbiology, oceanography
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: TBA Summer
$600/week stipend, possible travel support if needed


WPI Bioengineering Research Experience

This 10-week program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to conduct research in bioengineering. Students will receive training and mentoring, become a mentor to a middle school students and lead a 1-week research experience called the WPI Innovations in Bioengineering program.

Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, biomedical, biochemistry **Applicants must be women and/or unrepresented minorities
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August 
$5,000 stipend, housing, travel funds provided by the program


Aggie Research Scholars Program

Participants of this program will perform research in teams led by a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow. Students will attend weekly team meetings, and submit weekly progress report.

Location: Texas A&M University
Eligibility/Field: Open to all Majors
Program Dates: Summer


Blandy Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Students will learn how natural systems function during this 10-week program while developing skills in experimental design, data collection, analysis, and critical reading of primary scientific literature.

Location: Blandy Experimental Farm, VA
Eligibility/Field: Ecology, biology
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates:  May - August
$5,775 stipend, meal plan, housing, supplies allowance and travel allowance provided by the program


Center for Emergent Materials REU

Students will work on a computational or experimental research project and participate in professional development activities focusing on preparing for graduate school. Students will also participate in peer networking and social activities.

Location: Ohio State University
Eligibility/Field: Physics, materials science, chemistry, electrical/computer engineering
Application Deadline: February 15 
Program Dates: May - July
$5000 stipend, reasonable travel costs and housing provided by the program


Physics Summer REU

Students will work in ongoing experimental or theoretical research programs in accelerator physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics and many other subjects. Students will attend weekly seminars and participate in professional development discussions. Each student will present their results at a closing Symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Indiana University Bloomington
Eligibility/Field: Physics or closely related major
Application Deadline: February 15 
Program Dates:  May - July
$5000 stipend, housing, meals, round-trip travel allowance provided by the program


Physics and Astronomy REU

Students will conduct research under the guidance of faculty mentors. Students will attend weekly seminars, field trips, and workshops.

Location: Louisiana State University
Eligibility/Field: must have completed introductory physics courses
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates:  May - July
$5000 stipend, $700 travel allowance


Notre Dame REU

Students will work on a physics research project for 10-weeks under the guidance of graduate students and faculty members. Students will participate in weekly seminars, a computer programming course, a GRE prep course, ethics workshops, and field trips. Students will present their research at the REU Symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Indiana
Eligibility/Field: Physics
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: May - July
$5,200 stipend, housing provided by the program


Interactions of Matter, Light, and Learning REU

Students will be paired with a faculty member and conduct research on physics and physics-related topics. Students will participate in social activities and present an oral or poster final project.

Location: Kansas State University
Eligibility/Field: Students who have completed a course in modern physics
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August 
$5,450 stipend, travel costs up to $750 will be provided by the program


Advanced Materials and Chemical Biology Summer Research Program

During this 10-week program students will receive research training in the Department of Chemistry. Students will be required to form teams with peers and submit a mid-term report describing their experience and performed activities while participating in the program.

Location: Clemson, South Carolina
Eligibility/Field: Chemistry, or a major with equivalent training 
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: Summer
$5,000 scholarship, housing, meal plan and travel costs are provided by the program


Amarillo Biomedical Research Internship

Students will work for 10 weeks during the summer, learning research skills and conducting laboratory studies. Students will participate in other activities such as research seminars, and group meetings. Students will present their findings at the ABRI closing event.

Location: Texas Tech University Amarillo, Texas
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Pharmaceutical
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates:  May - August 
$3,800 stipend


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry REU

For 10-weeks over the summer, students will work with faculty in their research group and take part in informal seminars and social activities.

Location: The University of Alabama
Eligibility/Field: Chemistry/ background in chemistry
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - August 
Stipend is provided by the program as well as housing


ReNUWit REU Program “Re-inventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure”

Students will spend 9-weeks over the summer conducted a mentored, independent research project in areas such as “Distributed Storm water Treatment Unit Processes,” Technology Fusion Pathways,” and Distributed Urban Water Systems,” and will experience ReNUWIt’s systems-level approach to addressing the nation’s water issues. Students will also attend meetings, oral presentations and will present a short, written report and poster.

Location: CSM, NMSU, Berkeley, Stanford
Eligibility/Field:  2nd-4th year undergraduate, Engineering & Natural Sciences
Application Deadline:  February 
Program Dates: June - August
$4,500 stipend, $600 travel reimbursement & housing is provided by the program


APS/IBM Research Internships for Undergraduate Women and Underrepresented Minorities

Students who attend this research program will be given the opportunity to work closely with IBM mentors and work on research projects individually while working on the ongoing research programs of the IBM laboratory as well. This program is meant to encourage women and underrepresented minorities to pursue graduate studies in science and engineering.

Location: Almaden (San Jose, CA), Austin, TX, or Watson (Yorktown Heights, NY)
Eligibility/Field:  Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, Biology **Applicant must identify as a woman and/or underrepresented minority
Application Deadline: February 15
Program Dates: 10- weeks during Summer
$8,000 or more


Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship in Accelerator Science and Engineering

The Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship in Accelerator Science and Engineering is a joint 10-week program between Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab, established by the Illinois Accelerator Institute to attract undergraduate students into the exciting and challenging world of particle accelerator physics and technology. A limited number of highly qualified students will be selected into this program.

Program Dates: June - August each year 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Special Eligibility:  Junior academic standing by time of application, exception sophomores will be considered; U.S. citizen or foreign national enrolled full-time at U.S. university


SIST - Summer Internships in Science and Technology

Undergraduate sophomores and juniors majoring in physics, engineering (mechanical, electrical and computer), materials science, mathematics and computer science conduct research with Fermilab scientists and engineers. Eligible students must be enrolled in four-year colleges and universities in the United States. SIST aims to increase the representation of underrepresented groups (Black, Hispanic/Latino, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Alaska Native/American Indian) and women in scientific research and the engineering workforce.

Program Dates: End of May - August each year 
Application Deadline: January/February each year
Special Eligibility:  3.0, sophomore or junior at time of application, eligible to work in US


SULI- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship

Sponsored by the Department of Energy Office of Science, SULI places undergraduate physics or engineering majors in paid 10-week summer internships at Fermilab. These internships offer a chance for students to work with Fermilab scientists or engineers on a project at the frontier of scientific research in particle physics.

Program Dates: June - August each year 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Special Eligibility:  3.0, US citizen or lawful permanent resident, at least 1 year of undergraduate enrollment.


Engineering, Math, & Computer Science


Arecibo Observatory REUT

Over the course of 10-weeks students will work with staff scientists on projects related to ongoing research or instrumentation development. Students will also attend lectures by the staff and visiting scientists, a seminar series, tours of the observatory facilities and informal discussions. Students are expected to conduct hands-on observing with a 305-m telescope

Location: Esperanza, Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, physics, computer science, (geology, planetary science, geophysics)
Application Deadline: January 
Program Dates: May - August
$450/week stipend, housing and meals are provided by the program


Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology (TECBio)

Participating students will conduct theoretical and experimental research projects and receive classroom training in fields such as computational biology, cell and systems modeling and other topics. Students will attend weekly journal clubs, research and career seminars, an ethics forum and will present their research at a Pittsburgh-wide research symposium.

Location: School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Eligibility/Field: Biology, computer science, math, physics, engineering
Application Deadline: February 
Program Dates: Summer , 10-weeks
$5,500 stipend, housing, travel expenses up to $500 provided by the program


Winston Churchill Foundation Scholarships

The Winston Churchill Foundation offers approximately ten one-year Scholarships to Churchill College, Cambridge University, England, for graduate study in engineering, mathematics or science.  

Program Dates: 9-month program 
Application Deadline: Nov,   
$7,000 stipend, $500 travel allowance


The Mosaics in Science (MIS) Diversity Internship

US National Park System: The Mosaics in Science (MIS) Diversity Internship Program provides college students and recent graduates 18-35 years old that are under-represented in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) career fields with on-the-ground, natural resource science-based, work experience in the National Park System.

$4,800 stipend


National Weather Center

This 10-week research program allows students to conduct a project under the guidance of one or more mentors from the National Weather Center partner organizations. Students will attend workshops and will receive one-on-one mentoring.

Location: Oklahoma
Program Dates: May - July 
Application Deadline: February  
$5,000 stipend, $500 meal plan, travel reimbursement up to $600, travel costs for national conference $1,500. Housing is provided by the program.


Data Science Program Research Opportunity

This 10-week program allows students to focus on research projects in topics such as healthcare, security, mobility, and sustainability. Students will resent their work at a poster session at the end of the program. This program includes weekly group meetings, training sessions, technical presentations and social activities.

Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
Program Dates: May - August  
Application Deadline: February     
$5,000 stipend, housing, meal allowance, $600 travel allowance provided by the program



Students will work directly with Human Engineering Research Laboratories faculty on projects that will help to improve the mobility and function of people with disabilities through advanced engineering in clinical research and medical rehabilitation.   

Location: University of Pittsburgh
Program Dates: May - July 
Application Deadline: March  
$4,750 stipend, housing provided


Summer Internships in Natural Language Processing  

Students will work on on-going research projects for 12-weeks over the summer including projects on natural language processing, machine learning, statistical modeling, machine translation, automata, and other areas. Students will also attend weekly seminars and reading groups, and a 2000-processor supercomputing cluster   

Location: Marina Del Rey, CA
Program Dates: June - August
Application Deadline: January    
Salary will be stated on offer letter


Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP)

Students will spend 10-weeks as interns at a participating Navy laboratory. There, they will conduct research under the guidance of an assigned research mentor.

Location: Department of Navy Laboratory (AZ, CA, CT, DC, FL, HI, IN, MD, NJ, PA, RI, SC, VA)
Program Dates: Begins Mid-May  
Application Deadline: November  
New program members-$5,400 stipend, Returning program members- $8,100 stipend


BioXFEL Undergraduate Internships

Students will be given hands-on training in XFEL-related laboratory techniques for 10-weeks over the summer. Students will attend scientific communications workshops, educational seminars, and social activities. At the end of the program, students will present their research

Location: University at Buffalo, Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, Arizona State University, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee & Rice University
Eligibility/Field: Physics, chemistry, math, computer science
Application Deadline: February 
Program Dates: May - August
$5,000 stipend


The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Oceanography

Students will conduct research, attend a seminar series, workshops and take part in social/recreational events. At the end of the program students will present a 15-minute professional oral presentation of results and a scientific report summarizing the research project.

Location: University of Rhode Island
Eligibility/Field: Science, mathematics and engineering
Application Deadline: February 
Program Dates: June - August
$5,500 stipend, housing, partial/full travel costs provided by the program


Undergraduate Research Program at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Students will work on an ongoing research project for 10-weeks during the summer in one of CSHL’s expert labs conducting research on topics such as Molecular Biology & Cancer, Genetics & Genomics, Neuroscience, Plant biology, and quantitative biology. Students will also participate in workshops, seminars and collegial events. Students will present their research at the URP Symposium at the end of the program to the entire CSHL community.   

Location: Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Program Dates: June - August
Application Deadline: January 15   
$5,250 stipend, room and board provided


Center for Emergent Materials REU

Students will work on a computational or experimental research project and participate in professional development activities focusing on preparing for graduate school. Students will also participate in peer networking and social activities.

Location: Ohio State University
Eligibility/Field: Physics, materials science, chemistry, electrical/computer engineering
Application Deadline: February 15 
Program Dates: May - July
$5000 stipend, reasonable travel costs and housing provided by the program


iSEED Summer Research Experience

Students will be matched with a faculty mentor and conduct their own research project over the course of 10-weeks. Students will attend various courses and learn the essential skills needed for conducting laboratory based research, weekly workshops, and social activities.

Location: University at Buffalo
Eligibility/Field: Biology, biomedical, engineering
Application Deadline: February 1 
Program Dates: May - August 
A living stipend is provided, room & board is provided for a limited number of students.


Einstein College of Medicine Summer Graduate Research Program

Location: Bronx, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Nursing, Engineering- students with a strong background in science who are considering a research career.
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - July 
Free housing, $3,000 stipend, $500 in transportation assistance


Loma Linda SURF

Students will work in a research laboratory and will conduct experiments throughout the 8-weeks of the program. Students will also attend a weekly lunchtime program meeting. Students will present their research findings on a poster at a one-day research symposium.

Location: Loma Linda University California
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, math, biomedical, students must have their sophomore year completed
Application Deadline: April
Program Dates: June  -August 


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Students will conduct full-time research over the course of 10-weeks under the mentorships of a BU faculty member. Students will present their findings at the Boston University Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Location: Boston University
Eligibility/Field: Biology, technology fields, engineering, mathematics 3rd-4th year undergraduates
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June - August 
$5,500 stipend, $600 towards supplies, $500 travel allowance, housing provided by program


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship

A ten-week internship during the summer at a NOAA facility. The internship takes place between the first and second years of the award. The scholarship program seeks to increase training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology and education and to foster multidisciplinary training opportunities consistent with the NOAA mission which focuses on ecosystems, climate, weather and water and environmentally sound commerce and transportation. 

Application available September 1 
Application Deadline: January   
$9,500 award


Leadership Alliance Summer Research

Students will work for 8 to 10-weeks under the guidance of a faculty or research mentor. Students will present a written report and/or abstract at the end of the program. Students are expected to participate in the Leadership Alliance’s Annual National Symposium and make an oral or poster presentation of their research.

Location: University of Miami
Eligibility/Field: Physical/Social sciences
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: May - July
$5,000 stipend


STEP Towards Digestive and Metabolic Physiology 

Each student is matched, based on their interests, to a laboratory that is led by a faculty mentor of the Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology. Students will attend departmental and university lectures/seminars. Students will participate in a mini-symposium in which they will give a 10-minute oral presentation.   

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Program Dates: May - August 
Application Deadline: February 
$4,200 stipend


Entry Point! American Association for the Advancement of Science Summer Internship

A national effort to discover and develop talent among undergraduate students with disabilities who demonstrated a talent and interest in pursuing a STEM career.

Location: Varies
Eligibility/Field: Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Technology- *Applicants must have a disability (apparent or non-apparent)
Application Deadline: Sept
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer


Biomedical Summer Internship (SIP)

Students will conduct full-time biomedical research over the course of 8-weeks during the summer under the guidance of a NIH scientist. Each intern will have an independent project.

Location: Intramural Laboratories of the National Institutes of Health (MD, MI, NC, MT, MA, AZ)
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: Start and end dates are negotiated individually by the applicant and the NIH investigator offering the internship. May - June, 40 hrs a week.
$2,190-$2,410 monthly stipend depending on education level.


Einstein College of Medicine Summer Graduate Research Program

8-week research lab work experience, small-group meetings to discuss research, weekly faculty seminars, workshops & social activities. At the end of the program, students will present their findings in a poster session.

Location: Bronx, NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Nursing, Engineering- students with a strong background in science who are considering a research career.
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - July 
Free housing, $3,000 stipend, $500 in transportation assistance


Arizona State University Summer Program in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (MTBI)

Students engage in graduate level research at the interface of mathematics, statistics, and the natural and social sciences. Classroom instruction on research methods and hands-on research projects under the guidance of graduate students, postdoctoral students, and visiting scholars. Final report and research poster is presented at national conferences by the end of the program.

Location: Arizona State University -Tempe, AZ
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, Biology, social sciences (applicants need to have completed 1 year of calculus) 2nd-4th year college undergraduates
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - July 
$4,000 stipend and $500 for transportation


Maryland Sea Grant’s Research Experiences-Marine Research

The program supports fifteen students to conduct marine research on the Chesapeake Bay. Each student works with a mentor on an individual research project at one of the two marine labs at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences.

Location: Solomons and Cambridge Maryland
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics (Marine Science, ecology, environmental science)
Application Deadline: February 
Program Dates: 12-weeks during Summer
$6,000 stipend, housing and travel costs are covered by program


NIH Summer Internship Program at NIEHS

A research mentoring experience that is supplemented by a series of seminars and workshops featuring some of the Institute’s leading researchers and staff that provide participants with a good overview of environmental health sciences. Final projects are presented at the end of the summer

Location: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Physics, Engineering
Application Deadline: March 1
Program Dates: 8-weeks during Summer
$2,190-$2,410 stipend depending on education level


Montana State University Electrical and Computer Engineering Summer Research Program

Students will develop and use optical and acoustic techniques in an active research lab setting under the guidance of faculty members. Students will also participate in a number of group activities, all focused around developing the proper research skills to move forward in their careers.

Location: Bozeman, Montana
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, mathematics
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 8-weeks during Summer
$5,000 stipend, travel costs covered and lodging provided by program


Mechanisms of Evolution Research Experience for Undergraduates

Students will work on hypothesis-based projects that are focused around the main topic of the program: mechanisms of evolution. The program is meant to promote careers in science and research. Students will present their research in a final project at the end of the summer at a scientific colloquium.

Location: University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Chemistry Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics
Application Deadline: Spring
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer
$5,750 salary disbursed into two equal checks over the course of the program. Travel (excluding airfare) is covered, 100 meal dining plan is provided by the program.


Internship in Nanotechnology: Nanoscale Science and Engineering (GT-IEN SENIC Undergraduate Internship

Students will focus on doing research in one of Georgia Tech’s labs for 10-weeks during the summer and will work for a research group under the guidance of a project director and a mentor. Research topics include: nanofabrication, microfluidics, nanostructures, chemical & biological sensors, polymers, and optics.

Location: Georgia Institute of Technology-Atlanta, Georgia
Eligibility/Field: Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics
Application Deadline: Spring
Program Dates: May - August
$5,000 stipend. Travel and housing provided by the program


Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) Program

Students spend 10-weeks during the summer performing research under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers on projects supporting the DOE mission. Students will present their research at the end of the program along with a poster and/or an oral presentation.

Location: Selected U.S. Department of Energy Lab location
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, Science, Mathematics
Application Deadline: October
Program Dates: Summer
$500 stipend/week, 1 round-trip domestic travel to host lab is provided by the program-housing opportunities vary

RISE at Rutgers Summer Research Experience

Students will participate in 10-weeks of GRE prep, training in scientific writing and oral presentation, workshops, field trips to pharmaceutical and technology companies and will attend the Capstone Symposium where they will present both oral and poster presentations.

Location: New Brunswick, NJ
Eligibility/Field: Biology, physical/social/behavioral sciences, mathematics, engineering
Application Deadline: April
Program Dates: May - August
$4,500-$5,000 stipend, travel costs are covered up to $500, free on-campus housing


Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program (Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy) Summer Research

For 10-weeks, students train under the mentorship of program officials and scientists on focused research projects. Participants are required to attend a "Technical Forum" where they will present their research findings and tour a technical site located nearby at the end of the program.

Location: varies based on qualification (DC, MD, PA, LA, TX, TN, NM)
Eligibility/Field: Computer science, Engineering, Biomedical, Physics, Mathematics *Women and minority applicants are preferred; however, all candidates are encouraged to apply
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$600 stipend, some participants may be eligible to receive housing and travel allowance


Lightspeed Engineering/Computer Sciences Fellowship

Teams of 2-4 will be matched with one or two “Lightspeed investment professionals” who will provide mentorship over the 10-week program. Teams will conduct research in an office complete with equipment.

Location: Menlo Park, California
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, computer sciences- This is a team-based program. Teams of 2 to 4 are accepted. Teams of 1 are not accepted.
Application Deadline: Winter
Program Dates: June - August 
$5,000 per team + $15,000 per team member to cover living and business expenses


Baylor College of Medicine Summer Medical and Research Training Program (SMART)

Students will participate in 9-weeks of paid, biomedical-related research, daily seminars, discussion groups, career development activities and free GRE prep workshops.

Location: Houston, TX- Housing near Baylor College of Medicine
Eligibility/Field: Biology, Biomedical, all science & math majors & non-science majors with appropriate background interest are welcome to apply
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: May - July
$5,000 compensation package


Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship

This scholarship provides assistance to student veterans who are pursuing university degrees in the field of computer science in the U.S. Selected students will receive 10,000 USD for the -2020 school year

Location: Scholarship is provided by Student Veterans of America
Eligibility/Field: Computer Science or Computer Engineering, technical field *must be a current student veteran or student on active duty
Application Deadline: Fall
Program Dates:
$10,000 award


The Biosphere 2 REU Summer Program

10 undergraduates are given the opportunity to conduct guided research in environmental and Earth systems for 10-weeks. Students will also participate in developmental workshops and field trips to local attractions. At the end of the program, students will present their research findings in a formal symposium setting.

Location: Oracle, Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Engineering, biology, mathematics, physics, computer science (ecology, plant sciences, hydrology, soil science, geology, chemistry)
Application Deadline: March 1
Program Dates: June -August
$5,000 stipend, travel support, housing and food allowance provided by program


Electrical and Computer Engineering CAT Vehicle REU

Students will conduct research for 10-weeks over the summer while working with graduate researchers and faculty members who are experts in cognitive radio and autonomous ground vehicles. Students will conduct research with a “driverless car” which they will use to work on specific projects throughout the program, analyze date and carry out experiments.

Location: Tucson, AZ
Eligibility/Field: Engineering
Application Deadline: February 15
Program Dates: June - August 
$5,000 stipend, housing, meal plan & $600 travel allowance provided by program


Integrated Optics for Undergraduate Native Americans (IOU-NA) Research Experience

A 10-week summer program designed for undergraduate Native American students interested in optics and photonics, hydrology, and environmental sciences. Students will conduct hands-on research, participate in workshops, and attend presentations given by Native American STEM graduate students and faculty.

Location: Tucson, AZ
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, engineering, science, technology **Applicant must be Native American
Application Deadline: February 15
Program Dates: June -August
$5,000 stipend, travel and housing provided by program


Summer Research Institute at UA

Throughout this 10-week summer program, students will conduct one-on-one research with a UA faculty mentor (on chosen field of study), attend workshops on organizing research, research ethics, public speaking skills, and GRE prep. Students will present a poster on their findings at the end of the program.

Location: The University of Arizona
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August 
$4,000 stipend


Research Materials Design and Processing REU

Students work on their own research project under the guidance of an MU faculty mentor and present their results at a poster Forum at the end of the program. Research topics include atomistic simulation, coarse-grain modeling, and materials design / fabrication / characterization techniques

Location: University of Missouri
Eligibility/Field: 2nd-4th year undergraduate, engineering
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$5,000 stipend, meal plan provided by program


SROP at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Students participating in this program will be assigned a mentor who will guide their research throughout the program. Students will also attend a weekly Research Writing Seminar and will present their final project at the Illinois Summer Research Symposium.

Location: Illinois
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: February 10
Program Dates: May - July
$3,500 stipend, room and board provided by the program


Entrepreneurial Research Experience for Undergraduates

Over the 10-week program students will conduct research with individual faculty laboratories and their graduate students and engage in a forum for discussing the nature of entrepreneurship. Students will give two research presentations; one at the midpoint of the program and a final presentation at a summer symposium.

Location: University of Connecticut - Storrs, CT
Eligibility/Field: Engineering
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: June - August
$5,000 stipend, $500 meal allowance & fully paid UCONN housing provided by the program.


The Purdue Summer Research Opportunities Program

During the 8-week program, students will conduct research under the guidance of Purdue faculty members. Students will attend workshops, GRE prep and book club meetings. Students will present a final project at the end of the program.

Location: Indiana-West Lafayette, IN
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Program Dates: Summer
Stipend, round-trip transportation and on-campus housing is provided by the program.


University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity

During this 8-week program, students will conduct research and receive graduate application mentorship by faculty and graduate students, attend GRE prep courses, and attend weekly seminars. Students will present a final project with oral and poster presentations at a research symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Rackham Graduate School, Ann Arbor, MI
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors, 3rd-4th year undergraduates **Applicants must come from an educational, cultural, or geographic background that is underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline in the United States or at the University of Michigan.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: May - July
$4,500 stipend, room and board, meal plan provided by the program.


The Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)

Students work 8 to 10-weeks under the guidance of a faculty member or research mentor

Location: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, engineering, humanities, physical and social sciences
Application Deadline: February 1,
Program Dates: 8 to 10-weeks during summer
Stipend/Payment/award: Stipend, travel costs and housing are provided by the program


Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Leadership Alliance Summer Research Program

Students will conduct graduate-level research under the supervision of a Columbia faculty mentor for 8 to 10-weeks over the summer. Students will also take part in weekly seminars, workshops, symposia, and group events on and off campus. Students will present their research at the Columbia Summer Research Program Symposium and will attend the annual national Leadership Alliance Summer Symposium.

Location: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Columbia University NY
Eligibility/Field: Biology, nursing, mathematics, physics, psychology, social sciences, & humanities
Application Deadline: Jan
Program Dates: June - August
Stipend/Payment/award: $5,000 stipend travel costs up to $500 and housing provided by the program


Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH)

SROH interns conduct research and participate in discussions with Cambridge-based Harvard faulty and take part in field trips.

Location: Harvard University GSAS, Cambridge MA
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors
Application Deadline: Application will open in November
Program Dates: June - August 
Round-trip travel, housing, $3,500 stipend, $1,500 food allowance provided by the program


Dartmouth’s Academic Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ASURE)

During the 8-week program, students will attend ethics seminars, GRE prep, lab training and opportunities to present their work at the end of the program.

Location: Dartmouth, Hanover, NH
Eligibility/Field: Biology, engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, psychology, nursing
Application Deadline: February 1 
Program Dates: June - August
Stipend, housing, travel expenses, food allowance provided by the program


VUSE Summer Research Program

Students will work for 10-weeks over the summer under the supervision of a School of Engineering faculty member. Students will gain experience in laboratory research.

Location: Vanderbilt School of Engineering
Eligibility/Field: Engineering (no specific requirements-some non-engineering students may be a good match for certain opportunities)
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer , specific weeks can be negotiated 
$6,000 stipend


The Broad Institute Summer Research Program (BSRP)

Throughout this 9-week program, students will conduct mentored biomedical research and attend academic and career developing seminars. Students will also participate in team-building and social activities in the Boston area.

Location: Cambridge, MA
Eligibility/Field: Biology, biomedical, mathematics, physical science, computer science, engineering
Application Deadline: January
Program Dates: June - August
$4,250 stipend, housing and travel costs are provided by the program


Computer Science Scholarship Resource 

Multiple Scholarships based around Computer Science. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, software developer positions alone will grow 22% by 2022. This demand has created ample scholarship opportunities for computer science majors —and these could cover most or even all your tuition.  

Location: Varies
Stipend/award varies


Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU)

This 10-week program provides students with an opportunity to work on a research project in computer science and computer engineering and interact with graduate students and professors on a daily basis. The point of this experience is to give students a view of what graduate school is actually like.

Location: Mentor’s home institution (varies)
Program Dates: Dates for participation are scheduled at the mutual convenience of the student and the mentor. Summer  
Application Deadline: February 15    
$7,000 stipend, relocation travel assistance is provided by the program.


Women Techmakers Scholars Program

Google is furthering Dr. Anita Borg’s vision of creating gender equality in the field of computer science by encouraging women to excel in computing and technology and become active leaders and role models in the field. 

Application Deadline: Winter  
$10,000 award


Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship in Accelerator Science and Engineering

The Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship in Accelerator Science and Engineering is a joint 10-week program between Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab, established by the Illinois Accelerator Institute to attract undergraduate students into the exciting and challenging world of particle accelerator physics and technology. A limited number of highly qualified students will be selected into this program.

Program Dates: June - August each year 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Special Eligibility:  Junior academic standing by time of application, exception sophomores will be considered; U.S. citizen or foreign national enrolled full-time at U.S. university


SIST - Summer Internships in Science and Technology

Undergraduate sophomores and juniors majoring in physics, engineering (mechanical, electrical and computer), materials science, mathematics and computer science conduct research with Fermilab scientists and engineers. Eligible students must be enrolled in four-year colleges and universities in the United States. SIST aims to increase the representation of underrepresented groups (Black, Hispanic/Latino, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Alaska Native/American Indian) and women in scientific research and the engineering workforce.

Program Dates: End of May - August each year 
Application Deadline: January/February each year
Special Eligibility:  3.0, sophomore or junior at time of application, eligible to work in US


SULI- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship

Sponsored by the Department of Energy Office of Science, SULI places undergraduate physics or engineering majors in paid 10-week summer internships at Fermilab. These internships offer a chance for students to work with Fermilab scientists or engineers on a project at the frontier of scientific research in particle physics.

Program Dates: June - August each year 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Special Eligibility:  3.0, US citizen or lawful permanent resident, at least 1 year of undergraduate enrollment


VetTech Internship Program

A Fermilab VetTech is a military veteran intern who provides routine technical support for an assigned experiment or support group. The program assumes apprenticeship level expertise, general military experience and/or knowledge-based on academic study.

Program Dates: June - August each year 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Special Eligibility:  military experience, eligible to work in US


Occupational Health Internship Program

The Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) is a full time, paid summer internship designed to link the skills and interests of students with the needs of workers employed in an under-served or high hazard job. Teams of two interns are assigned to a union or worker organization where they receive supervision from a designated staff member and an academic mentor.

Location: Case by case 
Special Eligibility: Minimum 3.0 GPA, sophomores and juniors with link to public health, environmental studies, public policy, etc.
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates:  Summer
$4,000 Stipend


Social Science, Business, & Communications


Pediatric Oncology Education (POE) Research Experience

Students will spend 11-weeks during the summer in a clinical research or laboratory research setting depending on their interests to gain biomedical and oncology research experience. Students will attend a daily “Lunch & Learn” series and other clinical and basic research conferences. Research topics include: Biostatistics, Chemical biology, developmental neurobiology, hematology and many other departments of study.

Location: St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital Lab/ Clinical Research Memphis, TN
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical sciences, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, or public health
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August
$400/week allowance, group housing is provided by the program.


Arizona State University Summer Program in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (MTBI)

Students engage in graduate- level research at the interface of mathematics, statistics, and the natural and social sciences. Throughout the program, there will be classroom instruction on research methods and hands-on research projects under the guidance of graduate students, postdoctoral students, and visiting scholars. A final report and research poster is presented at national conferences by the end of the program.

Location: Arizona State University -Tempe, AZ
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, Biology, social sciences (applicants need to have completed 1 year of calculus) 2nd-4th year college undergraduates
Application Deadline: January


Summer Undergraduate Research SURF program

Students work on their research with a mentor for 8-weeks as well as conducting individual research. Students will attend workshops, and panel discussions. All students will develop a proposal, give a final presentation to their peers, submit a written final paper, and attend the Leadership Alliance National Symposium where they will present their research as well.

Location: Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New Haven CT
Eligibility/Field: Social Sciences, humanities, natural sciences, 2nd-3rd year undergraduates **underrepresented minorities are given preference
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - July
On-campus housing, $1,000 food allowance, $400 travel allowance & $3,000 stipend provided by the program


Davies-Jackson Scholarship for Graduate Study at Cambridge University England 

The Program provides Seventy-five fellowships each year up to a maximum of $30,000.00 for graduating seniors and graduates to support study at the doctoral and Master of Fine Arts level in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts. The program provides assistance to students of superior academic ability with a history of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise.

$30,000 award


National Weather Center

This 10-week research program allows students to conduct a project under the guidance of one or more mentors from the National Weather Center partner organizations. Students will attend workshops and will receive one-on-one mentoring.

Location: Oklahoma
Program Dates: May - July
Application Deadline: February   
$5,000 stipend, $500 meal plan, travel reimbursement up to $600, travel costs for national conference $1,500. Housing is provided by the program.


The Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)

Students work 8 to 10-weeks under the guidance of a faculty member or research mentor

Location: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, engineering, humanities, physical and social sciences
Application Deadline: February 1 
Program Dates: 8 to 10-weeks during summer
Stipend, travel costs and housing are provided by the program


Dartmouth’s Academic Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ASURE)

During the 8-week program, students will attend ethics seminars, GRE prep, lab training and opportunities to present their work at the end of the program.

Location: Dartmouth, Hanover, NH
Eligibility/Field: Biology, engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, psychology, nursing
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - August
Stipend, housing, travel expenses, food allowance provided by the program


National Institute of Health's Undergraduate Scholarship Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research.

Application available January 
Application Deadline: March   
$20,000 award


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship

A ten-week internship during the summer at a NOAA facility. The internship takes place between the first and second years of the award. The scholarship program seeks to increase training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology and education and to foster multidisciplinary training opportunities consistent with the NOAA mission which focuses on ecosystems, climate, weather and water and environmentally sound commerce and transportation. 

Application available September 1
Application Deadline: January   
$9,500 award


SROP Illinois (Big 10)

Students participating in this program will be assigned a mentor who will guide their research throughout the program. Each student will be assigned a research team consisting of other undergraduates with similar majors to their own. Students will attend a weekly Research Writing Seminar and will present their final project at the Illinois Summer Research Symposium. This program is part of the “Big 10 Academic Alliance Summer Research Opportunities Program.”  

Location: Illinois
Program Dates: May - July 
Application Deadline: February     
$3,500 Stipend room and board provided


Summer Research Initiative at University of Maryland

Throughout the 8-week program, students will conduct research in a laboratory setting, attend lectures, workshops and be provided with mentoring. This program is part of the “Big 10 Academic Alliance Summer Research Opportunities Program.” 

Location: Maryland
Eligibility/Field: 3rd-4th year undergraduates pursuing graduate study in one of the behavioral or social sciences.
Program Dates: June - July  
Application Deadline: February   
$3,500 Stipend room and board provided


Uncommon Schools

Uncommon Schools is a non-profit network of 53 outstanding public charter schools in grades K-12 across New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts. Our mission is to start and manage outstanding urban public charter schools that close the achievement gap and prepare students from low-income backgrounds for success in college and beyond. We are accomplishing that mission every day, with a college graduation rate that is well above the national average and thousands of stories of our students and alumni achieving their dreams. 

Program Dates: 7 to 10 weeks in Summer
Application Deadline: October, January, March  
Location: Boston, NYC, Camden, Newark, and Troy
Major/Field: For students pursing teaching, education, major not needed
Special Eligibility: Rising Seniors ONLY
Stipend: Paid


Partnership for After School Education

PASE's Summer Teaching Fellows help children see learning as fun and add to their desire to excel in school. For the Fellows, this program provides hands-on teaching experience and exposure to the after school field, helping them to explore and cultivate their passion in working with kids. 

Program Dates: Summer
Application Deadline: January 
Location: NYC
Major/Field: For students pursing teaching, education, major not needed
Special Eligibility: Rising Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors
Stipend: Paid, $3000 and two monthly Metro cards


Generation Teach

In a GT teaching fellowship, you are the teacher. From day one, you will greet your students at the classroom door and welcome them to your class. You will solo teach academic and enrichment classes. 

Program Dates: Summer
Application Deadline: December 5th, January 5th, February 5th, March 5th, April 5th, FINAL May 5th
Location: Boston, MA; Denver, CO; Holyoke, MA; Providence, RI
Major/Field: For students pursing teaching, education, major not needed
Stipend$2800 to cover living expenses


Breakthrough Collaborative, Teaching Fellow

Breakthrough uses a unique “students teaching students” model to create our rigorous, vibrant learning communities across the nation, where highly-motivated, traditionally under-represented students achieve post-secondary success and where emerging leaders are inspired to become the next generation of educators and advocates. 

Program Dates: Summer
Application Deadline: Early Decision is January 16th, Regular is February 27
Location: Throughout United States
Major/Field: For students pursing teaching, education, major not needed
Stipend: Stipend for living expenses


Summer Teaching Internships and Fellowships at Boarding Schools

Interested in teaching? Various boarding schools in the New England region seek undergraduate students each summer to work as teachers in their summer school programs. Prior teaching experience is not required. 

Program Dates: Summer
Application Deadline: February
Location: Ashburnham, MA; Mount Hermon, MA; Exeter, NH; Maron, MA; Watertown, CT
Major/Field: For students pursing teaching, education, major not needed
Special Eligibility: Applicants must have completed their junior or senior year of college. Desired college majors: Science, English, Mathematics, History, Education, Foreign Languages, ESL, Studio Art, and Photography. Minimum of 3.0 GPA
Stipend: $3,900 stipend, free housing and board, on-campus medical attention, and teaching materials

Apply at Cushing Academy Summer Session, Ashburnham, MA

Apply at Tabor Academy, Marion, MA

Apply at Taft School; Watertown, CT

MU Alcohol Research Training Summer School and Internship at the University of Missouri

The MU-ARTSS program is structured into a week-long didactic program providing an intensive introduction to alcohol research followed by an 8-week research internship in the lab of a MU-ARTSS professor. The program is set up to provide an independent learning experience and offer the intern an opportunity to get a sense of a ‘grad school’ working environment.

Program Dates: June - July, each Summer
Application Deadline: Early February 
Location: University of Missouri
Major/Field: Psychology
Stipend: $3600, includes room and board but not travel


Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) National Internship Program – Corporate Component

The HACU National Internship Program - Corporate Component, partners with some of the leading corporations in the nation to assist them in attracting and hiring the best talent from HACU member colleges and universities. The process is very competitive but rewarding, as many internships lead to full-time roles. Opportunities for both internships and full-time employment are available.

Program Dates: June - August, each Summer
Application Deadline: Rolling Admissions
Location: Nationwide
Special Eligibility: Minimum 3.0 GPA
Stipend: Varies


HACU National Internship Program

Since 1992 the HACU National Internship Program (HNIP) has recruited college students for paid summer- and semester-long internships at federal agencies and private corporations in Washington, D.C. and throughout the country. These ten and fifteen-week internship programs give college students direct experience in a diverse array of careers in the federal and corporate sectors.

Program Dates: Varies
Application Deadline: Rolling Admissions
Location: Nationwide
Special Eligibility: Minimum 3.0 GPA
Stipend: Varies




Summer Undergraduate Research SURF program

Students work on their research with a mentor for 8-weeks as well as conducting individual research. Students will attend workshops, and panel discussions. All students will develop a proposal, give a final presentation to their peers, submit a written final paper, and attend the Leadership Alliance National Symposium where they will present their research as well.

Location: Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New Haven CT
Eligibility/Field: Social Sciences, humanities, natural sciences, 2nd-3rd year undergraduates **underrepresented minorities are given preference
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - July
On-campus housing, $1,000 food allowance, $400 travel allowance & $3,000 stipend provided by the program


EuroScholars Program European Academic Research

Students will choose and perform a research project from a variety of fields under the supervision of a professor and other faculty. Students will document their research in a final paper. Students will attend the “Mid-Stay” program at one of the participating institutions wherein they will present their research, attend academic activities as well as social activities.

Location: Participating European research universities in: Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany
Eligibility/Field: Open to all majors (Students opting for a Research Project in the Natural Sciences, including practical laboratory work, need to have ample laboratory experience.)
Application Deadline: Fall - April 1 / Spring - October 1
Program Dates:  Fall or Spring Semester
Tuition at host institution and housing is provided. Expenses for the “Mid-Stay” program are provided by the program as well. Application for grants are offered to low income/disabled students.


Fellowships Available for Maser of Arts in Italian at Boston College

The Boston College Department of Romance Languages and Literatures invites qualified students to apply to the Master of Arts program in Italian Studies. The department is committed to the professional formation of students, who graduate with broad experience in textual and cultural analysis including a strong component of visual literacy and film, and pedagogical training and practice.  

Location: Boston College 
Application Deadline: February 1  


Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)

The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program seeks graduating seniors and recent college graduates who are interested in enhancing internationalization in Japan by promoting mutual understanding between Japan and other nations. By fostering ties between Japanese youth and JET Program participants, the student will experience international exchange at a local level.

Program Dates: 1-year program    
$32,400 stipend/year


The Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP)

US National Park System: The Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP) is a 10-week paid summer internship program organized by the National Park Service, Hispanic Access Foundation, and Environment for the Americas with the goal of engaging the next generation of conservation stewards. The program raises awareness of our national parks and historic sites, their accessibility, and the need for the Latino community’s involvement in their preservation. Highly motivated undergraduate and graduate students will be selected to work alongside NPS historians, interpreters, archaeologists, architects, and curators on projects in different park units, offices, and historical sites throughout the US.


The Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)

Students work 8 to 10-weeks under the guidance of a faculty member or research mentor

Location: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, engineering, humanities, physical and social sciences
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: 8 to 10-weeks during summer
Stipend, travel costs and housing are provided by the program


Leadership Alliance Mellon Initiative and Undergraduate Summer Research Program (LAMI)

During this 10-week program, students will conduct original research under the supervision of NYU faculty mentors, attend weekly meetings, and weekly workshops. Each student will complete a research paper.  

Location: NYU Center for the Humanities NY, NY 
Program Dates: June - August  
Application Deadline: February 1    
Stipend is provided to each student, and housing and travel costs are covered.

SURP at University of Virginia Curry School of Education

Students will spend 8-weeks in Charlottesville as well as participate in a week of pre and post internship work. Interns will conduct research under the guidance of UVA faculty focusing on the topic of education research, schools, classrooms, and other youth settings. Students will participate in developmental workshops and meetings. There will be a presentation at a research conference at the end of the program.

Location: Charlottesville, VA   
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer 
Application Deadline: February   
$3,000 stipend, $500 meal allowance


James Madison Fellowships for Future High School History & Social Studies Teachers

The James Madison Fellowship Program supports future secondary school teachers of American history, American government, or social studies for master's-level study of the roots, framing, principles, and development of the U.S. Constitution. Information on this page pertains to the Junior Fellowships for outstanding college seniors and college graduates without teaching experience.   

Application Deadline: March 1,   
$24,000 award


American Scandinavian Foundation: Study in Scandinavia, Awards for Graduating Seniors

The American Scandinavian Foundation offers fellowships and grants to graduating seniors (US citizens or permanent residents) to pursue research or study, in all fields in one or more Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) for up to one year. "It is desirable that all candidates have some ability in the language of the host country"  

Recipient will be announced April 15
Application Deadline: November  
Award ranges from $3,000 to $15,000.


Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) Program

The Institute of International Education (IIE) is partnering with the Korean Ministry of Education, Science, & Technology in their efforts to promote international exchange and to bring more American students to Korea. IIE will be assisting the Korean government in publicizing and recruiting for the "Teach and Learn in Korea" (TaLK) Program which is a study abroad opportunity that is open to both undergraduate students and recent college graduates.  

$1,300 monthly stipend


Moore Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (MURAP) Summer Internship

Students work one-on-one with UNC-Chapel Hill faculty mentors to design and execute high-caliber research projects of their own. In addition, they attend four workshops geared to preparing them for the challenges ahead (GRE Review, Communication Skills, Writing Techniques and Clinic, and Graduate Professional Development) and participate in social and educational activities.

Location: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer 
Application Deadline: Fall  


The New York State Senate: Richard J. Roth Journalism Fellowship

The award is open to college graduate students and college doctoral students in any field of study, but it is a plus if the student is in the field of communication, public affairs, or journalism. You must be a resident of New York or attend graduate school in New York. This fellowship provides for a 10-month internship in the New York State Senate Press Office. 

Program Dates: 10-month program 
Application Deadline: May   
$29,500 award


Public/Global Affairs, &/or Languages


Davies-Jackson Scholarship for Graduate Study at Cambridge University England

The Program provides seventy-five fellowships each year up to a maximum of $30,000.00 for graduating seniors and graduates to support study at the doctoral and Master of Fine Arts level in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts. The program provides assistance to students of superior academic ability with a history of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise.

$30,000 award


New York City Urban Fellows Program

The Urban Fellows Program is sponsored by the City of New York and administered by the department of Citywide Administrative Services. The Program is designed to introduce outstanding college students and graduates to local government and public service. The rigorous nine-month program combines full-time employment in the City government with a comprehensive seminar series exploring the mechanics of local government while exploring important issues facing the City.  

Program Dates: 9 months   
$25,000 stipend


Peace Action Education Fund Freeman Fellowship

The Ruth S. and Harrop A. Freeman Fellowship is offered to undergraduate students and/or recent graduates interested in promoting campus activism for peace, disarmament and economic justice. This fellowship is offered in hopes of developing the next generation of peace and justice organizers.  

Program Dates: 1-year July-July   
$1,000 stipend


The Peter G. Peterson Foundation's Fiscal Internship Program 

Each summer, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation partners with think tanks in Washington D.C. to offer full-time paid internships to a select group of college and graduate students interested in fiscal and economic policy. Interns live and work in Washington D.C. for ten weeks during the summer while gaining professional experience, skills, and contacts that will serve them throughout their careers. 

Program Dates: June - August  
Application Deadline: February 
$5,000 stipend


Davis Fellows for Peace - Middlebury Language Schools Fellowships

The program provides funding for 100 aspiring and experienced peacemakers to attend the Middlebury Language Schools and receive training in foreign language or policy studies. Languages offered to study include: Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese +7 more.   

Location: Middlebury, VT
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer
Program covers tuition, room and board


Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

The Gilman Scholarship Program offers awards for undergraduate study abroad and was established by the International Academic Opportunity Act of 2000. This scholarship provides awards for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide  

Application Deadline: October
$8,000 award


Boren Scholarships for Study Abroad

Boren Scholarships are funded by the National Security Education Program (NSEP), which focuses on geographic areas, languages, and fields of study deemed critical to U.S. national security. Applicants should identify how their study abroad program, as well as their future academic and career goals, will contribute to U.S. national security, broadly defined.  

Program Dates: June 1,  6 months abroad 
Application Deadline: February  
$8,000 award


NYS Troopers

Undergraduates are assigned to Zone, Troop, or Division Headquarters. Undergraduates learn about the organization, staffing, mission, activities, programs and services of the Division of New York State Police. In addition, they may be given a research project that addresses an issue of concern to the host Troop, the student, or the school.  

Program Dates: 120-150 hours during the Spring and Fall semesters 
Location: In a Troop or At Division Headquarters 
Stipend: none


NYC Public Service Corps

The New York City Public Service Corps (PSC) is dedicated to providing undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities to serve their communities, build occupational skills, and learn about careers in the public sector. The Public Service Corps connects meaningful internship experience with academic learning, personal growth, and civic responsibility. While students apply their classroom studies to the real world, community service needs are met.  

Program Dates: During the Fall or Spring semester
Special Eligibility: Must be eligible for work study 


NYC Citywide Administrative Services - Summer Internship Program

The NYC Citywide Administrative Services Summer Internship Program hosts city government internships that allow students to make important contributions to the City while participating in a challenging and rewarding work experience.  

Program Dates: Varies based on Department 
Application Deadline: Varies based on Department
Location: NYC
Stipend: Determined by the individual agencies


Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office

The program is designed to give an in-depth working view of the Sheriff's Office.  

Program Dates: Fall, Spring or Summer  
Application Deadline: Fall - July 15 - August 15 / Spring - November 15 - December 15 / Summer - April 15 - May 15
Location: Suffolk County Sheriff's Office


Suffolk County Probation Department

Suffolk County Probation offers internship opportunities for eligible students. Students must be enrolled in an internship class for credit. Internships are available for undergraduate and graduate students. For more information, contact Robert C. Marmo, Ph.D. by email robert.marmo@suffolkcountyny.gov or call 631-852-5102.  

Special Eligibility: Must be enrolled in an internship class for credit 


Suffolk County Police Department

Call the Academy Training Section at 631-853-7056 or 631-853-7000.  


Nassau County Internship Program

The program, with its dedicated interns, seminars, and carefully cultivated inclusive environment provides students with a full experience of how their local government works.  

Program Dates: Summer internship  
Special Eligibility: Must be a Nassau County resident
Location: Nassau County


Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute - Congressional Internship Program

During CHCI's paid summer and semester internships, promising Latino undergraduate students experience what it's like to work in a congressional office, while participating in weekly professional and leadership development and civic engagement through community service.  

Program Dates: Summer, Fall, or Spring Semester  
Application Deadline: Spring - October / Summer - December / Fall - February
Location: Washington DC


Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute - Public Policy Fellowship

This paid fellowship is designed for recent college graduates who are pursuing a career in public policy. CHCI's goal is to help you accelerate your career in public policy so that more Latinos attain higher levels of policy leadership. You will spend nine months working in Washington, D.C., with significant exposure to leaders in congressional offices, federal agencies, national nonprofit advocacy organizations, government-related institutes, and more—growing both personally and professionally during your fellowship experience. As a CHCI Public Policy Fellow, you will immerse yourself in the legislative process.  

Program Dates: 9 month fellowship, August - May
Application Deadline: January 
Location: Washington DC
Special Eligibility: Must be a recent college graduate
Stipend: Varies by year


Special Eligibility


CURE (Continuing Umbrella of Research Experience)

An 8-week research program that allows undergraduates interested in the biomedical sciences to work full-time alongside top cancer researchers. Students must be members of underserved populations (African-American, Hispanic, Pacific Islander or Native American).

Program dates: June - August 
Application Deadline: April 15
$3,500 stipend


University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity

During this 8-week program, students will conduct research and receive graduate application mentorship by faculty and graduate students, attend GRE prep courses, and attend weekly seminars. Students will present a final project with oral and poster presentations at a research symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Rackham Graduate School, Ann Arbor, MI
Program Dates:  May - July  
Application Deadline: February   
$4,500 stipend, travel, tuition, housing, and meal plan provided


Kaplan Leadership Program

The Kaplan Leadership Program, part of the Kaplan Educational Foundation, began in 2006. The Foundation works with high-potential associate's degree students in the New York City area who have a financial need; it provides them with resources and support to help them raise their expectations, expand their personal goals, and eventually attain leadership roles in their professions and communities.

Application Deadline: Applications begin to be accepted in March 
Program Dates: June


Kaplan Educational Foundation 

Scholars get scholarships of up to $3,000 per year toward the associate's degree and up to $20,000 per year toward the bachelor's degree and receive additional funding for living expenses, transportation, books, and home internet service.


APS/IBM Research Internships for Undergraduate Women and Underrepresented Minorities

Students who attend this research program will be given the opportunity to work closely with IBM mentors and work on research projects individually while working on the ongoing research programs of the IBM laboratory as well. This program is meant to encourage women and underrepresented minorities to pursue graduate studies in science and engineering. 

Location: Almaden (San Jose, CA), Austin, TX, or Watson (Yorktown Heights, NY)
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer 
Application Deadline: February 15   
$8,000 stipend or more


Summer Undergraduate Research SURF Program at Yale

Students work on their research with a mentor for 8-weeks as well as conducting individual research. Students will attend workshops, and panel discussions. All students will develop a proposal, give a final presentation to their peers, submit a written final paper, and attend the Leadership Alliance National Symposium where they will present their research as well.   

Location: New Haven, CT 
Program Dates: June - July  
Application Deadline: February 1   
On-campus housing, $1,000 food allowance, $400 travel allowance, and $3,000 stipend


WPI Bioengineering Research Experience

This 10-week program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to conduct research in bioengineering. Students will receive training and mentoring, become a mentor to a middle school students and lead a 1-week research experience called the WPI Innovations in Bioengineering program.

Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
Program Dates: May - August 
Application Deadline: February  
$5,000 stipend, travel costs and lodging are provided


SUNY Downstate Medical Center Biomedical Summer Research Program

Students will conduct research under the direction of a faculty member. Assignments will be made based upon availability of research opportunities and per the mutual interests of the faculty sponsors and student participants. Oral presentations are made at the conclusion of the summer.

Location:  Brooklyn, NY SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Eligibility/Field: Medical Science, Nursing, Biology – 2nd and 3rd year college undergraduates
 *Students who have been historically underrepresented in the biomedical professions (African American, Mainland Puerto Rican, Native American and Mexican American)
Application Deadline: March
Program Dates: 8-weeks during Summer
$3,000 fellowship award


Jefferson Summer Training and Enrichment Program for Underrepresented Persons (JeffSTEP-UP)

Students will attend comprehensive workshops, educational sessions on health policy, health disparities, and health equity. They will participate in clinical shadowing experiences, and medical skills workshops during this 8-week, full-time residential program.

Location: Thomas Jefferson University –Center City, Philadelphia
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing *Applicant is preferred to be an underrepresented minority in medicine as defined by the AAMC or the HRSA
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: 8-weeks Summer


Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training (MHIRT) Program through Rhodes College

Students will conduct biomedical and behavioral research over the course of 10-weeks during the summer at their designated international research site under the guidance and mentorship of U.S. and foreign scientists. Pre-departure training is required and lessons in Portuguese are suggested to applicants who wish to conduct their research in Brazil.

Location: Brazil, Nicaragua, or Uganda
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, Nursing *students from socially or economically disadvantaged groups are preferred applicants
Application Deadline: December  (Early-Bird App. Deadline) January  (Final Deadline)
Program Dates: 10-weeks Summer
$1,000-$1,500 stipend- Visa, passport, airfare, food, housing and on-site expenses are covered by the program.


San Diego SU MHIRT Program

Students will spend 10-weeks during the summer at a research facility located in Peru or Taiwan where they will receive biomedical, clinical and behavioral health research training in theoretical modeling, developing hypotheses, and clinical and lab activities. Students will be taught in English. Activities vary depending on which research facility the student will attend.

Location: Peru or Taiwan
Eligibility/Field: Biomedical, nursing, medical anthropology, public health *Applicant must come from a group underrepresented in biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social sciences research (African Americans, Hispanic Americans or Latinos, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders). Or a disadvantaged background (socioeconomic status, disability, first generation to receive higher education).
Application Deadline: App opens October
Program Dates: June 1 - August 15
$1,200 stipend is provided for housing, travel and a meal plan


Minority Health Disparities (MHD)

Students will work on a research project under a mentor’s guidance for 10-weeks over the summer. They will also participate in workshops, field trips a speaker series, GRE prep, and an annual research conference & closing ceremony.   

Location: Tucson, AZ
Program Dates: June - August  
Application Deadline: February 1    
$4,000 stipend


University of Maryland STAR Program

10-week research training and career development program to enhance their potential to apply for and complete graduate degrees in biomedical and behavioral science relevant to preventing and treating cardiovascular disease. This program is part of the “Big 10 Academic Alliance Summer Research Opportunities Program.”
Application Deadline: Possible funding renewal

Location: University of Maryland School of Public Health
Eligibility/Field: 2nd-3rd year undergraduate, Biomedical **Applicant must come from an underrepresented minority group, disadvantaged background and/or have a disability.


Summer Research Internship for Minority Students (SRIMS)

This 9-week summer program allows underrepresented students to conduct biomedical research and receive formal research training. Students will participate in workshops, seminars and mentoring. Students are required to present their research at the WV Summer Research Symposium at the end of the program.

Location: Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine West Virginia
Program Dates: Begins Mid-May  
Application Deadline: February   
$3,000 stipend, housing and travel assistance provided by the program


Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program (Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy) Summer Research

For 10-weeks, students train under the mentorship of program officials and scientists on focused research projects. Participants are required to attend a "Technical Forum" where they will present their research findings and tour a technical site located nearby at the end of the program.

Location: varies based on qualification (DC, MD, PA, LA, TX, TN, NM)
Eligibility/Field: Computer science, Engineering, Biomedical, Physics, Mathematics *Women and minority applicants are preferred; however, all candidates are encouraged to apply
Application Deadline: January,
Program Dates: June - August
$600 stipend, some participants may be eligible to receive housing and travel allowance


Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship

This scholarship provides assistance to student veterans who are pursuing university degrees in the field of computer science in the U.S. Selected students will receive 10,000 USD for the -2020 school year

Location: Scholarship is provided by Student Veterans of America
Eligibility/Field: Computer Science or Computer Engineering, technical field *must be a current student veteran or student on active duty
Application Deadline: Fall
$10,000 award


Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU)  

This 10-week program provides students with an opportunity to work on a research project in computer science and computer engineering and interact with graduate students and professors on a daily basis. The point of this experience is to give students a view of what graduate school is actually like.  

Location: Mentor’s home institution (varies)
Program Dates: Dates for participation are scheduled at the mutual convenience of the student and the mentor. Summer  
Application Deadline: February 15    
$7,000 stipend, relocation travel assistance is provided by the program


Entry Point! American Association for the Advancement of Science Summer Internship

A national effort to discover and develop talent among undergraduate students with disabilities who demonstrated a talent and interest in pursuing a STEM career.

Location: Varies
Eligibility/Field: Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Technology- *Applicants must have a disability (apparent or non-apparent)
Application Deadline: September 
Program Dates: 10-weeks during Summer


MassMutual Scholars Program

A national scholarship program for high achieving college students interested in pursuing careers in the insurance and financial services industry.


Scholarships for African American Students

These awards can help offset the cost of a college education, and leave students less dependent on loans. They also offer African Americans a unique opportunity to pursue financial aid without any strings attached, and without any racial biases favoring another demographic, intentionally or otherwise.


The Pickering Undergraduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship

The Pickering Undergraduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship seeks to recruit talented students in academic programs relevant to international affairs, political and economic analysis, administration, management, and science policy. The goal is to attract outstanding students from all ethnic, racial, and social backgrounds who have an interest in pursuing a Foreign Service career in the U.S. Department of State. The Program develops a source of trained men and women from academic disciplines representing the skill needs of the Department, who are dedicated to representing America's interests abroad.


FACETS Public Health Research Program

Participants will receive introductory coursework in epidemiology and biostatistics and formal lectures from different faculty within the Harvard Chan School for 6-weeks during Summer . Participants will also engage in a group research project with an assigned Harvard Chan School faculty member.

Location: Harvard T.H. Chan- Boston, MA
Eligibility/Field: Health Sciences, Public Health, Nursing *Applicants must be 1st generation college student or disabled or economically disadvantaged or from an underrepresented ethnic group.
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Dates: June - July
Summer salary, housing and funded travel are provided by program


Summer Undergraduate Research in Physiology (SURP)

Students work for 12-weeks with faculty mentors either on an individual basis or as part of a research team. In addition, all participants engage in a series of academic, professional, and personal development seminars. Participants present their research at a concluding summer research symposium.

Location: University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, MI
Eligibility/Field: 2nd-4th year undergraduates, biology, nursing **Applicants must be from a diverse racial and ethnic group that is underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline in the United States or at the University of Michigan (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Hawaiian Natives and natives of the US Pacific Islands) or have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, or come from a family with annual income below established low-income thresholds or are the first-generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college or university.
Application Deadline: February 2 
Program Dates: May - August
$4,200 stipend, $500 max travel allowance, $1,000 housing assistance, $1,000 supply assistance


Integrated Optics for Undergraduate Native Americans (IOU-NA) Research Experience

A 10-week summer program designed for undergraduate Native American students interested in optics and photonics, hydrology, and environmental sciences. Students will conduct hands-on research, participate in workshops, and attend presentations given by Native American STEM graduate students and faculty.

Location: Tucson, AZ
Eligibility/Field: Mathematics, engineering, science, technology **Applicant must be Native American
Application Deadline: February 15
Program Dates: June - August
$5,000 stipend, travel and housing provided by program


EB Industries Scholarship

EB Industries will hereby establish the EB Industries Scholarship. An initial scholarship of $500 will be awarded to a New York student from the counties of Nassau or Suffolk and attending a four- year college. Selections will be made in the beginning of May. 

Application Deadline: April 1  
$500 award


Student Worksite Experience Program (SWEP)

A volunteer program offering opportunities to gain practical experience by engaging in projects and tasks that contribute to professional development. Student volunteers are an important part of recruiting and developing skilled workers, and preparing the workforce of the future.

Dates of Program: 6 months maximum, during academic year and/or summer
Location of Opportunity: Varies
Special Eligibility: minimum 2.0 GPA and half time enrollment
Stipend: Varies


Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship in Accelerator Science and Engineering

The Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship in Accelerator Science and Engineering is a joint 10-week program between Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab, established by the Illinois Accelerator Institute to attract undergraduate students into the exciting and challenging world of particle accelerator physics and technology. A limited number of highly qualified students will be selected into this program.

Program Dates: June - August each year 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Special Eligibility:  Junior academic standing by time of application, exception sophomores will be considered; U.S. citizen or foreign national enrolled full-time at U.S. university


SIST - Summer Internships in Science and Technology

Undergraduate sophomores and juniors majoring in physics, engineering (mechanical, electrical and computer), materials science, mathematics and computer science conduct research with Fermilab scientists and engineers. Eligible students must be enrolled in four-year colleges and universities in the United States. SIST aims to increase the representation of underrepresented groups (Black, Hispanic/Latino, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Alaska Native/American Indian) and women in scientific research and the engineering workforce.

Program Dates: End of May - August each year 
Application Deadline: January/February each year
Special Eligibility:  3.0, sophomore or junior at time of application, eligible to work in US


SULI- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship

Sponsored by the Department of Energy Office of Science, SULI places undergraduate physics or engineering majors in paid 10-week summer internships at Fermilab. These internships offer a chance for students to work with Fermilab scientists or engineers on a project at the frontier of scientific research in particle physics.

Program Dates: June - August each year 
Application Deadline: Early January each year
Special Eligibility:  3.0, US citizen or lawful permanent resident, at least 1 year of undergraduate enrollment.


Last Modified 1/21/25