New Employees


Your onboarding package is the required paperwork needed to get you officially hired and paid.  This electronic packet was previously sent to your personal email account when you were offered the position.  If you have not received this electronic paperwork, please contact Human Resources at 934-420-2107.

Please make an appointment for your in-person I-9 verification by using this appointment request link. Please note, the I-9 must be complete prior to starting work.  Your onboarding packet includes the I-9 form and instructions. If you need an appointment outside of normal business hours, please call 934-420-2107.

Parking is free at Farmingdale State College, but you still need to have an official parking permit for your car.  You will receive a parking permit and ID from University Police after the completion of your I-9.  


Human Resources will be extending an invitation to a benefits information session. This is your opportunity to consult with staff about your options before making your initial selections.  

Location pay is additional compensation paid to an employee whose principal place of employment or official station is located in New York City or the counties of Nassau, Rockland, Suffolk or Westchester.

A UUP term appointment is for a specified period of time, and as such must have an end date. The types of appointments for employees are outlined in The State University of New York Policies of the Board of Trustees - Article XI - Appointment of Employees.

You will receive a parking permit and ID from University Police after the completion of your I-9.  You can park in any Staff lot with yellow lines. 

There is a 28 day waiting period for benefits eligible employees. 

You must elect or decline coverage within the first 30 days or be subject to a 5 pay period waiting period (approx. 10 weeks).

Human Resources

Whitman Hall, Room 260

Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:45pm
Summer Hours 8:30am-4:30pm

For Benefits questions/information, email

For Payroll questions, email

For Student Payroll questions, email

Last Modified 1/23/25