Medical Laboratory Science

Bachelor of Science Degree

The BS program in Medical Laboratory Science prepares graduates for a wide range of positions in the clinical laboratory profession. The curriculum includes development of the theoretical knowledge, technical skills, and problem-solving abilities necessary for entry into practice at the technologist level. While enrolled in the program, students experience a supportive learning environment in the Medical Laboratory Science campus laboratories, where the theoretical background introduced during lecture sessions is linked to clinical laboratory practice through the development of technical proficiency. The educational experience includes clinical internships at local affiliated clinical laboratories in which the students are prepared for the transition into the clinical laboratory workplace.

The BS in Medical Laboratory Science is specifically designed to meet the educational requirements for licensure as a Clinical Laboratory Technologist in New York State. As a result, graduates of the program will have the educational background that prepares them for the NYS licensure examination and will be eligible to apply for NYS licensure, a necessity to work in a clinical laboratory in New York State. The BS in Medical Laboratory Science is also designed to meet the accreditation standards outlined by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS). Accreditation of the BS program was awarded in 2013 so that graduates of the program are eligible to take the national certification examination offered by the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification (ASCP-BOC). Passing of this certification examination designates the graduate as MLS (ASCP). Traditionally, both program accreditation and graduate certification eligibility have been necessary components of programs in clinical laboratory science, and the achievement of certification is often a requirement for employment within the field throughout the United States.

All matriculated students must provide evidence of appropriate immunizations, as well as titers for measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and Hepatitis B. It is strongly recommended that students who test negative for Hepatitis B receive the appropriate vaccine. A Mantoux test for tuberculosis is required on a yearly basis during program enrollment. Each student is also required to participate in a liability insurance policy provided by the college which will afford malpractice coverage during the time enrolled in the MLS curriculum. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the clinical sites.  A laboratory fee that covers a lab coat, personal protective equipment, and other general supplies for use during laboratory sessions will be collected from students enrolled in all laboratory courses offered in the MLS department.

Students enrolled in the MLS program will have the opportunity to participate in the MLS Club on campus.

Please refer to the Safety and Technical Standards in the front section of the College catalog.

Typical Employment Opportunities

Graduates may obtain employment as medical laboratory scientists/clinical laboratory technologists in hospitals, private clinical laboratories, physician office laboratories, research and industry laboratories, and in the sales, development and technical support of clinical laboratory equipment and supplies.

Medical Laboratory Science (BS) Program Outcomes:

  • Graduates will be prepared with the knowledge and technical skills to obtain a NYS license and national certification at the technologist level of practice.
  • Graduates will be proficient in performing the full range of clinical laboratory tests in areas such as hematology, clinical chemistry, immunohematology, microbiology, serology/immunology, coagulation, molecular, and other emerging diagnostics.
  • Graduates will be prepared to play a role in the development and evaluation of test systems and interpretive algorithms.
  • Graduates will have diverse responsibilities in areas of analysis and clinical decision-making, regulatory compliance with applicable regulations, education, and quality assurance/performance improvement wherever laboratory testing is researched, developed or performed
  • Graduates will possess basic knowledge, skills, and relevant experiences in: Communications to enable consultative interactions with members of the healthcare team, external relations, customer service and patient education; Financial, operations, marketing, and human resource management of the clinical laboratory to enable cost-effective, high-quality, value-added laboratory services; Information management to enable effective, timely, accurate, and cost-effective reporting of laboratory-generated information, and; Research design/practice sufficient to evaluate published studies as an informed consumer.

This program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS), 5600 N. River Road, Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018-5119,

NYS Mandatory Licensure Disclosure Statement

Admission to Farmingdale State College - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Contact Information

Medical Laboratory Science

Dr. Susan Conforti
Gleeson Hall, Room 244
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

Fall 2024

Subject to revision

College Requirement (1 credit)
FYE 101 First Year Experience* 1

Liberal Arts and Sciences (64 credits)
EGL 101 Composition I: College Writing (GE) 3
EGL 102 Composition II: Writing About Literature 3
BIO 130 Principles of Biology (GE) 4
BIO 166 Principles of Human Anatomy & Physiology (GE) 4
BIO 348/349 Cell Biology with Laboratory 4
BIO 441 Molecular Biology 5
CHM 152 General Chemistry I 4
CHM 153 General Chemistry II 4
CHM 260 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry 4
CHM 380 Biochemistry 4
MTH 110 Statistics (GE) 3
MTH 117 Precalculus with Applications 4
US History and Civic Engagement/World History and Global Awareness(GE) 3
Social Sciences (GE) 3
The Arts (GE) 3
Communication- Written and Oral (GE) 3
World Languages (GE) 3
Humanities (GE) 3
Required: Medical Laboratory Science (58 credits)
MLS 105 Medical Laboratory Techniques 2
MLS 227 Immunology and Serology 4
MLS 236 Histological Techniques*** 1
MLS 320 Hematology I 4
MLS 325W Laboratory Management & Informatics 3
MLS 330 Immunohematology I 4
MLS 340 Clinical Chemistry I 4
MLS 350 Clinical Microbiology I 4
MLS 351 Clinical Microbiology II 4
MLS 420 Hematology II 4
MLS 421 Molecular Pathology 3
MLS 425 Laboratory Research & Education 3
MLS 430 Immunohematology II 3
MLS 440 Clinical Chemistry II 2
MLS 450 Clinical Microbiology III 3
MLS 460L Medical Laboratory Science Capstone** 1
MLS 483 Practicum in Molecular Pathology*** 1
MLS 491 Immunohematology Practicum*** 2
MLS 492 Clinical Chemistry & Serology Practicum*** 2
MLS 493 Hematology & Urinalysis Practicum*** 2
MLS 494 Microbiology Practicum*** 2
Total Credits: 122-123

The grade of “C” or better is required in all courses designated “MLS” as well as all science and math courses.

Curriculum Summary

*FYE 101 First Year Experience is required for all first time full time students

**MLS 460 MLS Capstone must be completed in residence at Farmingdale State College

***Courses for which there is no prior learning credit:
MLS 230 Histology Practicum
MLS 483 Molecular Practicum
MLS 491 Immunohematology Practicum
MLS 492 Chemistry Practicum
MLS 493 Hematology Practicum
MLS 494 Clinical Microbiology Practicum

Degree Type: BS
Total Required Credits: 126-127

Please refer to the General Education, Applied Learning, and Writing Intensive requirement sections of the College Catalog and consult with your advisor to ensure that graduation requirements are satisfied.

As a part of the SUNY General Education Framework, all first-time full time Freshman at Farmingdale State College (FSC) beginning Fall 2023, are required to develop knowledge and skills in Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DEISJ). Students will be able to fulfill this requirement at FSC by taking a specially designated DEISJ course that has been developed by faculty and approved by the DEISJ Review Board. DEISJ-approved courses may meet other General Education Knowledge and Skills areas and/or core competencies and thus be dually designated. DEISJ-approved courses may also earn other special designations such as those for Applied Learning or Writing Intensive.

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Last Modified 1/21/25