Business Internship Program FAQ's

My uncle owns a small accounting firm, would I be able to intern there?

No. Family-owned businesses are not accepted. It is a conflict of interest for students to work at a business owned by a family member or close acquaintance.

Can I use my current job as an internship for college credit?

If the company you work for has an internship/training program, you may apply for it in addition to your current job position; however, the purpose of an internship is to gain a practical learning experience in a specified field of interest and to try something new. 

Do I have to be enrolled in a School of Business degree program to take the business internship course?

Yes. Our internship coordinator is happy to help all students enrolled in a School of Business degree program.

How will I travel to my internship?

The college does not provide transportation. It is each student’s responsibility to arrange transportation to and from their internship to ensure they meet their hourly required commitment. 

Can I get credit for an internship I had last summer?

No. An internship cannot be used for academic credit without prior approval by the internship coordinator and enrollment in the internship class. Advanced planning is required, so please visit the School of Business internship office.

Can I find an internship on my own? 

Yes, you can; however, all internships must be approved by the internship coordinator prior to the start of the internship.

I tried to register for the Business Internship course online but couldn't, why?

You cannot register for the internship class online. You must first visit the internship coordinator, submit required documents, and receive approval. If it is approved and you are hired for the internship, then you have to visit the internship office again to complete the registration process.

Do I have to know exactly what I want to do in the business field?

No. This is an opportunity to explore and experience different career tracks to figure out what you enjoy. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by options, start by excluding areas of lesser interest, then reflect back on which classes you enjoyed most. If you are still having trouble deciding which direction to go in, please feel free to contact the internship coordinator. 

How do I prepare for an internship?

Plan ahead. Before planning your course schedule, consider which semester would be best for you to intern. You should also meet with the internship coordinator to discuss your interests and deadlines and review your resume and cover letter.

How much time does an internship involve?

You must work a minimum of 100 hours at your internship to fulfill the class requirement. Depending on the internship start date, it will be around 8 to 15 hours per week; however, this also depends on the employer. Internship employers are usually flexible, so discuss hourly expectations with them beforehand. You will also need to set aside time to complete your internship class assignments.

How do I get started?

Make an appointment with the internship coordinator. They will explain the process and help you get started.

Do I have to work when the campus is closed?

Students are not required to work when campus is closed unless requested by their employer, but completing internship hours during this free time may be beneficial to you. Be sure to discuss campus breaks and scheduling with your employer at the start of your internship.

When does the internship end?

Interns must complete their required hours by the end of the semester.

Please feel free to contact Lisa Lubrano lubranlp@farmingdale.eduif you need further instruction.

Business Management Department

School of Business Building, Room 329
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm


Dr. Nanda Viswanathan
Chair/Assistant Dean


Paul Ulrich
Administrative Assistant 1


Patricia Visgauss
Office Assistant 1

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Last Modified 1/21/25