Farmingdale State College's Accounts Payable office is responsible for the payment of all purchases of goods and services requested by the various departments on campus, with the exception of those purchases made through the Auxiliary Services Corporation and the Farmingdale College Foundation. Merchandise and services are ordered through the Purchasing department, which prepares a purchase order and forwards a copy of this order to the requisitioning department.
Accounts Payable must have an original invoice signed and dated by the department that the goods have been received in good order, the quantity is correct on the invoice, the goods are in good condition and with a clear description of the goods.
For services, the end user needs to verify that quality of the services were performed in a timely manner, and according to specifications indicated on the invoice or other documentation.
The vendor invoice should provide the description, price, and quantity of goods, property or service delivered or rendered and be supported by other substantiating documentation that the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) and the College may reasonably require.
Until the invoice is received with all the correct information, the Accounts Payable Department cannot pay the vendor. Invoices will be returned if the above are not all met. Until the invoice is received with all the correct information, the Accounts Payable Department cannot pay the vendor.
After the receipt of the merchandise or service, the AP office has only 30 days to pay the vendor before interest starts to accrue. It should be noted that no New York State tax will be paid. A tax exempt form can be obtained from Accounts Payable or the Purchasing department.
It can take from 10 days or more for payment to be issued after the College has submitted the voucher to Audit and Control.
Accounts Payable
Whitman Hall, Room 268
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
RoseAnn Byron
Accounts Payable Manager
Michael D'Amico
Accounts Payable Associate
Kristina Nahas
Accounts Payable Assistant
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